PCOS and a journey to wellness. Join me!

DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome and it can make weight loss difficult due to insulin resistance. I ballooned in weight not knowing I had this disorder until age 26. I have gradually gained weight since my teens and struggled to lose weight unless I practically starved myself & exercised 6-7 days per week for 90+ minutes. Now with a medication regimen to supplement my lifestyle I plan to get to my goal weight of 160-165. Anyone want to join me? And do I have fellow soul"cysters" with the disorder.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    We just found out that my daughter has PCOS. She is on medication to help her also. I do not have it but am willing to support and encourage you in your weight loss.
  • JenInAustin
    JenInAustin Posts: 53 Member
    I've got it and have definitely noticed how it affects my *need* for sugar and carbs. Realized it is because of insulin resistance. Have started on Metformin and can't believe how good it feels to have a normal appetite vs. crazy craving swings.

    A journey to wellness sounds great to me :)
  • sunflowermom2
    I have it severely bad. I also have infertility issues with it. It does make it hard to loose the weight. I use to be on metformin but had to get off it because the side effects it caused me. Add me if you like.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    I am a fellow cyster, found out when i was fifteen and i was always over weight (by only a few pounds) then the summer between my freshman and sophomore year I gained between 30-40 lbs. It was a really stressful time (finding out my dad had cancer) and I honestly could of cared less about my weight until i got to college, was very unsuccessful until about this spring when i lost 20lbs. (I'm 21 now) Which is very exciting to me, I still need to lose 30lbs to be at a healthy weight. :D
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I've been taking metformin and byetta and lost about 20 pounds in 2.5 months. I've had PCOS symptoms since I was a teen but never diagnosed until January this year.......When I was a teen they just slapped birth control on me just saying I had irregular cycles. I must say the meds help a lot now that I have it! It reduces cravings and I eat less. Right now I am doing Chalean Extreme workouts plus 45-50 minutes of cardio like zumba, bellydancing, or the elliptical 5-6 days per week. Medicine plus workouts are doing well since I began the combo this year. Just glad to get weight under! After all I work in healthcare and I educate patients on rehabilitative exercise for injuries every day. It was depressing because I try to set an example yet my disorder made me gain weight. Glad I know the cause now. I was tired of doctors that did not know the answer just saying you need to lose weight. Well duh, i knew that I just couldn't do it!....and for years not understanding why. What workout programs are you ladies trying?
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a soul cyster! LOL! Diagnosed September 2009 but I suspect I've had this for quite some time. Even when I was in my 20's and active duty in the Army I struggled with my weight. I ran, I worked out, I cut back on what I ate, but I just couldn't seem to fit into the "appopriate weight" by their standards. Taped and measured weekly, hounded about my weight, forced to do extra EXTRA running. At least now I know why I was struggling.

    I'm new here, on day 4.
  • TwinMamma09
    TwinMamma09 Posts: 140
    Welcome! I am a fellow PCOS'er also. I was diagnosed this year without many symptoms in the past except infertility. They didn't even find the PCOS when I was TTC 3 years ago. I finally had my twin girls 2 years ago and after breasfeeding them ,they found out I did in fact have PCOS. I still have my issues with it and know that if I don't eat well, I gain weight fast.

    Keep us posted on how things go and any tips you find along the way!
  • myheartinsf1
    I have pcos and take glucophage. I was on metformin but the side effects were to bad and the brand name is ok for me. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me.
  • mikesnwgirl
    mikesnwgirl Posts: 112
    I am a fellow Cyster. I was diagnosed when I was 18. I have insulin resistance and infertility because of it. I am currently on this weight loss mainly to get healthy, but getting a baby out of the deal would be a great bonus. I will send you a friends request. Thanks for making this thread.
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend for anyone reading this thread.

    Just a note: how many minutes of weekly exercise do you think is needed for significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals? The answer is 250+minutes. According to ACSM, this is a recommended guideline. Google ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and weight loss guidelines to find the article/ information. So if you workout 5 x per week at moderate- intense levels for roughly 50 minutes you should see progress.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm a Soul Cyster! I have infertility, and was constantly fighting the weight-loss battle, but never realized it's bc of PCOS. Sucks that we hve to work twice as hard to lose weight as other ppl. But that's just the hand we were dealt, I guess - just gotta push through!!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I've got it too...was diagnosed when I was 16. I was only put on birth control to force TOM. Had all of the symptoms, but they do get better with weight loss :)
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a Soul Cyster! I have infertility, and was constantly fighting the weight-loss battle, but never realized it's bc of PCOS. Sucks that we hve to work twice as hard to lose weight as other ppl. But that's just the hand we were dealt, I guess - just gotta push through!!!

