Inches & Weight Loss 12-week challenge



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    You deserve to be healthy, beautiful and safe. I am glad you have the support you need now.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    Because of this challenge and others posting progress including inches lost I went to reports and looked at my progress on inches so far. I also recorded my starting inches on MFP which I hadn't done before. Interesting.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Hugs Sugarbeans I am so sorry that you were so mistreated by those men as well as the officers handling the cases. I've worked in or around law enforcement now for close to 20 years. I hear about that kind of thing and it makes me furious. Every citizen should feel safe and feel like they are being heard. I've always strived to do the best job I could to protect and defend those who couldn't defend themselves. You deserve to feel safe. You deserve to be able to be the most beautiful you you can be. No one has the right or justification to hurt another. I hear stories like yours way too often and I feel like ripping into officers like that for not handling the situation the correct way.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Because of this challenge and others posting progress including inches lost I went to reports and looked at my progress on inches so far. I also recorded my starting inches on MFP which I hadn't done before. Interesting.

    I wish I had my original measurements. The only thing I can go by is the size I was in at that time and the pictures I have. I am seriously thinking about posting my starting pics to compare to where I am now.
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    Sugarbeans - You have been through so much. I have so much admiration for you for making it out to the other side and sounding like you have a positive life outlook and are really looking forward. Good on you - I'm sure we all look forward to rising to this challenge together and helping each other along this journey. Thank you for sharing with us.

  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    To Sugarbeans: Fought your way through a very difficult time: show strength and courage. I have every faith that you will find the end of your journey as a strong confident women that HE put you on this earth to be. Everyone deserves happiness and love and you are no different. We are here to help.

    I started this journey many times over. Each time I get better and better at it, but then again I keep getting sicker and unhealthier. I want to have a baby and in my current state that is not gonna happen. I was pregnant once when I was 23 and I carried Holden till the 30th week. I had a placenta abruption. He was a super quick delivery and it tore a lot of nerves and veins in his little head. 8 days later he passed. I waited 11 years to get pregnant again and at the age 34 I finally did, I only made 1 month before I miscarried. Now I am 36...I have PCOS (fertility issues is it main cause in some like me) and type 2 diabetes (Brought on by the PCOS, another main issue it causes in some). I just can't do this to myself anymore...I have to get healthy. I want a baby!! I could try meds to help get me pregnant, but due to type 2 and PCOS I may not remain pregnant for long... much like I did 2 years ago, so per doctor I have got to get it together mind, body and spirit. That is what I have decided to do! I have a little Alex or Adele out there waiting for me.

    Hello all and welcome to the challenge I look forward to it!!

  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    I started this journey many times over. Each time I get better and better at it, but then again I keep getting sicker and unhealthier. I want to have a baby and in my current state that is not gonna happen. I was pregnant once when I was 23 and I carried Holden till the 30th week. I had a placenta abruption. He was a super quick delivery and it tore a lot of nerves and veins in his little head. 8 days later he passed. I waited 11 years to get pregnant again and at the age 34 I finally did, I only made 1 month before I miscarried. Now I am 36...I have PCOS (fertility issues is it main cause in some like me) and type 2 diabetes (Brought on by the PCOS, another main issue it causes in some). I just can't do this to myself anymore...I have to get healthy. I want a baby!! I could try meds to help get me pregnant, but due to type 2 and PCOS I may not remain pregnant for long... much like I did 2 years ago, so per doctor I have got to get it together mind, body and spirit. That is what I have decided to do! I have a little Alex or Adele out there waiting for me.

    Hello all and welcome to the challenge I look forward to it!!

    Hugs hun... hopefully as you lose weight it'll help your diabetes to get under control. My mother is on this journey with me though I can't seem to convince her to log in here. So far she has lost 15 lbs which I am really proud of her and as long as she stays on track with the diet she finds her blood sugar levels are staying really good. Sorry for the loss of your babies.

