Should I just give up on her? Rant/Need Advice

Ok, so 3 or so months ago my girlfriend and I decided to make changes in our lives to be healthier and get fit. I was broke and not working at the time, and she had a really good paying job so she went out and got both of us gym memberships, which she still pays on monthly basis (hers is $35 a month, mine is $20 a month). Well, after the first week I noticed that she was starting to lose motivation. She would make excuses (although, back then I considered them valid reasons) why she couldn't make it to the gym, and why she couldn't eat like she should, but she was still vowing to do this with me, and as soon as the semester was over, that she'd be in the gym 3-4 days a week and all that jazz. Well, she's been out of school for a month now, and I can count on one hand the number of times she's been to the gym. But it's NOT from a lack of me trying. I get up (most) mornings at 6 am to go to the gym. Now, her main excuse is that she's not a morning person, and that it's hard for her to get up that early. Which is fine by me, because for a while we actually would go in the evenings when she got out of school after I'd already been to the gym that day, so I got 2 workouts in one day! But even when we did that, I could only get her to commit to MAYBE one day a week. And now with our new work schedules we can't go in the evenings anymore. The only time either of us is free is in the mornings.
And her excuses are getting worse and more varied and more frequent. It seems like every single morning her back hurts or her legs hurt, or her head hurts, or she went to bed too late. Yesterday's excuse was that she had somewhere to be with her dad at 10am , so she couldn't go with me (the water aerobics class that we go to gets out at 10). So I go without her, and get back at 11am to find her IN BED ASLEEP!!!!! She didn't end up leave with her dad until NOON! I get so sick of her excuses and bull****! And almost every night I ask her if she wants to get up in the morning and go to the gym with me, and sometimes she's honest and says no, which I'm ok with, but I guess she starts to feel bad for turning me down (and herself down, really) so much that she'll say yes, but in the morning I'll get some lame *kitten* excuse as to why she can't/won't go. For a while just stopped inviting her to the gym and just up and went without her, and she had the nerve to get offended and ask why I never want to take her with me!
Just this morning I tried waking her up (which is a battle in of itself) 'cause she said she'd go to the gym with me today and I told her straight up I was getting up at 7am. So I try to wake her at 7, and it takes 15 mins to get a response from her. She asks why we're gong so early ('cause I have stuff to do today) and if we can go in 2 hours. klshyourdfhkuadfshiablidbkbh
So now I'm waiting until 9am so that she'll get up and go with me (which so no longer has a choice anymore)... but it's so damn frustrating! I want to just give up on her, because clearly she's given up on herself. I put so much time and energy into getting her to do something she says she wants but doesn't really want.
I know I'd feel bad if I completely gave up on her, especially since she's paying for my gym membership, but at the same time she is wasting my time, and some days, 'causing me to shorted or miss my workout all together. GRRR
What do you guys think?


  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    When she's ready she will join you again. You can't force someone to believe in what you believe in or live the lifestyle you are currently living.

    Set an example, be her inspiration. Once she sees your dedication and commitment, that is bound to inspire her to improve her health.

    Right now focus on you....
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    You can only do so much. You should feel proud of yourself for trying so hard!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    When she's ready she will join you again. You can't force someone to believe in what you believe in or live the lifestyle you are currently living.

    Set an example, be her inspiration. Once she sees your dedication and commitment, that is bound to inspire her to improve her health.

    Right now focus on you....

    AGREED!!! Sit her down, tell her you're not going to rearrange your schedule for her, you really want to do this together but you're finding it hard to keep yourself on track trying to adjust for her. Don't ask her to come with anymore, just tell her when you're going and what your plan is, and that she's more than welcome to join you!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    You can't want it more for her then she want for herself. Good luck
  • estevo66
    estevo66 Posts: 56 Member
    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    When she's ready she will join you again. You can't force someone to believe in what you believe in or live the lifestyle you are currently living.

    Set an example, be her inspiration. Once she sees your dedication and commitment, that is bound to inspire her to improve her health.

    Right now focus on you....

    I agree.... go by yourself, show her your progress and she will be inspired :wink: That is how I motivate people. I also am public about my weightloss. I have the website post on Facebook my checkins for weight and my daily completion of my dairy. I will help you by showing you the way, but it is up to you to go down the path :wink:
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    The night before I would invite her to go, tell her what time you're leaving and if she wants to join you, she can be an adult and set an alarm like the rest of us. You shouldn't feel like you need to wake her up or wait. She knows what time you are planning on leaving, and when she makes the choice for herself, she will get up and go as well.