    Hey Cyster:

    I understand your battle. I was never diagnosed until this year and had been wondering all my life why my weight was up and down so much. I was very thin when I ran track and field but I worked out for more than 2 hours daily. My weight shot up whenever my activity decreased and 30 minute workouts do nohing for me. I need at least 60. But we can do it!!! One of my goals is to get under 200 pounds this year.
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a fellow Soul-Cyster. Was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago, which finally explained why after trying for almost 2 years we still couldn't get preggers! As soon as I found out, the next day I went gluten-free, low dairy, low sugar for my diet. Last week i started to incorporate exercise (3 days last week) and hopefully I can add more this week. I'm about 5'8" and 188 pounds and would like to get down to 150, with 130 being an ultimate goal but not sure if I'll get there. I am hoping that the weight loss will help me be able to conceive. At 37 years old I feel like I don't have that much time left for it to happen.

    Thanks for posting this!
  • egoheen
    egoheen Posts: 24 Member
    The funny thing is when I first was diagnosed, I couldn't find a single person with this. Then I move back to PA and people left and right were telling me about it. It's been very hard for me especially since I'm ready to have kids and can't. My endocronologist suggested this site to start tracking my weight. I'm also a member of fitday and caloriecount so it's hard to figure out which one I like best. It's so nice to find other cysters.
  • Missy8856
    Missy8856 Posts: 29
    I am a fellow soul cyster! Add me too!
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    The funny thing is when I first was diagnosed, I couldn't find a single person with this. Then I move back to PA and people left and right were telling me about it. It's been very hard for me especially since I'm ready to have kids and can't. My endocronologist suggested this site to start tracking my weight. I'm also a member of fitday and caloriecount so it's hard to figure out which one I like best. It's so nice to find other cysters.

    Just by talking to people around me I found out that a few of my friends had it to. Good luck on your weight loss goals and I'll join you along the way. :0):heart:
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    I have PCOS too. Its hard to lose weight but we can do this! Feel free to add me as it always helps to have friends on here and I would love to have a new person that understands our struggle. Good Luck!
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a fellow Soul-Cyster. Was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago, which finally explained why after trying for almost 2 years we still couldn't get preggers! As soon as I found out, the next day I went gluten-free, low dairy, low sugar for my diet. Last week i started to incorporate exercise (3 days last week) and hopefully I can add more this week. I'm about 5'8" and 188 pounds and would like to get down to 150, with 130 being an ultimate goal but not sure if I'll get there. I am hoping that the weight loss will help me be able to conceive. At 37 years old I feel like I don't have that much time left for it to happen.

    Thanks for posting this!

    Good luck on the baby making! I am not yet married so have not started working on fertility issues. My reproductive endocrinologist is awesome though and has helped a lot in terms of weight management. When I met him I was about 250+ pounds and I am now at 220.....of course still a long way to go to get to 165 but at least I have a fighting chance now that I am on the correct meds.
  • kimberlymax
    kimberlymax Posts: 5 Member
    I was diagnosed about 2 years ago. I got serious about a year ago about losing weight. I was always a little bigger than all of my friends - in grade school I was the first to move from kids to juniors clothing. I gained a lot of weight in college and got up to a size 16 at one point and then by grad school, I was back down to a 12/14. Once my dad passed away in 2005, I was up to 198 pounds. I got down to 187-ish by going to the gym very infrequently, then I started ice skating again and lost another 10 pounds and was down to 177-179, and last summer I added a personal trainer to the mix and I work out with him 2x a week and weight wise I am down to 164-ish, but I know that I have lost more fat than that and gained a lot of muscle. I am down to a size 8 pants and lost a bra cup size (another cup size or 2 would be amazing...but I think genetics are hurting me there!). Doctor said at my last appointment a year ago that if I got down to 150 that I could get off of the metformin that I am on. I have 15 more pounds to go and if I could get my diet under control (the tough part for me), I will be well on my way!