about the boobs



  • granneybec
    granneybec Posts: 10
    I think that is about the sweetest thing you could say about your wife. I hope my husband feels the same way about me.
  • racenews
    racenews Posts: 13
    He does. If he doesn't, he doesn't deserve to be your husband. Just remember why you married him if you question it.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Name ONE MAN that's ever refused a woman just cuz of her boobs.

    Right.... end of discussion. ;)

    How about Rock Hudson or Adam Lambert? LOL

    Hahaha fair enough. Lemme amend that to "name ONE HETEROSEXUAL MAN"....
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    From what I understand, men are pretty simple. They don't look at a naked woman and see stretch marks or saggy boobs. They see NAKED WOMAN!!!!!
    Bahahaha....Love this :laugh:
  • angie_pangie
    angie_pangie Posts: 50 Member
    I caught this post out of the corner of my eye as I was going to search the message boards for breast issues. lol

    I have an almost 2 year old son and gained almost 70 lbs during that pregnancy. I lost the 70 lbs but am not happy with the way my body looks now. Stretch marks, saggy belly and saggy boobs. I am 25 years old and hate my body.

    DF and I have been going through a rough patch and one thing that keeps lingering in the back of my mind is, how could I ever been naked in front of anyone else, ever again! I know it sounds weird but what if DF and I break up. I don't think I will ever be comfortable in my body with these things I just can not fix. :(

    A man will love you for you, exactly as you are. If not, you should ask yourself why you're with him. And trust me dear, men love women's curves; big boobs, small boobs, saggy boobs... all of it. They don't have any themselves so they adore them, no matter what. Don't worry about that kind of stuff. If you are HEALTHY and HAPPY, and so is your son, that's all that should matter.

    if i find someone else to love me, i will believe they will love me regardless. however, i will not feel comfortable being naked in front of anyone, whether or not they love me.

    i am healthy and happy and so is my son. i am still self conscious.
  • angie_pangie
    angie_pangie Posts: 50 Member
    Ill be the first to say it. Pushup bras are false advertising. I take one off and they drop and swing....I run as fast as humanly possible after I finish what I came for!!!!

  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    girl that is the truth no one else is gonna see them im shocked that i just realized yesterday only abbout 3/4 of my boobs now feel my bra i was like wth is going on they are shrinking and loosing their perk lol my husband was like well u wanted to loose fat hahaha not the fat in there oh well victoria;s makes some awesome pushups so its all to the good
  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
    I caught this post out of the corner of my eye as I was going to search the message boards for breast issues. lol

    I have an almost 2 year old son and gained almost 70 lbs during that pregnancy. I lost the 70 lbs but am not happy with the way my body looks now. Stretch marks, saggy belly and saggy boobs. I am 25 years old and hate my body.

    DF and I have been going through a rough patch and one thing that keeps lingering in the back of my mind is, how could I ever been naked in front of anyone else, ever again! I know it sounds weird but what if DF and I break up. I don't think I will ever be comfortable in my body with these things I just can not fix. :(

    This is how i felt after my babydaddie break up, i was like well he knew it was cus of babies so i can say "you did this to me" LOL, but forward 6 years later and my new man thinks i'm hot saggy boobs, pouch and all....

    Now if I can lose some wait and show him how much "hotter" i can be.....
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    My saying is, and will be " I rather have a padded bra than a padded body ;) "
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I just measured myself yesterday and guess where the inches are going down?:cry:

    2 inches down in the boobs BUT 3 in the waist and 1 inch everywhere else! :happy:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    My wife and I have a very old and dear friend. For decades she joked that she was the founder of the 'itty bitty titty committee'. For all of us, it was a running joke for decades. Then she felt a lump in one of her breasts. Within a week, she was in surgery, and had to have both removed to try and save her life.

    For a few days, we didn't know if the doctors were successful, until all the preliminary reports came in. After that, she went through a period of tears, asking 'why me?'. My wife and I were with her constantly, whenever we weren't at work.

    Now it's years later, and her attitude is that she is just grateful that she is alive. She still frets a bit when she comes off the beach, feeling that everyone is staring at her. However, with the one-piece that she wears, you can't tell what she has lost. The important thing is that she is alive. My wife and I are grateful that we still have our friend, now that we're all in our mid-fifties.

