Am I the only one who feels this way?



  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    My husband will just sit there and watch me do the 30 Day Shred and 6 Week 6 Pack DVDs. It used to make me self conscious when I couldn't do half the moves, but now that I can actually get through them most of the time, it doesn't bother me. And it definitely makes me happy that he notices I can do something that I couldn't do a month ago!
  • jessp687
    jessp687 Posts: 27 Member
    my hubby and I excercise togther like two workouts a year Lol, he is in better shape than me and it feels extremely weird/uncomfortable.
  • I know how you ladies feel. BUT having my DH's support has made a world of difference! I know you feel uncomfortable exercising in front of him, but dieting is hard and exercising is hard. Sometimes it goes a lot better and a makes it a little easier to have someone there doing it with you; encouraging you and in some cases, challenging you. My DH works offshore and is gone six weeks at a time, but we still talk or email every day and tell each other how our workouts were or what we ate that day and we have our weigh in day once a week and have little competitions to see who can lose the most in a week. It makes it fun. And when he is home, we work out together, or we go places where we know we're going to get a good walk in. Maybe you could start off simple like just going for walks or something and then work up to working out together when you feel more comfortable?

    I've always struggled with my weight and I've always tried to go it alone. This is the first time I have someone doing it with me, and it's working!

    Good luck!
  • ETA: This posted twice. Sorry!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I've gotten better about this, but it's been difficult! My boyfriend is very lean, and always has been. I signed up for a 10k at the end of this month and told him about it, and he got really excited and asked me to sign him up too.

    It took a lot of effort for me to view it as something fun we can do together instead of an embarassment. But I'm getting there. I may not like that I train daily and he doesn't. I especially don't like that the one time we jogged together, his skinny little butt ran the 7 miles without any training and hardly any sweat (lol).

    But I'm learning to enjoy the time together. It's one more thing that we both love and share.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    So, as moral support my boyfriend would like to come along for the run with me. And he has his reasons, quit smoking, started a new job which calls for alot less movement than he's used to so he's getting a bit of a belly. I know he really wants to come for moral support, and I appreciate it but here's the thing... I'm fat :laugh:
    Here's the thing - he's probably scared of the changes that are happening to his body, and it's easier for him to "offer moral support" than admit that he needs to run too. If he doesn't do something about his increasing weight, he might end up fatter than you.

    So really... He loves you, he has presumably seen / felt your naked body he KNOWS you're fat and he's still with you and he still loves you. Don't let it freak you out. He wants to exercise, do tell him you're feeling embarrassed, but suck it up and let him run with you. My boyfriend's the other side of the atlantic right now, I'd LOVE to be able to share stuff like that with him.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    For me, it depends on the situation!

    I don't like to run beside my husband because his pace is faster than mine, and I feel like I'm holding him back. We go to the track together, though, because then we can run "together" at our own paces. Once I get better at it, I'd like to do some trail jogging with him.

    In taekwondo class, he's been a black belt for many, many years and I'm still working my way up, so I love to have him help me in some situations, but don't like those situations where I feel like I'm holding him back when he's my partner.

    When we swim, he doesn't like to swim in the same lane as me because I'm too fast. :D
  • calamitygk
    calamitygk Posts: 3 Member
    I used to feel the same way... I just toughed it out for a while and now I actually really like having the partner. Remember he loves you so he is a judgement free zone. :) Plus it will help you if he is in better shape cause you will want to push harder.
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    you're not the only one.. the only thing i can get myself to do as far as a workout in front of my bf is going for a walk, or using my elliptical. I wont do my dance arobics, pilates, etc in front of him lol I feel uncomfortable even tho he's the same way, supportive and helpful! And he loves me the way i am now... but yeah lol you're not the only one =) dont feel bad
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I also like to work out alone without my husband. Esp when I'm doing a video or something, I usually make him hide out in the office until I'm done, haha!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Oh dear gawd NO you aren't the only one! I either go to the Y to work out, or wait until he goes to bed to work out at home! This week I started the 30 Day Shred and I told him, look, I'm going to get up earlier in the morning to do this. That's your time to go take a shower and start getting ready for work, b/c I don't want you in there laughing at me.

