Protein? Eating 6-8 times a day?

I think my question goes here... but if there's a more appropriate place for it, then please let me know and I'll move it to the appropriate spot.

I meet with a personal trainer on Monday and we talked briefly about nutrition. I'm uncertain about two of his suggestions. First he suggested that I eat 6-8 times a day rather than the 3 meals and a snack that I've been eating. He also suggested that I should be eating 1g of protein per pound of my lean body weight. According to my total weight and body fat percentage, he calculates that I have about 110 lb of lean weight. So, he says I should be eating about 110g of protein a day.

My concerns are that it seems that eating 6-8 times a day may provide more calories than I need and may encourage me to overeat and that 110g of protein is far more than I need (especially since I'm only doing light to moderate strength training).


  • I think my question goes here... but if there's a more appropriate place for it, then please let me know and I'll move it to the appropriate spot.

    I meet with a personal trainer on Monday and we talked briefly about nutrition. I'm uncertain about two of his suggestions. First he suggested that I eat 6-8 times a day rather than the 3 meals and a snack that I've been eating. He also suggested that I should be eating 1g of protein per pound of my lean body weight. According to my total weight and body fat percentage, he calculates that I have about 110 lb of lean weight. So, he says I should be eating about 110g of protein a day.

    My concerns are that it seems that eating 6-8 times a day may provide more calories than I need and may encourage me to overeat and that 110g of protein is far more than I need (especially since I'm only doing light to moderate strength training).

    In regards to protein needs, this is a very informative link to calculate.

    In regards to the second topic, meal timing and frequency are irrelevant to weight loss. There are no metabolic advantages to eating 6 meals a day vs. 3 meals a day. Eat when it is convenient for you. Meal frequency, timing, and size should be based on personal preference.
  • titatoots
    titatoots Posts: 3
    Juz to share on tne 2nd point, te gym down my office also recommends eating more frequently ie 6 times a day in smaller portions rather than 3 main meals. I've seen the difference in some colleagues who practise it. I go to a diff gym & my trainer's recommendation differs, but I saw results too hence I'd suggest u give it a shot and see what works for u. Good luck!
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    I do not have a trainer and I have been on my journey for almost 4 months and lost 38 pounds. I have changed things throughout these 4 months and I currently eat 5 small meals a day and I eat about 100 grams of lean protein give or take 10 grams depending on the day. I don't find it hard to eat that much protein since I am on a low carb diet so I eat lots of veggies and lean protein (chicken, fish, turkey & ground turkey). I had hit a plateau one month ago when I started eating like this and it has helped me speed up my weight loss:-)
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    The real advantage to eating more frequently is that you can feel less hungry throughout the day so that when you do eat you can control your portions more and not over eat.

    I personally try to eat small portions about 5 - 7 times a day.

    But like somebody else said it pretty much comes down to personal preference.
  • allaboutty
    allaboutty Posts: 13
    I was told the same thing by trainers at my gym as well as a dietician. I've upped my protein, which has caused my calories to increase, which totally sucks. I lost 11 lbs and now I've been sitting at that for three weeks (no gain or loss) and I think it's because I've gotten on track with the protein thing (Greek yogurt, more chicken, protein with snacks, etc). It's rather frustrating....but I keep doing it anyway. Good luck. I hope it works for you!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Well, there are SOME advantages to more frequent, smaller meals...only in that after a certain calorie limit (which varies from person to person, but let's say between 400-800), your body will just convert the extra to fat because it exceeds what is useable at the time.

    So if you are eating three big meals, like 800-1000 calories each (which I'm guessing you aren't, since you're on this site), then switching to the six small meals would be better. For some people who tend to eat two tiny meals and a huge dinner, that's why they see weight loss when they switch to six smaller meals.

