Awkward Moments at the gym?



  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    Everytime I go onto the treadmill my iPod goes flying off and hits a machine behind me. I have used arm bands, clips, nothing works for me. It always goes flying!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I bought new pants for the gym last week and the first time I wore them to workout, it was cardio day. All was fine on the elliptical, then the bike, but these were these nice streatchy-clingy yoga pants. I got to the treadmill and about a quarter mile into my run they started working their way down with every step. No ties, no I just had to finish my run holding up my pants. The worst part was that my gym's cardio deck overlooks the free weights where all the handsome guys hang out.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Oh man...These are HILARIOUS...

    My first time on a treadmill...EVER
    was at Ladies Choice Fitness...a wide variety of ladies...I was about 60 lbs heavier than I am now...
    I had a free 2 week trial complete with a trainer...and she puts me on the treadmill at 4.0....I was about 60lbs heavier than I am now
    There was an older lady running to my right..about half way in...I tried to get a sip of water, and my water bottle fell...I stopped the machine to retrieve the water fell between the older lady's treadmill and mine...I didnt think my feet would get that funny feeling walking on the regular floor when I hopped off and I tripped..I grab onto her treadmill to reach my waterbottle...Then I try to stand up and hit my head on HER treadmill...HARD...Another "Wanna Get Away" moment...
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    Was on the elliptical watching the mini TV attached to the machine with my headphones plugged in. A scary movie was on at the time, I found myself so into the movie that when the "ghost" popped out it scared the S**t out of me, I screamed, and almost fell off the damn thing. Everyone stopped and turned around laughing. I hadn't realized how loud I screamed cause my headphones were on.

    That's awesome! I do that with the funny shows. I'll break out laughing during workouts. I don't mind though. We all need more laughter in our lives! plus laughing helps burn calories ;)
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    Was on the elliptical watching the mini TV attached to the machine with my headphones plugged in. A scary movie was on at the time, I found myself so into the movie that when the "ghost" popped out it scared the S**t out of me, I screamed, and almost fell off the damn thing. Everyone stopped and turned around laughing. I hadn't realized how loud I screamed cause my headphones were on.

    I actually laughed out loud at this one. thanks :-)
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    When I run on the treadmill and a good song pops on the ipod, I have a tendency to head bang and do a little air-drumming. This one time I got so into the song, I shut my eyes for a moment, stepped on the side of the treadmill, and did one of those stutter steps and just barely caught myself. Since my music was so loud, and very audible "S%&$" was screamed and in turn a lot of eyes were on me.

    Another one while on the treadmill, totally farted - thought it was a silent one - but since my headphones were on I didn't realize it was quite loud.

    Lucky for me, I have no shame and always laugh at myself.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    (I eventually saw HER leaving the ladies changeroom and solved the mystery)

    That's not necessarily an indicator. I have friends who are male but like to dress as women. And once, out at a restaurant, my friend followed me into the ladies. I was a little flummoxed.
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    These are hilarious, not had any too bad moments yet but i'm sure they'll come. Never laughed so much in ages at the visions of these situations.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    AWKWARD but totally amazing moment.

    Game 4 for the Red Wings against the Sharks.
    Obviously, if we didn't win this game, we were eliminted.
    There were a TON of people at the gym this night.
    Well as the minutes rolled down, we were all cheering as we scored more!
    Then finally, WE WON!
    Now, let me tell you, a lot of things happened in the 10 seconds after the game ended.
    First, I threw my arms in the air (while sprinting on the elliptical).
    Fell off the elliptical (gravity is NOT your friend.)
    Got lifted off the ground by the guy that was on the elliptical next to me,
    and pulled in for a weird hug-dance-yell-fist-pump motion that I didn't think was possible to accomplish while vertical.

    Finally analysis:

    Hockey: bringing strangers together in a sportly-hood embrace. [:

    LOVE IT!!!!
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    We belonged to a gym a few years back, and I surely had my moments.

    The worst that comes to mind was a really heavy sweat day. I sat at the chest press machine, did my reps, and as I stood up and started to wipe the machine I realized the puddle I left on the seat was pretty ick. Given the look on the guys face behind me, and the speed he walked away at I would say it looked like I peed myself and he wanted to go a polite distance away to laugh. *DOH*
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I had JUST gotten off the squat press machine. Well I overdid the weight and I felt a bit lightheaded but walked it off. So I get on the outer/inner thigh machine and do my usual weight. I start feeling the light head again, then I see stars, then my hearing starts getting further and further and BAM.