    Why all this? It should be obvious.

    Be grateful for what you have, big or small, saggy or firm, as long as you're healthy. Thank about what is one of the single biggest killer of women! If you're significant other tells you it doesn't matter the size, firmness, etc., believe them! Respect their opinion. If you don't believe that person, then why did you choose them in the first place? If you respect that person's opinion on other matters, why not this one? If that person supports you, isn't that the biggest issue?

    I respect your right to be unhappy about the issue, and to want to change something about yourself if you do, I just wanted to throw in what I (either right or wrong) feel is a bigger issue. I wish you all the best of luck!

    Now please excuse me while I step down off of my soapbox...

    I have to say my grandmother died of breast cancer so I feel I can speak on this topic. When I wrote this post it was meant to lift the spirits of other ladies with my realization that no one else really sees your boobs except you and your significant other. It was not complaining about what I have or what I would like to change because I wouldn't change them with surgery (not that there is anything wrong with that either) . It was also not about me not believing my significant other when he says he is fine with them. So I am very confused about this post and feel it doesn't really have anything to do with mine. And while I get the point, this was supposed to be a lighthearted post that I feel was slightly dragged down by this post. Of course we appreciate our healthy breasts and would never take that for granted and in the grand scheme of things no it doesn't matter, but we all already know that don't we. it doesn't stop us from wishing we did have perfect bosoms. So please keep this post light it is meant to lift the spirits not make us feel bad by the horror stories of others, this poster might not have meant to but to me came across as trying to make us feel guilty and shallow, we might too have to go through breast cancer someday, I already have with my grandmother.
    No soapbox was necessary here. It's a fun uplifting post.
  • eaber
    eaber Posts: 25
    Name ONE MAN that's ever refused a woman just cuz of her boobs.

    Right.... end of discussion. ;)

    How about Rock Hudson or Adam Lambert? LOL

    Hahaha fair enough. Lemme amend that to "name ONE HETEROSEXUAL MAN"....

    My husband has a very gay uncle who hangs with us alot and let me tell you he gets distracted by my boobs all the time. He may not like girls but he is just as easily distracted by boobs as a staight man lol
  • racenews
    racenews Posts: 13
    emmydoodles83, the point of my contribution was certainly not to bring anyone down; if you re-read it, the entire thread, it appeared that the discussion may have gotten away from the point that you started to talk about. For instance, you'll see that many of the posters are not satisfied for one reason or another of the size, firmness, etc. of what was given to them. My point through the experience that my wife, our friend, and I have is to be happy with what you have, thank your significant other for their support, and to make the appointments at the appropriate times to stay that way. I apologize to you if what I wrote got misconstrued.
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I actually had thought my boobs had shrunk more than they did....I do have major sagging but push up bras help - that's what 9 pregnancies and 5 kids do to ya! Anyway, I hate that I wear two different size clothes...my top and bottom do not match! I have to wear larger size tops to accomodate the boobage and for a swimsuit that sucks! I actually found a bathing suit I liked in my newish size and when I put it on the whole thing from under the boobs down fit nice but the top was squishing me something fierce around my chest : ( I am NOT ready for a bikini!! Ahhh...the life us women lead.....Boobs are a cross we have to bear!!! :laugh:
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    I actually wish mine were smaller. I have huge boobs and they won't fit into cute tops, and the ones they do are super revealing. I want smaller boobs so bad but do not want to have any unnecessary surgeries. My husband loves me for me and not boobs. I think any man who is shallow enough to not love you for you isn't worth your time. We all just have to learn to love our bodies big or small, although it is tough sometimes!

    I feel ya! Mine are G's and it's impossible finding shirts that look appropriate. I will say though mine have shrunk since losing 20 pounds and they sag like an old lady's...depressing if you don't have kids and are only 27!

    I have Gs too. As I lose more weight it is getting harder and harder to find bras. I am at a 34G.. The band size and the cup size don't seem to match up well in the bra market, unless they are really expensive. I'll take it over what I had before losing weight though.[

    When I am at my skinniest I am a 32DDD+ (natural, I WISH I could afford reduction to a "common" size.. I NEVER say "normal" because each person's -normal- is different), and Dillard's is the only American store with pretty bras that fit AND support my size!! (and aren't so bulky so as not to be able to wear under tank tops!!!)