    I'm so glad to see everyone sharing their stories.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    On a completely different note I did find my old food diary from when I was at my highest weight thought my mother had tossed it out. I can't believe when I first started this I had a 45 inch waist... and my bra line was 41... and my hips well they were 52... I didn't have the measurements on my thighs or lower abs but I bet they somewhere up there too... I am about 5'6" and was wearing a size 20... I thought it was only a size 18 but we dug out all of my old clothes so I could make room for the new and found a suit I used to wear to work regularly... but is now way too big. It used to be so snug. I think the best feeling I had was recently my daughter who is 8 told me she was having a blast with all the things we're doing now since I don't get tired and play for hours with them. Seeing that huge smile on her face as well as my boys everytime we get out and get active motivates me to push myself every day.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    (((Jen))) I'm so sorry for your losses - I had one miscarriage at 8 weeks, and there's nothing like the heartbreak. I'll be rooting for you on your journey!!!!!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    @sugarbeans: Your story definitely brought tears to my eyes as I went through something similar my freshman year of college, only with someone I didn't know. We met and hung out and were becoming good friends. I was playing video games at his house one night and he started kissing me. I kept telling him no and that I wasn't like that but he kept pushing me until I gave in. I thought because I gave in that I couldn't say anything about it and that it had become "consensual". It wasn't until the start of my sophomore year of college that we had a speaker and I realized that No, it was not okay what he did to me and that I had been raped. I became increasingly depressed and started eating more, even though I had the support of a wonderful man. I started sabotaging my entire life, my body, and my relationship. What was worse is that my winter semester, the guy who did it had a class right around the hall from where I waited for my class. I was sitting there one day and he walked past me to the coffee machine, looked at me, and nothing had ever happened. That broke me every single time it happened. Its been 3 years and I still haven't fully come to terms with it, but at least I know its not my fault. I only wished I could have done something sooner to give him what he deserved. Hang in there sweetie, we deserve better than them and can be strong. *hugs*
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    Jen, I have another friend on here with PCOS and it led me to look more into it. I am glad you are here and working on what you can. I mentioned already I had an ectopic pregnancy and actually was in grave danger myself. hope for all the best in this journey for you. Ashlinmarie and sugarbeans you are very brave and we are all going to come out of this much stronger. Hope we all make progress this week. :flowerforyou:
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Everyone here are survivors and have been through a lot. I am glad we are doing this challenge together and I know that we can all do this, for ourselves and to discover true happiness again. The past a distant memory but looking back at it we can say ok it happened but not have the same pull as it does for us now. I admit I will still binge eat close to the tragic times, this needs to stop.

    I weighed in at 190lbs today due to TOM. As well I haven't done measurements because I am so bloated. I hope everyone is doing well and BIG HUGS from me =)

    Thank you for all of your support.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    Happy Monday. Hope all had a great weekend. Well my weight was down from Monday but I want to get down to where I was before the last weeks of the quarter. Some measurements such as lower abs and hips are down some. I've realized that my natural waist and naval waist are almost the same place but I know that they are different on my daughter. There are some measurement that went down after I first got on MFP but are not changing now such as my neck. Some of these aren't on MFP of course. Since I live on the west coast I may be later measuring but I am trying to do it before breakfast.
    Hope all see some progress somewhere today, :flowerforyou:
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I seem to have had some measurements - like my calves - that went up. I assume that's muscle, and I'm losing elsewhere. Not a lot, but more than what I expect for one week, so I'm glad for the 30 Day Shred! LOL
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    I'll be posting results later this afternoon... since I had such a late start to my dad didn't get to tack in the numbers before I had to head to work. From what I saw everyone had some kind of improvement, WTG girls.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Looks like it'll be tomorrow before I can post the Chart here... the weather keeps knocking my internet down and I'm having to use phone to update threads. I'll do my best to get everyone's losses here by tomorrow. As long as the weather/internet cooperates.
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    Bumpity Bump!
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Alright girls looks like everyone who reported their inches/weigh ins for the week all had some kind of loss.


    were our biggest losers between weight and inches.... Having some difficulties getting my chart to post here but I will definitely have it figured out for next week.
  • hssheikh
    hssheikh Posts: 55 Member
    hey..i suffer from PCOS as 27 years old and is quite heavy....have tried a lot to lose weight but never been really successful and i also lose motivation too easily.. i NEED to lose weight to get my periods to normal and lead a healthy social and emotional life... i aint married yet.. but i need help and useful tips regading losing weight with PCO. anticipating useful tips and healthy responses! thanks :)
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Alright girls looks like everyone who reported their inches/weigh ins for the week all had some kind of loss.


    were our biggest losers between weight and inches.... Having some difficulties getting my chart to post here but I will definitely have it figured out for next week.

    Great work KeriA and jjclem!!!!