    Sorry you're having to deal with this tho! Just remember, its all about choices, and you are making the right ones! You can't make someone else do something they don't want to do. Just stick with it! :)
  • aehenson
    aehenson Posts: 86
    You're doing this for you so just keep up your hard work. If she joins you, great. If not, you just get your workout in & keep going!
  • shaverkl191
    shaverkl191 Posts: 131
    Well, first of all, congrats to you for sticking to it and really committing to your new lifestyle! As for your friend, I don't think you should give up on her completely. You should still invite her to come with you, but don't wait around for her either. When she is ready to commit like you have, she will. Until then all you can do is keep the invitation open and be a good example! Keep up the good work!
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    When she's ready she will join you again. You can't force someone to believe in what you believe in or live the lifestyle you are currently living.

    Set an example, be her inspiration. Once she sees your dedication and commitment, that is bound to inspire her to improve her health.

    Right now focus on you....

    That's exactly what I was going to say. SHE has to be the one who wants this... So until she gets to the point where enough is enough, there's not much you can do.

    In the meantime, yes... set an example. Keep pressing on. Keep improving yourself. Keep losing more weight and toning that fine body of yours. At some point, she'll look at you and be jealous she didn't keep going... THEN she'll have to get motivated if she wants to see the same results. :-)
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    it sounds like she may have other issues blocking her motivation. its one thing to procrastinate, but to turn you down almost every time- maybe try talking to her about what made her feel motivated to change back when you both started together. Maybe she's feeling a bit depressed and when she sees you working out it makes her feel even worse. just tell her that you won't judge her if she doesn't want to work out, that you won't be disappointed in her, but you've made a change and you don't want to go back.
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    Just go without her.
    Tell her what time you are going and say if you want to come I am leaving @ blank blank time and if you arent ready I am going with out you and then just go. that way she cant say you didn't ask - but then you also dont have to fight with her to get up.
    You cant force her to go- it wont help her. I had the same issue- the more people pushed me the less I wanted to do it.
    She will see how much better you feel and look and then she will decide to either join the club or not....
    about her paying for the membership- dont worry about it for now- cross that bridge when you get to it. She apparently doesnt feel bad about paying for hers and not going so why should you feel bad - about her paying for you when you are going.
    She'll come around but it has to be when she is ready.

    Good luck!
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I think it's a good thing you got this out here! Clearly this has been pent up for a little while...I feel your pain though! I try to get my bf to go and he never really gives a reason why he won't- he just says no....He doesn't have any weight to lose but I want to help him be healthy. The most important thing you can do is set an example for her. Focus on you and keep going for YOURSELF--she'll either come around or she won't but unfortunately you cannot FORCE her to care. I would be willing to bet she might change her attitude when she sees how it's paying off for you. But don't let her guilt you either- if she doesn't want to go that's on her and she has no right to fuss at you for "not taking her"- she's a big girl she can go if she wants to! Good luck!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I think the day before, you should just say "I'm going to the gym tomorrow at __am if you want to come" and then just go. That way you have given her notice, but you're not bugging her in the morning.

    When you just get up and go, she'll make her own mind up about whether she wants to come or not, and she'll know you'll go without her if she's not up or about.

    Then you have invited her, but its up to her to make the commitment to come with you.
  • MaryW1962
    MaryW1962 Posts: 23
    Once she sees the weight dropping off of you, she'll be jealous and that will probably get her moving! Good luck!:laugh:
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I dont think you can force it. If she doesnt want to go to the gym, she wont. But you keep going and working on yourself. Because while you are trying to do this with her, you have to think about yourself and what is right for you.
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    lead by example. you are doing a great job btw!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Stay the course. Tell her your gym schedule (the one you create to fit your needs) and if she shows great if not don't stress. It's wonderful she helped you with the gym membership. It was a gift. Thank her for helping you achieve your goals but past that you do not owe her anymore. When your friend starts to see you achieve your goals through your hard work and dedication, she will either be motivated or jealous about it. You cannot do the work for others but you can for yourself. This is a life lesson in friendship and choices. Be there for her if you want but do not expect that it may be returned. Stay strong and make this time given to you count. Best of Luck on your journey
  • tinkerbell1964
    you're girlfriend is the person losing out not you, all you can do is make it clear that you are going on such day at such a time and if she wants to come too you'll be more than happy, leave it at that , no more nagging or feeling frustrated because you can't get her up etc , it's her choice.......... i can't believe she's still happy to pay out all that money every month strange indeed
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I agree with the above posters. I also think its important that you have a honest conversation when you're calm, and tell her how you feel about it. But I wouldn't take a hard approach or lay on the guilt. More like "This is what I'm going to do, because I need to do it. I love it when you come with me, but it's stressful if I feel like it's difficult to get you to come on days you're not up for it. How about this: when I go, I would so love it if you would come. If you want to come, just get ready and join me. If you don't feel up to coming, you don't have to say anything but 'have a great workout. I'm proud of you."