There are some things I'm NOT liking about losing weight!



  • SandraMay1982
    seeing my skin loosen. It looks like cottage cheese at times. and it makes me want to stay fat just so it stays nice and supple and firm. hahaha. yeah. ok. not going to happen.
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    :tongue: Good to see I'm not the only one! I do LOVE the fact I'm losing weight, and my husband is thrilled too, but there ARE some downsides, that I guess I didn't even think about.

    I have been buying clothes at the Salvation Army etc, but I'm still considered big and most of the clothes at the Sally Army are for smaller people.

    Not a worry though, its all motivation to go harder!
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    wow, totally feel the same wayy!!!!! I feel like I'm wearing the same baggy clothes all the time, but I don't want to spend money until Im at my goal weight!!!