Am I the only one who feels this way?

JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
So, here I am, a big fluffy girl trying to lose weight with the support of my wonderful man. And I've started the C25K and today will be my d2w1 and I had a hard time with the first day. Not a horribly hard time but it was very apparent how out of shape I really am :laugh: So, as moral support my boyfriend would like to come along for the run with me. And he has his reasons, quit smoking, started a new job which calls for alot less movement than he's used to so he's getting a bit of a belly. I know he really wants to come for moral support, and I appreciate it but here's the thing... I'm fat :laugh: and it's hard for me, I have a hard time excercising in front of him. And I know he loves me for who I am, and he thinks I'm beautiful no matter what, but I have a hard time with the idea of him coming along. I know they are my own demons to deal with, but am I the only one who feels this way?


  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I'm the same way. I only exercise if my husband isn't around. lol!
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I don't like for my husband to exercise with me, either. He's in relatively good shape and I am soooo not. It is discouraging when he can push longer than I can.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    You are not the only one. I refuse to exercise in front of SO when he's in town - he's allowed to watch me do a few yoga postures because I don't suck at it. Anything else, nope.
  • I prefer to exercise alone. I just put my headphones on and ignore the rest of the world.
  • Not at all. My husband is a personal trainer and a group excersize insturcter. He makes me self concious. He looks amazing and everything seems so easy for him and I have neither of those luxuries. It is just easier to do my workout without him
  • I am the same way. Its the main reason I dont join a gym... i dont like people watching me. That includes the kids and husband.
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I am the same way. I will not let my husband be in the same room as me when I'm working out in the house. He's an Army soldier and in great shape! I would feel like a fat cow breathing all heavy while he's not even getting winded! Maybe when I lose a majority of my weight I will feel more comfortable but for now, I exercise behind a locked door!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I Prefer to work out alone, But I enjoy running with my husband, its quiet us time. and It keeps him active. But when we go to the gym together we don't work out together. and I REFUSE to do my videos unless he is gone, lol Its wierd having him there kinda watching me. lol
  • kristenMcP
    kristenMcP Posts: 25 Member
    I love working out with my fiance. We are both overweight and its an automatic high five of encouragement for each other. I'm a runner, he's not, so he rides his bike next to me. We both have our ipods in so its not like we're chit chatting the whole time. But he's there when I need a, "You can totally do this."
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Nope. you are definitely not alone. When I met my boyfriend I was in the worst shape of my life- and he was in the best! I felt really uncomfortable when he asked me to go on hikes and other active things because I didn't want him to see how out of shape I was =/
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I tell my boyfriend how much I weigh but I still won't let him watch me step on the scale! I also used to go to the gym with him, so he has seen me exercise, but I have gained quite a bit of weight since then and I don't let him watch me exercise now! When I use the Wii Fit, I prefer doing it when he is not home lol, I'm sure it will change for us once we become more comfortable in our own bodies, but no, you are NOT alone!!
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I prefer to exercise alone. I just put my headphones on and ignore the rest of the world.

    I'm the same way headphones on and in my own world
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    i dont workout if my hubby is home. I dont mind group excercise at the gym but just not the hubby.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    My Fiance wanted to do the Shred with me, I told him not until I can do it without huffing, puffing and jiggling around!

    I won't even do it when he's home for fear he'll walk in the room and see me.

    I will go hiking wiht him though, it's something we both love to do!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I'm ok with my boyfriend doing the work WITH me or guiding me to help me get my form right. But when he is just hanging out and using the internet while I am grunting and sweating on the other side of the room, that makes me feel awkward and I try to avoid it.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Man's view! Put your focus on yourself and stop worrying who is there or might be watching! Your doing this for you & shouldn't care if anyone is watching or there opinion of how you look or do any exercise. If you do, find the proper technique and go for it....:wink:
    One other comment what better way to bond with your partner then to exercise and build a strong mind and body? Women always saying husband doesn't do enough with you this is your chance, quit worrying about how you look and enjoy the attention. this also provide subject matter when alone!:smile:
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I usally work out while mine is at work on purpose! He usually likes to make comments about my butt(it jiggles) and how much he loves it.... needless to say Im sick of the flabby arsss =) He supports me with all of his heart but I would rather not have an audience =)
  • hello_kitty3
    hello_kitty3 Posts: 98 Member
    No you're not lol and here I thought I was the only one that felt that way! I can't stand for my husband to watch me cause all he does is try to control my workout... "you should be doing this... or doing that" it drives me insane! I do all my workouts while he's at work!
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    I personally don't like anyone with me when I exercise as I get very self-conscious about it so it's not just you. I honestly believe as soon as the weight starts dropping off, fitness levels rise and you start feeling better about yourself you won't mind as much. I now let my boyfriend hang around whilst I do the warm up for my exercises (though he still has to leave during the bulk of it).
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    <Double post>
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