    If you are spreading out your calories more or less evenly and eating what MFP (or another site or a dcotor) has calculated as the right amount of total calories per day for your height/weight, then you should be fine, whether it's three meals or six or ten.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I am less hungry when I eat 6 times a day. Reason? My blood sugar doesn't spike and crash as much. So it does help me lose weight.

    As for protein? I eat it with every meal and try to get 100 grams a day. It depends how much strength training you're doing as well.
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    Eating several times a day helps your body avoid insulin spikes due to having depleted all of the glucose in your system, and waiting for a meal. If you are working out regularly, and adding weight training, your body will consume more calories (obviously). In order to avoid fatigue and reduce the natural tendency for your body to start breaking down your newly gained muscle, you should eat something every few hours.

    I target 5-6 meals a day (every three hours or as hungry) Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner...and another snack if Im still hungry (or havent met my caloric intake). Agreed it doesnt matter when you eat for weight loss, but by helping your body to burn fat vs. muscle is a much better choice for sustainable weighloss and increasing your metabolism.

    Note on the protien, if you are taking powder (I do in small amounts to compensate for what I dont get in my diet otherwise), make sure you are drinking plenty of water...all that additional protien can be brutal on your kidneys.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Your trainer’s protein recommendation sounds about right if you are exercising regularly and strenuously. As for the 6 to 8 meals, I'm sure your trainer means that eating six small meals instead of three large ones with the sum of all the small meals calories coming in at your daily goal. That is where MFP helps! You can track it as you go through the day. I agree with your trainer. The typical American diet of three large meals a day is very inefficient. The body just can't process that much food efficiently at one time. Breaking your meals up into smaller meals fuels your system all day as you need it rather than storing it as fat to be called on latter. The science is more complicated than this, but this works for a common “man on the street” understanding.
  • Yep. In my personal experience I am much more hungry eating small meals as opposed to two large meals, but that is just personal experience. Recent studies actually show a decrease in hunger by eating larger, more infrequent meals, but again it comes down to personal preference.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I disagree with meal timing and frequency being irrelevant to weight loss. Eating at regular, frequent intervals helps stabilize your blood sugar. Stabilizing your blood sugar will control your hunger and give you more energy. Both these factors are directly related to weight loss efforts.

    I think the reason protein is suggested at meals and snacks is that it is filling and helps to control your appetite. If you do not snack between meals, you run the risk of becoming too hungry and overeating at the next meal. Some people are better at controlling themselves than others.
  • Your trainer’s protein recommendation sounds about right if you are exercising regularly and strenuously. As for the 6 to 8 meals, I'm sure your trainer means that eating six small meals instead of three large ones with the sum of all the small meals calories coming in at your daily goal. That is where MFP helps! You can track it as you go through the day. I agree with your trainer. The typical American diet of three large meals a day is very inefficient. The body just can't process that much food efficiently at one time. Breaking your meals up into smaller meals fuels your system all day as you need it rather than storing it as fat to be called on latter. The science is more complicated than this, but this works for a common “man on the street” understanding.

    Science does not show in any instances that the body will process, store, or oxidize more nutrients by eating smaller, more frequent meals. It is by no meals "inefficient" to eat larger, more infrequent meals.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    There is absolutely no metabolic/fat loss advantage to eating more meals per day. If you prefer to, then go for it. I could never go back to eating more than 1-3 meals per day.
  • My nutritionist also recommended 6 small meals a day because it keeps your blood sugar level stable and keeps your metabolism amped up. You're less likely to overeat due to being famished. But you know what's best for you. I know if I eat 6 meals a day I end up noshing all day long and overeating. To each his own!

    As for the protein, many of my friends have had much success with high protein, but I'm one that believes that balance is key. Make sure you choose an eating lifestyle that you can stick with even after your weight loss. Protein coupled with fiber and complex carbs works best for me. I stay full longer.

    Good luck!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    The first thing I would do is ask your trainer how much of a background he or she has in nutrition. The reason I am pointing this out is because many personal trainers have no background in it, and dietician is the person you should be talking to about nutrition concerns.

