Am i the only person who despises WATER



  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I find it funny how something that is pure and without taste can be despised but if you pour in crappy chemicals for flavor its A-ok . I drink water because its whats best for your body. My body could care less what it tastes like as long as it's there to replenish what i lost which wasn't pop or beer or wine. Just water.
  • Susanlee178
    I also find it disturbing, to me saying that you hate water is like saying that you hate to breath. To each their own, I'm not going to judge anyone but I would think about why you don't enjoy water before trying to figure out a way to spruce it up. Not enjoying water is primarily a mental block and I'd venture to say that you have some other hang ups on non healthy items in your diet (again no judgement just similar behavior).

    In any case, my view is that water is for hydration, anything else added is indulgence and you need to reprogram yourself to enjoy water for it's hydration benefits. The easiest way to start is just don't drink anything else... eventually your going to be thirsty enough you won't care what you're drinking. Just remember this a game of self discipline.

    All that said, I drink water at room temperature.

    I find it funny how something that is pure and without taste can be despised but if you pour in crappy chemicals for flavor its A-ok . I drink water because its whats best for your body. My body could care less what it tastes like as long as it's there to replenish what i lost which wasn't pop or beer or wine. Just water.

    Gee, self righteous much??
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I don't like water. Especially tap water. So I use Crystal Light or I will drink green tee. I found a recipe online somewhere for green tea that tastes just like Starbucks. I am a Diet Coke addict. So I've made a deal with myself, for every 2 good things I drink I can have a can of Diet Coke. So I'm still drinking it but way less than before. For now that's good enough for me.

    I have made sure that my kids were started on water when they were able to have it. 3 love water. The oldest still doesn't like it but will drink flavored stuff.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    you dont need to drink pure water if you dont like it. You only need to make sure you get enough fluids, so juices, cordials, tea, coffee etc are all absolutely fine sources if you prefer
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I really like Mio water flavors and the propel water flavor packets. It really helps me get my water in.
  • samntim
    samntim Posts: 47 Member
    i absolutely hate water too, regardless of fizzy/flavoured i only drink tea....the only time i force water is when im at the gym x

    Thank goodness I'm not alone! I drink the diet ice tea. At least it's fluid :bigsmile: I'm a bit of a camel, so have never been able to drink much, so something is better than nothing...