stay at home mama excersize ideas???



  • northernlights907
    Whats shadow boxing?
  • wannabahotmom
    I have an almost 3 month old son and a 2 yr old daughter. The gym we have a membership to won't do childcare for babies under 6 mo so I am in the same situation. I do the same as you and walk 1-2 hours a day. In the begining my weight loss was going really slow. My recommendation would be to get a heart rate monitor. Since I got mine only 6 days ago I have lost 4 times the amount of weight in these 6 days than I have in the past 3 weeks! The HRM tells you what your target heart rate is so you will know if you are in the "zone" or not. If I get to walking too slow and my heart rate drops out of the zone I know I need to pick up the pace and get my butt moving. It turns walking from just a leisurely outing to an actual workout for me! On top of that they will tell you just how many calories you have burned while doing it! Its great motivation to watch the calories tick away :) The Polar FT4 HRM is on sale on right now and if you use the code VALUEDCUSTOMER at check out you will save another 5%. 5% isn't much but every bit helps! Good luck with whatever you choose to do though!