    Second, the suggestions aren't harmful ones. You eat all of your calories in one meal a day or all of your calories over 20 eating occasions throughout the day... the simple "formula" to weight loss is your calories burned need to be more than the calories that you take in.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty certain the suggestion is to spread your meals accross the day, not actually eat more calories. Spreading them helps you to get the nutrients you need w/out overeating because of glucose fluctuations. 100g protien is not really that much and you won't go over your calories if you take away from carbs via dropping starches and sugary drinks if you partake of them.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    Someone may have said this, but one reason why they suggested eating more times and smaller meals per day is to keep your metabolism going. When you get to the point when you haven't eaten for a while and are starving your metabolism has slowed down. I have not heard of 6-8 times per day, but have heard of 5 (maybe 6).
  • Someone may have said this, but one reason why they suggested eating more times and smaller meals per day is to keep your metabolism going. When you get to the point when you haven't eaten for a while and are starving your metabolism has slowed down. I have not heard of 6-8 times per day, but have heard of 5 (maybe 6).

    Meal frequency, timing, and size have no effect on metabolic rate. Your metabolism doesn't "slow down" when you don't eat. Some studies have shown around an 8% decline after 60 hours of fasting. I assume you eat more frequently than that.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Your trainer’s protein recommendation sounds about right if you are exercising regularly and strenuously. As for the 6 to 8 meals, I'm sure your trainer means that eating six small meals instead of three large ones with the sum of all the small meals calories coming in at your daily goal. That is where MFP helps! You can track it as you go through the day. I agree with your trainer. The typical American diet of three large meals a day is very inefficient. The body just can't process that much food efficiently at one time. Breaking your meals up into smaller meals fuels your system all day as you need it rather than storing it as fat to be called on latter. The science is more complicated than this, but this works for a common “man on the street” understanding.

    Science does not show in any instances that the body will process, store, or oxidize more nutrients by eating smaller, more frequent meals. It is by no meals "inefficient" to eat larger, more infrequent meals.

    Nutritionist and renowned health and fitness speaker Dr Ann Kulze begs to differ! I listened to her on NPR yesterday, 6/07/11, and virtually everything I wrote came from her. She used protein as an example, stating that the human body can only process 20 to 25 grams at one time so we need our protein intake spread throughout the day so the body can handle it efficiently. She said her own sons are body builders and drink protein drinks with up to 70 grams of protein per drink and she constantly tells them that all over 20 to 25 grams goes straight to fat, but being boys they don't listen! She states that protein spread thru the day will keep us feeling full and allows the body to process it. Eating large meals containing large amounts of protein is inefficient and contributes to obesity and other issues. I have Dr Ann's books and listen to her weekly. She is one of the foremost nutritionist and highly respected medical doctors in the country. I'm going with her advice myself.

  • Nutritionist and renowned health and fitness speaker Dr Ann Kulze begs to differ! I listened to her on NPR yesterday, 6/07/11, and virtually everything I wrote came from her. She used protein as an example, stating that the human body can only process 20 to 25 grams at one time so we need our protein intake spread throughout the day so the body can handle it efficiently. She said her own sons are body builders and drink protein drinks with up to 70 grams of protein per drink and she constantly tells them that all over 20 to 25 grams goes straight to fat, but being boys they don't listen! She states that protein spread thru the day will keep us feeling full and allows the body to process it. Eating large meals containing large amounts of protein is inefficient and contributes to obesity and other issues. I have Dr Ann's books and listen to her weekly. She is one of the foremost nutritionist and highly respected medical doctors in the country. I'm going with her advice myself.

    I'm not sure if you're serious. If you aren't, I laughed, if you are, I'm slightly concerned. Lol.

    Edit: Reason being, I can not think of a time that I've seen more information contained in one post. Again, comical if using sarcasm, concering if you think that it's true.