Couch to 5k group Starting June 12!!!



  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Welcome, Welcome!
    I'm doing W4D1 tomorrow, so you're definitely right on track! The only thing I'm worried about during that 20 min run is avoiding hills. I think I may break down and find a track or something to do it on, if not then the beginning will be all downhill and the end will be all uphill, not looking forward to that. But we can do it ladies!!!! Stay positive!!!
  • tlcheerio29
    Is it too late to join? I have just found out about C25K and have a lot of friends who are having success with it. I would just be starting, but it would be nice to have some encouragement from others who are using this program and since I don't have anyone where I live that I can do this with. Just reading through some of the posts on here has given me some encouragement, I hate exercise, but I have to do something. Thanks ~T
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    I think most of us are on week 3 or 4 by now but if you don't mind being a few weeks behind then jump on in!

    I finally got the chance to do W4D1 today, but despite my best efforts I still hit a few hills. I iced my shins and ankles and knees and even sat in a cold bath followed by a warm shower. My ankles and right knee are still feeling achy so I'll be popping some tylenol and trying to rest today, but with a 2 1/2 year old and a house that needs to be cleaned I don't know how much rest I'll really get. I also had to take about a 30 second walk break in the middle of both 5 minute running segments. I think I could've handled it endurance wise but my ankles/shins/calves were aching so I walked and stretched quickly and kept going.

    Has anyone thought about a longer warm up period? I always feel better on my second run segments and all others following that, than I do on my first.... I'm wondering if I need to walk more/faster in the beginning to get myself better warmed up.
  • monicainacoma
    monicainacoma Posts: 84 Member
    I'm doing week 4 day 1 tomorrow. I missed a day or two here and there but for the most part, I'm on track. I'm loving the way it has increased my endurance so far.. before I started I couldn't run for more than like 30 seconds and now I can run for a 3 minutes. =) I think I am falling in love with jogging.. I just order some new running shoes and can't wait to break them in.
  • ptheders
    ptheders Posts: 24
    The thing that amazes me the most about C25K is that even if I take a week off, each run still feels easier than the last! It really does build your stamina. I haven't worked up the nerve to do W4D2 yet, but I think I might do it tonight. Let's hope my knee can hack it!
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Hey everyone!

    So I was going to run this morning but hubby got offered a job in Alaska yesterday so we've been packing all morning. He starts July 25th! My son and I are moving back to Houston for a bit and then making the trip up there in August. I'm hoping I'll have enough energy after all this packing and the drive this afternoon to run tomorrow morning, I'm pretty sure I will. At least I'll be back in my old flat neighborhood. I can't wait to get up to Alaska though and start our new adventure!!!
  • monicainacoma
    monicainacoma Posts: 84 Member
    wow week 4 is really hard for me. I've done 2 days so far and it takes ALOT for me to keep going on that last 5 minute run.. I feel like I can't get enough oxygen in my lungs.. I don't have asthma, but 5 months ago I kicked my 10 year long habit of smoking.. Could this be it? Or is it normal to feel like my lungs aren't taking deep enough breaths when I get towards the end of the jog. Any opinions?
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Hello what is a c25k? lol
  • CaelaXO
    CaelaXO Posts: 44 Member
    C25k is the couch to 5k program!! its awesome!!

    Did W6D1 yesterday!! Still amazed that i was able to do W5D3- the 20 min on jogging-without stopping!!! im looking forward to the 5k in September! How is everyone else doing with the program??
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Hey everyone!

    Glad to see some of you have been keeping up! Sadly, even with a support belt things are not going so hot with prego momma over here! I think endurance wise I could run the longer segments but I'm getting round ligament pains and the longer the running segment the more they hurt. I guess its just the impact of it =( I'm going to try to keep going but week 4 workouts were getting to be too long so I may just stick with the week 3 routine until I pop the little one out and then can get back into things. Finally posted more pics after my run/walk this morning of the belly on my profile though.

    Keep going everyone and stay strong!!
  • CaelaXO
    CaelaXO Posts: 44 Member
    I had the round ligament pains with my baby girl, it was hell! could barely walk some days! Hope you are able to keep active!!

    Where is everyone at?? I finished week 6!! Did an extra run today, ran 3 miles in 32 minutes on the treadmill at 5.6!!! I didnt think id be able to run for 30 min straight but i did!!! I feel awesome after I run!!
  • CaelaXO
    CaelaXO Posts: 44 Member
    Looks like im the only one here!! Geez! good thing i didnt need this group for motivation!!! finished W7D1!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Looks like im the only one here!! Geez! good thing i didnt need this group for motivation!!! finished W7D1!

    Come join us over here
  • GenerationD05
    I'm starting this today! I told my friend about the program and she told me that a friend of hers tried it and loved it. We made a promise to run a 5k together when I'm done. I'm very excited to say the least!