Jillian Michaels has destroyed me - shoudl I be doing it aga



  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    She made me want to vomit and die the 1st day. I pushed on even though I was in pain and it was easier. I did 2 days. Took a rest day and now I'll do 3 days and then a rest day. It gets easier and I am a complete exercise virgin
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I had to stop doing it because my physical therapist freaked out when I told her about the jumping jacks. And the jump rope. And the ice skaters. I still use all the strength moves in my own little put together version, but I highly recommend altering the cardio IF you're having any knee trouble. Not "my muscles hurt" pain, but "bones are grinding" pain. You can push through the muscle pain, but if you damage your knees you'll regret it for much longer. Jillian's nonsense about "400 pound people" who can do the jumping jacks is ridiculous. I could do them too, but then I had to wear a knee brace, ice my legs constantly, and drown in ibuprofen. I'll bet you some of her contestants had real issues too. Every extra pound equals 4 extra pounds of pressure when you do impact exercise, so those 400 hundred pound folks were putting 1600 pounds of pressure on their joints.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I just kept going. If you take too many breaks in between your body won't adjust and you will be really sore every time. She still kicks my butt in all her DVD's but I get stronger and don't have that soreness anymore.
  • cherryburton
    cherryburton Posts: 18 Member
    Well, I have to say, I'm going to leave it for today and pick up again tomorrow. I've seriously knackered my thighs, am really struggling getting up and down the stairs! I did go for a long walk this morning to make up for it, but it's knackered my training for my run a bit as I really wanted to get out today and there's no way!

    Are the results at the end of the 30 days REALLY noticeable?
  • fenix1976
    fenix1976 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on my 2nd day as well just done it...the pain...i was crying..cant even walk up or down the stairs.... well i can on my bum!
  • JizWiz
    JizWiz Posts: 57
    I bought that DVD some months back and did it once and never returned!I was sore and scared...LOL! I think it will work! Keep at it and good luck!
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