    Of course he walks past the room yesterday to let the dog out. he stopped and said, Why would you think I would laugh at you, I'm proud of you. :love:

    But to your point, I prefer to be alone, or in a class where I'm somewhat anonymous!
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    No you are not the only one who feels like that, my husband is the same, I am like you though I am afraid he will see the real me and be turned off. So I have said in a nice way, Can I just try on my own for a while and then we could go together. So we take long walks in the evenings instead. for a while anyway.. It is our own demans, but they still feel real. He will understand:)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm the same way. My boyfriend is in better shape than me and he was literally running circles around me on Monday with c25k, but he's also the reason I don't quit running when I want to. He's great motivation.
  • saj96003
    saj96003 Posts: 19
    I think a lot of us are in the same boat. I am no longer married, but I remember how I felt when my ex wanted to watch or go with me. That said, I think we all need to remember that we won't reach our goals without the support and encouragement of other people. If your husband really wants to help, I would advise that you swallow your self consciousness and let him. It is easier to stay motivated when you have someone working out with you. At some point we have to quit hiding and just get out there and do it! I know it is easier said than done, though! I wish you the best of luck :)
  • mandyshell
    mandyshell Posts: 55
    I can totally understand where your coming from. The only time I'm self conscious about working out in front of my husband however is if I do a workout video at home. Like 30 Day Shred or Zumba or something like that. I definately don't want him watching me do that, lol. But if I'm running, or doing weights or anything like that, I love it when he does it along with me. It's more fun to have him there with me.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I was the same way! Did I mention that I especially hate him because his metabolism is so super fast? The man can eat whatever he wants.
    It took me a while to get over run/walks with him. I thought he would leave me in the dusk, he didn't. I thought he wold laugh at how I ran, he didn't. I thought he would never want to run/walk with me again, we just signed up for an 8K together.

    I think the thing to remember is that you both have different reasons for doing the same exercise. Ever wonder what the thinks you're thinking when you're exercising together? Maybe something like "what will she say if I can't breathe because of my years of smoking and I have to slow it down?"

    My other problem was other people watching me. I always thought they would look at me and note all the things I was doing wrong. Hey - I was out there moving, that's better than what most of America is doing.

    BTW - are you liking C25K? I'm on week 4 and it's sooooooo cool to run 3 minutes! You'll get there!
  • I usually don't like to workout with him. He usually likes to make comments and talk and I need to be focused or it makes the workout longer. Now if I am doing a workout video and he is in the room on his laptop or playing with our daughter then I don't care, as long as they don't get in my way.

    When I go out on walks/runs/blading I prefer to not have him there. It is mostly because I know that if I say I am tired he will coddle me and let me stop. I actually have a workout buddy I do this with who tells me to shut my whiny mouth and keeps me moving.
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    So, here I am, a big fluffy girl trying to lose weight with the support of my wonderful man. And I've started the C25K and today will be my d2w1 and I had a hard time with the first day. Not a horribly hard time but it was very apparent how out of shape I really am :laugh: So, as moral support my boyfriend would like to come along for the run with me. And he has his reasons, quit smoking, started a new job which calls for alot less movement than he's used to so he's getting a bit of a belly. I know he really wants to come for moral support, and I appreciate it but here's the thing... I'm fat :laugh: and it's hard for me, I have a hard time excercising in front of him. And I know he loves me for who I am, and he thinks I'm beautiful no matter what, but I have a hard time with the idea of him coming along. I know they are my own demons to deal with, but am I the only one who feels this way?

    Well, I did it and LOVED it!!! :smile: And not only did he come but so did my son :love: it was great. Yeah at first, I was really self aware of everything I did, I mean, this guy is in awesome shape (ex-hockey player, runner) running backwards, peeking back at me but it wasn't to make fun of me or tell me I was doing it wrong or too slow or breathing too heavy :laugh: And when we finished up, he told me he was really proud of me and as nice as it is to be proud of yourself, it's really nice to have your family be proud of you as well. Thanks to everyone for helping me to realize it's okay to be a little crazy!!!
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    I was the same way! Did I mention that I especially hate him because his metabolism is so super fast? The man can eat whatever he wants.
    It took me a while to get over run/walks with him. I thought he would leave me in the dusk, he didn't. I thought he wold laugh at how I ran, he didn't. I thought he would never want to run/walk with me again, we just signed up for an 8K together.

    I think the thing to remember is that you both have different reasons for doing the same exercise. Ever wonder what the thinks you're thinking when you're exercising together? Maybe something like "what will she say if I can't breathe because of my years of smoking and I have to slow it down?"

    My other problem was other people watching me. I always thought they would look at me and note all the things I was doing wrong. Hey - I was out there moving, that's better than what most of America is doing.

    BTW - are you liking C25K? I'm on week 4 and it's sooooooo cool to run 3 minutes! You'll get there!

    I really was in the same boat as you, and I can honestly say I'm better now. I may still be a little self aware on the next run but it got better as time passed last night. And yes, I'm doing the C25K, last night was day 2 week 1 and even then, I found it a little easier than the first night. I'm really excited to get back into shape and I appreciate the words of encouragment. :smile:
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I feel the same way- my boyfriend doesn't work out and yet can just hit the road and jog 2 miles without getting winded...I'm dying by the first 1/2 mile! I've never been a good runner so I'm trying the C25K program too! I still don't want him to work out with me until maybe week 5...
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