I'm very irritated by you "Friend" collectors



  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I agree
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I have Lots of friends, but its mainly because I just cannot decline a friend request, and I get them sometimes daily. I will go through and delete the ones that have not been active for a bit, and I feel bad even doing that!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm guilty of having too many friends. I don't often send requests, but get quite a bit, and it's hard to keep up with everyone. I'm probably more active on the forum than I am on my newsfeed.

    I appreciate the support I get, and hope if I can't give it back to everyone, I can inspire them a little, or at least make them chuckle with my sometimes bizarre status updates.
  • GrampsWooha
    GrampsWooha Posts: 184
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    I agree!!! And another thing that is bothering me, and maybe it shouldn't but it is.....I feel like if you are on MFP and looking for encouragement, motivation, and suggestions....but have your food diary set to "private", how can we do all those things. I also have a hard time congratualting someone who states they are "under calorie goal" for the day but you can't see what they have eaten. yes you are under, but is your goal set to 2000 calories and you hit 1999 and no excercise? And then the following week are asking for guidance on why the scale isn't moving? I don't look at all my friends food diaries daily, but I like the option (for ideas). Am I wrong?? I am contemplating dropping those friends, but feel bad.....but I am an open book and as far as I can see, no one is on this site to judge......that is what Facebook and Twitter are for, LOL!
    i agree with this completely.
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    yup me too. I don't expect a comment from everyone every single day but I am here for the support..I give it so its nice to get it back :)
    I totally agree!!! I'm thinking about deleting a cpl ppl off my list :)
  • AngieAng74
    I wasn't even aware that there were friend collectors on here...what is the point in that?? I do feel that it makes it more difficult for some of us who are new and who are genuinely trying to meet other people in and around our cities for support and help through the weight loss....oh well...life goes on
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I'm guilty of having too many friends. I don't often send requests, but get quite a bit, and it's hard to keep up with everyone. I'm probably more active on the forum than I am on my newsfeed.

    I appreciate the support I get, and hope if I can't give it back to everyone, I can inspire them a little, or at least make them chuckle with my sometimes bizarre status updates.
    You are a very active, supportive friend though. :flowerforyou:
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    I totally agree.I always treat my friends just how I would like to be treated.To do that,I have deliberatley kept my friend list to around thirty,that way I can ensure that I answer each message and post encouragement daily.We have lots of laughs along the way and when things dont go someones way we are always there for each other.If someone drops off then it isnt through lack of encouragement that is for sure.It can be a real commitment and time filler answering everyone,but that is why we are here,to support each other,gain inspiration and a successful friend network will encourage this to be enjoyable along the way.

    Good Luck everyone and best wishes.

    ps...If anyone does want to friend me and wishes to help me as well as receive encouragement,then please feel free as there are some like minded souls on this topic who all seem like they would be invalueable as friends.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I have a 1% send request rate. Everyone else has added me. I figure they can leave at any moment. I treat the social network aspect of it like I would with myspace and fb, except no one is spamming posts with promotions for miscellaneous crap, which is fine by me. I do my own thing and reciprocate when I can to those who do the same. Only seems fair. I never overextend kindness.
  • Runnermadre
    Runnermadre Posts: 267 Member
    I agree completely! I don't know if it is considered rude or not, but I just did some "housekeeping" in the friend department. I noticed that I had people that I not only didn't talk to, but who didn't talk to me either. Some were people I didn't even have anything in common with. I need to start screening my friend requests better. :-/ I'm not against being friends with someone who has different goals, but it's nice to see other 20 or 30 somethings who are married with kids, and trying to balance their health and fitness with the demands of being a wife and mom. It's just nice to know you share common interests with people. I feel like you can support each other better that way. :-)
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I have a 1% send request rate. Everyone else has added me. I figure they can leave at any moment. I treat the social network aspect of it like I would with myspace and fb, except no one is spamming posts with promotions for miscellaneous crap, which is fine by me. I do my own thing and reciprocate when I can to those who do the same. Only seems fair. I never overextend kindness.

    I don't even remember if I requested you or vice versa, but regardless....I think you are my chattiest friend! LOL
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I receive WAY more friend requests than I send. Apparently I'm very motivating to people, and they want to follow me. I try to encourage everyone, but sometimes I know I can't keep up. At the same time, I talk more to the people who talk to me regularly. If someone is my friend and sees that I've logged for 290 days, maybe that will be the motivation they need to keep going, even if they don't tell me so.

    I agree, you are very motivating...everyone just wants a piece of it lol
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I agree!!! And another thing that is bothering me, and maybe it shouldn't but it is.....I feel like if you are on MFP and looking for encouragement, motivation, and suggestions....but have your food diary set to "private", how can we do all those things. I also have a hard time congratualting someone who states they are "under calorie goal" for the day but you can't see what they have eaten. yes you are under, but is your goal set to 2000 calories and you hit 1999 and no excercise? And then the following week are asking for guidance on why the scale isn't moving? I don't look at all my friends food diaries daily, but I like the option (for ideas). Am I wrong?? I am contemplating dropping those friends, but feel bad.....but I am an open book and as far as I can see, no one is on this site to judge......that is what Facebook and Twitter are for, LOL!

    I totally agree. I think when people make their diaries private it kind of defeats the purpose of this entire community. One of the first steps to a lifestyle change is honesty. If you can't be honest on here with others who are in the same boat as you it makes me wonder what they have to hide.
  • nurse_carolyn
    Time to clean out your friend box. Just delete the ones that you don't have any contact with.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I have a great group of buddies... I feel very motivated by ALL(well almost all) of them =)
  • tropicalicyicy
    tropicalicyicy Posts: 83 Member
    i agree!!!!!!! i try to keep my friends to a minimum- 40 some right now and even that is a little overwhelming at times to try to support/encourage everyone everyday. unless you have a lot of time to come onto MFP to support your friends frequently then i don't see the point in having 150+ friends. what's annoying is that some of them seem to have a lot of time to change their statuses to talk about themselves but yet i never get a word. i plan on going through my friends list and deleting people!!

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    LOL, I just don't accept any friends on here. My goal is to lose weight all by myself and occasionally get a nice feud going on the forums :devil:

    Marry me and we will spend our winters in Aspen, and our summers sipping Manhattans in St Tropez before touring the Amalfi Coast on our scooters. Alternatively be my friend pleeeease.

    Actually, I am pretty much the same way. I don't accept or send friend requests as I want this place to be just for me to concentrate on me.

    That and I am fed up with answering ridiculous queries on FB...
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    I have a great group of buddies... I feel very motivated by ALL(well almost all) of them =)

    I LOVE my nosey_rosey!!!!! :)