Time to Grow Up



  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member

    Also, Google is an awesome tool. Learn to use it.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    All true, i often think this when i hear or read these comments.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    One I have seen quite few times on here...

    Someone being upset because a very young child has referred to them as fat, and everyone rallying round and telling them how rude the child's parents are to allow them to speak like that.

    Instead of getting dreadfully upset that someone else's four year old has not yet learned manners, which is not something you can change, take responsibility for your body, and how you feel about it - that is something you can change if you want to.

    Instead of reacting "How outrageous, what a rude kid" how about reacting - "That kid was right, I am fat and it upsets me, so I need to deal with it - nobody else is going to do it for me".

    What a great, positive, healthy attitude you have. You must have children or maybe just be empathetic enough to understand how a child's mind works.

    An older child / preteen, yes, rude.

    A kid my kid's age-- GREAT sample response.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I would add only one other thing to the original... when people go into panic mode after one week of "doing everything right" ....

    I think the biggest part of making real change is learning to be realistic and taking the time to learn about how the whole weight loss / getting healthy thing works. The time, the effort, the energy required to make serious changes in nutrition and exercise habits.

    I understand getting discouraged after a while - we have all been there, took some time to brood about it, and then made the choice to make some changes and move on. I get so frustrated reading about how people expect big numbers every week right off the bat - or people who claim to do 'everything' right yet nothing's working.... I've learned that slow and steady wins the race (so far - and for me) - I have never seen a 2lbs loss in one week, but that doesn't mean I haven't seen changes in my body, energy level, disposition, etc. There is much more than the scale to measure progress.

    /rant off ;-)
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I completely agree!!!!!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I can not tell you how many times people who "don't like vegetables" come to my house for dinner and end up saying "I don't like green beans (beets, spinach, or whatever), but I liked yours!" I don't think it's only my recipes, because they are different all the time. I think it's just that they haven't bothered to try vegetables in years because they've talked themselves into believing they "don't like them". They are also often afraid to try vegetable recipes at their homes because they're afraid they won't like them and will waste their money. So, if you think you don't like to veggies, try eating veggies at a veggie lover's house! You could also order one different vegetable every time you go out to eat. It's only one little serving. If you really don't like it you aren't throwing out a whole batch.
  • ladyjammie
    ladyjammie Posts: 12 Member
    I love it!!! Totally agree!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    How many veggies are there? HUNDREDS! Must be some that are enjoyable! LOL! Good, hard hitting post. It is true. You can't motivate someone. I had a stress fracture from a half marathon I did a few months back, and decided to take my friend's water aerobics class for some light movement (as a spinning instructor this was torture. LOL!) But there was an overweight lady who talked to my friend/instructor and me after with about 1000 excuses as to why she doesn't do more..kids..blah.blah.blah. (there is free child care....this and that....and then my FAVORITE....wait for it...."I don't like to sweat." WELL, then I'm sorry. Not much else we can do. She will have a horrible weight struggle her entire life...unless of course a light bulb goes off which can ALWAYS happen. :-) I had to have my own moment of AHA...each to their own, you know?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I'm sure many of us were full of excuses at one time or another (i know i was)... but you know what, the excuses didn't make me happy or satisfied with my body or my energy levels.

    It's very liberating to acknowledge that you were making excuses and stop with them, and get some accountability. amazing results ensue if you are 100% honest with yourself and others.

    Oh, i don't know why i put on weight, i eat healthy.... well, obviously not if you keep putting on weight. maybe you just eat far too much, even if some of it is fresh fruit and vegetables... that was mine, i used to eat a ridiculous quantity of food, and sure i do love vegies and fruit, but i also loved anything else i could ram into my mouth.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I am all for truth and man was this truthful. Great post!