Weight Watchers points



  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I dont know the PPV system very well...I just go to their website and key in what I had to eat on any given day and e-tools figures my PPV for me. EXACTLY like MFP. There is a chart of foods in a pocket guide that you can look it up manually. They encourage "POWER FOODS" which are: fruits, veggies, whole grains, non-fat dairy, and lean proteins. Look up this cuz they go by it as well: http://www.choosemyplate.gov

    Hope this helps.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    i have a quick question i've been trying to do WW without actually signing up and i'm so confused on my points. I am nursing at least 5-6 times a day and about 2 -3 times a night could you help me figure out my points?

    maybe this will help: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/
  • RobinLoren
    The amount of points you can eat depends on your height and weight. On the points plus system, you need the calculator to calculate the points for each food. The points are constructed by inputing the fat, carbs, fiber, and protein. The premise is that the more fiber and protein you eat, the fuller you will feel. Therefore, you will not eat as much. The reason fruits and some veggies are 0 points is because they want to encourage you to be healthy and get all of your nutrients vs feeling like you need to limit these items. I lost 20 pounds with this program in a little over one and a half months and never felt hungry. The more you lose, the lower your daily points go so without calculating your points you will not know where you stand.
  • shipwreck3
    I never used points plus but I followed the flex momentum as well. My first few weeks I did well but after awhile I stalled. I found it easier to paper journal with it that I do plugging my food into mfp but the results at myfitnesspal have been tremendous. I found when following both that I had way too many points in my day. I begin to think perhaps WW was trying to make it so you had to continue paying for their program.. I dunno. All I know is that both programs work but my result here seem to be greater.
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    I joined WW June 2008, lost 46# by June 2009 and made lifetime in July 2009. I now use MPF because my financial standing changed drastically when my DH passed away January 2010 but I still adhere to the WW plan. I let life's trials get the better of me and being an emotional eater I gained 25# back over the next 1 yr. It does work just like MFP works - if you work it. I don't think you can understand the plan unless you join, or have access to ALL of the material. I had calculations that had the points to equal 35 - 45 calories each and when it was the Momentum Plan I was at the lowest number of points @ 18 per day + 35 weekly. With the 2011 PointsPlus changes I went to 29 daily + 45 weekly but many of the foods points values changed also. I dropped out before the newest plan came into effect.

    I learned many things while on WW and if I could afford it I would continue to be a paying member. My goal right now is to get back to my WW Lifetime Goal Weight, maintain it and then the eTools will be free if I attend meetings & officially weigh in - another of their newest changes. Nothing is easy and you have to work to lose weight. It didn't go on over night and it won't come off overnight.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I joined WW June 2008, lost 46# by June 2009 and made lifetime in July 2009. I now use MPF because my financial standing changed drastically when my DH passed away January 2010 but I still adhere to the WW plan. I let life's trials get the better of me and being an emotional eater I gained 25# back over the next 1 yr. It does work just like MFP works - if you work it. I don't think you can understand the plan unless you join, or have access to ALL of the material. I had calculations that had the points to equal 35 - 45 calories each and when it was the Momentum Plan I was at the lowest number of points @ 18 per day + 35 weekly. With the 2011 PointsPlus changes I went to 29 daily + 45 weekly but many of the foods points values changed also. I dropped out before the newest plan came into effect.

    I learned many things while on WW and if I could afford it I would continue to be a paying member. My goal right now is to get back to my WW Lifetime Goal Weight, maintain it and then the eTools will be free if I attend meetings & officially weigh in - another of their newest changes. Nothing is easy and you have to work to lose weight. It didn't go on over night and it won't come off overnight.

    I love that you are wanting to get back to your "LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP"...WW members think very highly of them. I think highly of lifetimers. They have wonderful success stories and they encourage me to stay OP. Right now my daily points plus target is 42 and my weekly is 49. I am trying a new system called the Simply Filling Technique (SFT) where you only eat power foods and do not track at all. Thats why Im using MFP. I dont want to depend solely on WW without tracking my food and activity. Also, Im not doing well at power foods ONLY. Im gradually going to convert to MFP cuz its free. Who knows I might become a lifetimer myself. Time will tell, Im going to wait and see.

    One more thing, Im going to have the Duodenal Switch in 2012 to help me and force me to have better portion control. Many people who have had bariatric surgery, say they dont regret having the surgery. Many people say its helped them get over that bump that keeps them from loosing weight. I need just that help to get over the hump. I am loosing just fine. I have talked to my psychologist, my PCP, cardiologist, many family members, and of course WW and MFP buddies about the procedure. They are all encouraging me like mad. We will see how it goes, only time will tell. Im going to wait and see about this as well.