Smoke Break



  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    People here take half hour smoke breaks 4 or 5 times a day. It's very annoying. Specially when a whole department goes together.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Instead of being a total B$#@ to these strangers why don't you take the issue up with your supervisor and try to do something about it insteadof complaining to us, this obviously gets your panties in a bunch. Since you don't give a crap about anyones feelings here anyway.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    OMG! I just flipped out about this issue yesterday to my boss!

    We are a four person department with boss included. The boss and I don't smoke, but the other two do. They go out together every flipping hour for at least 20 minutes, while I'm left holding down the fort!

    Needless to say (after my very bad day yesterday) that when I told my boss I'm going to sit in the break room for 20 minutes every hour along with the hour lunches we get here, yes that's right 3-4 butt breaks AND an hour lunch, she finally put a stop to it.

    I'm waiting for one of them to actually say soemthing to me. Not sure how I'm going to handle it! This should be fun.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    They don't let us medicinal marijuana smokers have breaks either!

    I KNOW RIGHT!!!!
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    They should be forced to clock out!
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    It F**kin stinks!!!!!!! I just tweeted about this yesterday, have the whole floor smelling like smokers delight, I hate cigarettes and black n milds!
  • youthmin97
    youthmin97 Posts: 3 Member

    I used to work at a job that had the same problem until.....I started taking 15 minute "Pepsi breaks" because I am addicted to caffeine. I told my boss that I think Human Resources would have a problem with discriminating against addictions.

    Rule went out 1 week later: No more ciggy breaks unless you were clocked off.

    The backlash sucked...Nothing I couldn't handle but the looks weren't pretty. Lucky for me, I'm used to people hating me

    ****You are TOO MUCH!!! Read your post and just shook my head...I bet you could be a supervisor's nightmare!! LOL Gotta love the way you work it!
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Instead of being a total B$#@ to these strangers why don't you take the issue up with your supervisor and try to do something about it insteadof complaining to us, this obviously gets your panties in a bunch. Since you don't give a crap about anyones feelings here anyway.

    hahahaha!! i knew there'd be a grouch havin a bad day today :) gracias mi amor!! someone feelin a lil guilty?? hhehehee
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.

    oh my bad,i didn't mean to say that emmaldownie was the one and only one who did this.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    P.S.#2 though I don't mean to offend anyone, because frankly, i don't know any of you... I already know this is going to piss people off, just because there are some people who just can't have a normal read without getting their little panties in a bunch, or needing to find something negative to say or getting their feelings hurt because for some reason they think i am talking about them in particular.... but i said it anyway because i need to vent to strangers because i really don't give a crap about your feelings.:heart:
    Post reported because you hurt my feelings. I am going to go listen to some Barry Mantilow to make myself feel better.
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.

    oh my bad,i didn't mean to say that emmaldownie was the one and only one who did this.

    Wow you're a *****... maybe you need a cigarette break.....
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.

    oh my bad,i didn't mean to say that emmaldownie was the one and only one who did this.

    Wow you're a *****... maybe you need a cigarette break.....

    meowww!! i wasnt trying to be mean but whateva...

    obviously you're the bia for being able to call a complete stranger a b***.. hahah but it goes real cute with your red lipstick.. :)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.
    Not all the same...but there are a reason generalizations are generalizations. I see the same thing where I work.
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.

    oh my bad,i didn't mean to say that emmaldownie was the one and only one who did this.

    Wow you're a *****... maybe you need a cigarette break.....

    meowww!! i wasnt trying to be mean but whateva...

    Hunny be mean all you want, people like you don't phase me one little bit!

    Perhaps a little bit of maturity from you would go down well.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.

    oh my bad,i didn't mean to say that emmaldownie was the one and only one who did this.

    Wow you're a *****... maybe you need a cigarette break.....

    meowww!! i wasnt trying to be mean but whateva...

    Hunny be mean all you want, people like you don't phase me one little bit!

    Perhaps a little bit of maturity from you would go down well.

    oh you're still typing?? why are you so obsessed with me?? hahaha so glad i have such an impact on someone! muah!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    FYI we're not all like that!

    I dont take breaks at all apart from my lunch break! I smoke 1 cigarette in my 8 hour 15 minute day.

    Don't tar us all with the same brush.

    oh my bad,i didn't mean to say that emmaldownie was the one and only one who did this.

    Wow you're a *****... maybe you need a cigarette break.....

    meowww!! i wasnt trying to be mean but whateva...

    obviously you're the bia for being able to call a complete stranger a b***.. hahah but it goes real cute with your red lipstick.. :)

    Hunny be mean all you want, people like you don't phase me one little bit!

    Perhaps a little bit of maturity from you would go down well.

    oh and umm... i said i WAS NOT trying to be mean.... W-A-S N-O-T..................................................... but okee
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm a smoker, but I'm the only one in my office that I don't smoke at work. That's easier for me to do than most, but that's because I'm not a heavy smoker. I have about 6 a day, and not during work time.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I used to smoke (quit 05/22/09). I would take two 7 minute breaks every morning and every afternoon. It took me 1 minute to get outside (and back) and 5 to smoke a cigarette. The total was 15 minutes or less. Our P&P stipulates that everyone gets a 15 minute break morning and afternoon.

    Still, the people complained. No one stopped them from taking a break, they just usually didn't take it.

    Now that I no longer smoke, I sometimes still go stand outside with my smoker friends. Or I'll go sit in my car and rest my eyes (with cell phone alarm). Or walk the perimeter of the parking lot. But I don't begrudge them their smoke breaks, cuz i can have breaks too.

    Now, if the company didn't allow breaks, but smokers took them anyway (without getting in trouble), I'd be more than a little pissed. And some people will always push the limits and take advantage of whatever they can. We sometimes had people go 2-3 times every morning and afternoon for 30 minutes at a time...sheesh. Don't you have work to do??
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I used to smoke (quit 05/22/09). I would take two 7 minute breaks every morning and every afternoon. It took me 1 minute to get outside (and back) and 5 to smoke a cigarette. The total was 15 minutes or less. Our P&P stipulates that everyone gets a 15 minute break morning and afternoon.

    Still, the people complained. No one stopped them from taking a break, they just usually didn't take it.

    Now that I no longer smoke, I sometimes still go stand outside with my smoker friends. Or I'll go sit in my car and rest my eyes (with cell phone alarm). Or walk the perimeter of the parking lot. But I don't begrudge them their smoke breaks, cuz i can have breaks too.

    Now, if the company didn't allow breaks, but smokers took them anyway (without getting in trouble), I'd be more than a little pissed. And some people will always push the limits and take advantage of whatever they can. We sometimes had people go 2-3 times every morning and afternoon for 30 minutes at a time...sheesh. Don't you have work to do??

    now if they offered us breaks, i wouldnt be worried about whatver everyone else did.. that doesnt even make sense!!