why does everyone love zumba?



  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    well, for me, it is something that I have found that I enjoy and want to do, I look forward to it.

    I've never been into traditional exercising that much, never enjoyed, it always felt like work to me. But with Zumba, I just have fun, I look forward to my class, I enjoy the people. I like the music even though it's latin and I dont' know the words (I pretend I know the songs, lol) but the music is just fun and it is like dancing and the 60 min class goes by so fast and you get an awesome workout.

    I'm sure its not for everyone, we all have to find our niche that makes it work for each of us, for me it is ZUMBA!!! I've never been "addicted" to exercise like I have been with Zumba! I am so addicted that I want to get a zumba tattoo, lol!!!!

    Hope that helps!!!