A little bit of motivation and support!

Hey there,
I am sure that other people who have posted here and there have said this before, but you can get through this, and you know why? Because we are here for you cheering you on all the way till you reach your goal, and we will still be here for you if you need the support to maintain it. Because we understand that it can be difficult at times, and stressful to the point where you just want to give up. But with the right state of mine it can, and will ;) be achieved!
So what is the biggest reason for you wanting to get into shape? Keep it in mind! Let it be the main factor of all this work. And make sure you keep your own well-being in mind as well. Because you need to watch out for yourself, make sure you car comfortable with everything, and don't push too hard, just slowly progress forward. Remember it is the tortuous that wins the race not the hare (and by that I mean going at your own pace will allow you to stress less and you might be able to achieve more. Don't do barely anything everyday, just a moderate amount).
I wish you all the best of luck :)
And I know you can do it !

P.S; (my Status on my page) "I feel that for us to reach our goals, we need to support each other, because with the support of others, we can move into our futures more positively and productively! So lets move forward in this world together :)"
Yes they are my words, and I would like to state that I am here to provide you support, as well as receive your support at the same time, so send me a friends request or get into contact with me :) and we can work through the good and hard times together (:
