How to deal with the haters!?



  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    I have gotten the "too skinny" thing from friends... They really aren't use to seeing me this light... I flex once or twice and then they say "ohhh I had no idea", and they back off. I guess it's different being a guy, but it shouldn't be... I don't try to explain anything to anyone unless they ask though.

    BTW - I'll take one of those shirts when they get printed... I would proudly wear that. lol

    Unfortunately I've had to hear this comment constantly from my mother in law and her friend. Its quite frustrating. I brush it off as envy overall. But the people who make these comments are usually the same person that would go to McDonald's with you and watch you shove down 1500 artery clogging calories. They have nothing to say about that, when really that is abnormal and not the way to treat your body. I highly doubt going to the gym and eating healthy makes me look "sick" or too skinny. Damn hates! Just keep up the good work. You can never please everyone. Oh and the quote. You should market these shirts, I want one!
  • elena99
    elena99 Posts: 14 Member
    That is so funny! sorry... I wish somebody would say to me that I am getting so skinny that I look almost sick! The day it happens would be the happiest day of my life! Especially coming from the in-laws :wink:
    I have a couple of pounds to go before graduating from obese to overweight and every night I go to bed I can only picture the COMPLIMENTS that you have already received! Congratulations :flowerforyou: Time to celebrate!
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    DON'T TAKE MY ADVICE... unless a quiet Christmas is what you want...

    I'd flip them the bird.

    Seriously, I agree with others. If your husband and doctor don't have a problem with your current weight and losing more; ignore the haters. Haters are going to hate and we can't stop them. I was at a wedding this weekend and someone noticed my weight loss and asked how I did it. After I said with diet and exercise they replied "oh the hard way, ewwww". It wasn't worth the time to try and explain what was wrong with her statement.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    DON'T TAKE MY ADVICE... unless a quiet Christmas is what you want...

    I'd flip them the bird.

    Seriously, I agree with others. If your husband and doctor don't have a problem with your current weight and losing more; ignore the haters. Haters are going to hate and we can't stop them. I was at a wedding this weekend and someone noticed my weight loss and asked how I did it. After I said with diet and exercise they replied "oh the hard way, ewwww". It wasn't worth the time to try and explain what was wrong with her statement.

    Woohoo, I want a quiet Christmas! :)
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    My cousin said that to me recently; he's the same cousin that used to call me Jolly Green Elephant. So I brushed it off :laugh:

    They aren't used to seeing you so sexy....give them time to adjust. :blushing:
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Oh Honey I have been there. My weight had yo yoed every where. When I put on weight someone thought I was pregnant, and when I was losing it (before putting some back on again) someone at work approached me talking to me about a therapy group for anorexia.Because some fool said they knew for a fact that I was starving myself when I wasn't
    It sounds like it's just jealousy to me. You will be fine, just ignore them and go on doing your own thing.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    First, were these same people as concerned when you were packing the weight on? Did they feel the need to take you aside and tell you they were concerned about you being over weight? If not then I also think it's just jealousy. I agree with others that have posted. Just tell them/her thank you for your concern Ive talked with my doctor, I'm healthy and I have this under control. No one can make you eat or be any certain way. You are in control :) Keep working at it and don't let others discourage you <3 You're doing amazing. :)
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    I'm having shirts made that say: I'm not too skinny - you're just fat
    I'm going to be making a TON of friends at the gym. LOL
    But it's for the people who feel the need to comment on my weight, when I would never dream of telling them that they need to lose a few pounds.
    Passive agressive is the way I go.

    (and I'm not joking - I should have the shirts later this week.....)

    OMG that is GREAT!!!! LMAO! You are very brave to wear that around...Kudos to you! =)

    That's hilarious!! I couldn't do it either, but props for sure!! :)