    Right now I am a 34-36DD/DDD (right in between), I actually hope to loose some from my boobs! (I usually don't)

    Victoria's Secret has never had good fitting bras in the right sizes. Now if I was in the UK, I'd be set! lol
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    I actually had thought my boobs had shrunk more than they did....I do have major sagging but push up bras help - that's what 9 pregnancies and 5 kids do to ya! Anyway, I hate that I wear two different size clothes...my top and bottom do not match! I have to wear larger size tops to accomodate the boobage and for a swimsuit that sucks! I actually found a bathing suit I liked in my newish size and when I put it on the whole thing from under the boobs down fit nice but the top was squishing me something fierce around my chest : ( I am NOT ready for a bikini!! Ahhh...the life us women lead.....Boobs are a cross we have to bear!!! :laugh:
    I totally hear you!

    I LOVE separates! 2 pieces that act as one! =) I have to have a "bra" bikini top in order to have lift & support, but my top (to get enough coverage across the "ladies" is usually a L or XL (for enough material) I wear a 4/6 (S) bottom.

    The other thing I do is get a three piece separate set, 2 tops (a bikini top to act as "bra") & a full 'tank' like top to cover the front (to modestly cover abdomen) and then the smaller size bottoms (for correct fit!) Never let me down yet! =D
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    My wife and I have a very old and dear friend. For decades she joked that she was the founder of the 'itty bitty titty committee'. For all of us, it was a running joke for decades. Then she felt a lump in one of her breasts. Within a week, she was in surgery, and had to have both removed to try and save her life.

    For a few days, we didn't know if the doctors were successful, until all the preliminary reports came in. After that, she went through a period of tears, asking 'why me?'. My wife and I were with her constantly, whenever we weren't at work.

    Now it's years later, and her attitude is that she is just grateful that she is alive. She still frets a bit when she comes off the beach, feeling that everyone is staring at her. However, with the one-piece that she wears, you can't tell what she has lost. The important thing is that she is alive. My wife and I are grateful that we still have our friend, now that we're all in our mid-fifties.

    Why all this? It should be obvious.

    Be grateful for what you have, big or small, saggy or firm, as long as you're healthy. Thank about what is one of the single biggest killer of women! If you're significant other tells you it doesn't matter the size, firmness, etc., believe them! Respect their opinion. If you don't believe that person, then why did you choose them in the first place? If you respect that person's opinion on other matters, why not this one? If that person supports you, isn't that the biggest issue?

    I respect your right to be unhappy about the issue, and to want to change something about yourself if you do, I just wanted to throw in what I (either right or wrong) feel is a bigger issue. I wish you all the best of luck!

    Now please excuse me while I step down off of my soapbox...

    I love this.

    A family friend just had a lumpectomy and it really puts things in perspective. :love: She is almost ok! Just needs chemo and radiation but they got the whole lump!!!
  • gloria581
    gloria581 Posts: 50 Member
    I've lost 46 lbs and I am still waiting for my boobs to shrink. I used to wear a 44 (very full)C and now I wear a 42(very full)C. I'd like to go down to a regular C but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I would love to be a regular 38 C again.
  • MeganSWoods
    MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
    I love this.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    emmydoodles83, the point of my contribution was certainly not to bring anyone down; if you re-read it, the entire thread, it appeared that the discussion may have gotten away from the point that you started to talk about. For instance, you'll see that many of the posters are not satisfied for one reason or another of the size, firmness, etc. of what was given to them. My point through the experience that my wife, our friend, and I have is to be happy with what you have, thank your significant other for their support, and to make the appointments at the appropriate times to stay that way. I apologize to you if what I wrote got misconstrued.

    You have got some positive feedback from other posters and that is what I was hoping for through my post as well, So I thank you for your contribution, even if it wasn't what I meant it did and is helping others put things in a better perspective, things get so easily misconstrued through text, so I will say that was my fault. Peace and love and I am glad you still have your friend.
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