    I woke up to have 4 people all around me (the gym was pretty empty). I have no idea how I successfully fell off of the machine without getting a leg caught somewhere or not being seriously hurt but I was SO embarrassed. They wanted to call someone blah blah but I am fainter if I over do it. They wouldn't believe me! I just got up and left all red in the face.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    First off these stories are a great start to a lame Monday for me. :love:

    Where to start....

    well I do something totally lame at the gym once a week really.

    I am pretty sure people refer to me as "The sweaty F bomb". I sweat pretty hardcore but not all over people or other machines and I always wipe the machines down fully.

    I have an issue on the treadmill where I get a mile or two in and my knee(s) kinda kick out a bit causing me to freak a little and quick brace myself. This is when a rather loud (headphones on) F bomb springs forth as I check to see who saw me...

    This next one is also a super lame reoccuring issue for me!

    Seems like no matter what time or locker choice I make someone is always near me. This tends to be a man of atleast 60 years who is way to comfortable with his naked self. Said dude is always within 2 or 3 lockers as he is naked and flailing about like no ones business. Its all good till eye contact is made, then its race to get the h3ll out of there....Da*n sausage fests..... :devil:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I ran into a friend at the gym. After I hopped on the treadmill, she turned to ask me a question. I couldn't hear her so I pulled out my ear plug and turned my head - thus launching myself face down on the treadmill. Unfortunately, the treadmill is really close to the wall (with the wall behind the treadmill). I kind of got stuck so the treadmill is running under me and I was struggling to get up. I ended up skinning my knee pretty good and knocking the motivation right out of me. I ended up quitting half way through my workout (which is what I was most mad about). When I told my husband, he laughed and said "no more walking and talking for you!" :laugh:
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Yoga class....gassy tummy....ab work. :blushing:

    Lol, this sounds familiar only for me its while running on the treadmill. And trust me, there is a reason my hubby has nicknamed me "stinky girl",

    Yep, I also had a tiny gassy accident. I looked around and there were some people around, well... I can only hope it was not so loud (the treadmill is also loud!)
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I don't go to a gym, but bump to read more later.
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    The first time I went running on the treadmill, I closed my eyes for just a few seconds and didnt realize how slow I was going in comparison to the machine, and fell off. IT was pretty bad at the time, and left almost

    Hahaha I did almost the same thing (I was trying not to look at the time I had left) I didn't fall but came really close
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    So I was at the gym with a buddy and we were discussing Angelina Jolie. He disagreed with me that she was hot, and stated, "Man, I can't stand that skinny *****!" As the 'itch' left his lips, around the corner came the 5'9" 80# girl who looks like the poster child for the We Are The World video. Needless to say, there was no way to explain how to take foot out of mouth
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    i have shared this before but a couple of months ago, my pants (which were too big for me) actually slid down while I was running on the treadmill. Luckily there was nobody behind me and I caught them before they fell the whole way down to my feet. To me though, it was a NSV, LOL!!!
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    I was on the treadmill and there was this guy on a weight bench, his crotch facing me and he apparently didnt have any undies on and his "baby bird" was looking right at me, lol.

    Lmao. Baby bird huh. Poor guy. I would make sure I had a hawk to show off if I was going around commando!

    THANK YOU! LMAO! I was like, for REAL...You are going to flash me THAT? I wanted to say...dude...if I wanted to swab my ear, id get a q-tip! HA ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • yodasgal
    yodasgal Posts: 5
    I have a funny moment at the gym. My ex husband and I well we don't always see eye to eye, hence the ex part lol. Well I have his ring tone set to Pray for You - Jaron and The Long Road to Love if you have ever heard it its kinda mean and naughty lol. if not youtube it lol. Well I had my ipod in my ears and I was going to town on the treadmill and suddenly people started looking at me and giggling and I thought oh my gosh what did I do?? I looked behind me nope its me they were looking at. Finally my best friend on the machine next to me starts laughing and taps me on the shoulder I pull out the ear plug and she says nice and loud "Your ex husband just called your cell" Well Ive never forgot to put in on silent since!! haha!