Breakfast as soon as you wake up?



  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Yes it's a personal preference in terms of calories intake timing. This doesn't imply that both have the same biochemical effect. They behave in the body differently. The only study I have seen that supports "grazing eating method" is to prevent binging and over eating. A big part of an IF method is over eating. SO this is not what we want. At glance it appears that there are studies that contradict each other in caloric intake timings. They're not, one is about "controlling binging and over eating" the IF method supports biochemical responses. These are 2 different things. If the grazing method had a study done that says "eating multiple times a day increases growth hormone" than that would be contradictory, but that's not what these studies are saying.

    My point is that people need to make their own judgement on consumption in regards with "when, how much, and frequency". The psycho babble of conflicting scientific studies just confuses most (it certainly does me) and ultimately the frustration will mess with attitudes and drive to become healthier. If you're scientifically wired, then yes, by all means go with the studies and do what you believe is the right course of action as long as it works for you. Diet and exercise isn't an exact science and trying to push someone a certain way by adding a link to an abstract of a journal found on the internet isn't always valid for every individual. There's so much room for human error when trying to take a study and applying in a manor other than a guideline will drive most people mad. I know I don't have all the fancy machines in my home to break down what my body is actually doing on a biochemical level, I can only look at fancy graphs of a study based on some other individual who was tested in a controlled environment and meets the criteria of the general population. Am I saying we should discard these studies because we don't have the equipment to perform our own personal tests? Not at all... just dont get too wrapped up in the science behind the method if it will leave you discouraged.

    The best I can do to control my health without going bonkers is basing my progress on I feel and think. My head tells me that I feel stable, eat less, and feel more energetic if I eat more frequent timed meals. So to say size, frequency, and timing irrelevant to MY weight loss is bogus. Yes, biochemically there lies some discrepency between my thoughts and what's actually happening inside me, we will never know now will we? Regardless it has worked for me to use that method. If I was "misinformed" with myths on weight loss and health... so be it... regardless it worked and my doctor visits back it up. Did everything I try work? It surely did not... but with patience and trial and error I was able to find what worked. Either way, discussing ideas and keeping and open mind to other's ideas without getting wrapped up in big medical terms, charts, and graphs worked beautifully for me.

    I knew I should have stayed away from this topic... it's like responding to your significants other's question "Do I look fat in this?"

    I totally agree with this one, go by the motto KISS (Keep it simple stupid). I did lose over 100lbs a few years ago, but some negative things happened in my life, which caused me to gain most of it back. I know how frustrating it can be, trying to do everything perfect. The best general advice you can give someone is, "eat clean and exercise more" assuming you're eating under your AMR you will lose weight. In theory, carbs are bad for us, so is protein, so are veggies, and fats. With this... we can't eat anything really, if we don't we'd end up dying. What me and some of the guys are talking about, is more of a fine tuning type of thing. To the person just starting out, most of what we said is irrelevant. You can lose weight eating breakfast, you can lose weight not eating breakfast. Well doesn't matter which approach you take as long as you are getting closer to your goal.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    hi, i study biomedical science/nutrition. you should stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed, have 8 hours sleep and eat within 45minutes to an hour after rising each morning. this is the most effective way to keep your metabolism at its peak for the entire day. also doing some form of exercise before breakfast is extremely beneficial to weight loss and boosted metabolism.

    This is exactly what is confusing to people, things like this. Someone might say "oh crap i didn't stop eating 3hrs before bed. I guess i failed today, i might as well eat a cake too because today was a bad day." Or they wake up, and don't exercise within 45mins, they might think "oh dang my exercise sessions is ruined, oh well no exercise for me today" To the people who read this, it's not about that. It's about doing what you can, at whatever hour you can to help you reach your goal, like i said earlier KISS(keep it simple stupid)