Why are you fat?



  • BarbelleBaby
    I'm fat because I took being thin as a kid for granted. Never considered what would happen when I stopped being active - I pretty much went from an active lifestyle to a sedentary one in one swoop. I'd grown up eating when I wanted because I was so busy that I was often ready for food anyway. In later years I still ate whenever I wanted, even when I wasn't hungry, and as I had way more free time this happened more often. Even when I ate a nutritionally balanced meal I would often eat too much because I enjoyed it and would 'make the most'.

    But now I know: I must keep meals to a sensible size. Keep track of how much I eat, specifically snacks!! And get my lifestyle back to it's former active self, which I very much miss! Hopefully this will take me back to the slimmer and fitter me.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I got fat during my pregnancy. I started out working out every day, eating properly and putting very little weight on, and then after getting sick, getting medivac'd out of here and spending 2 weeks in an isolation ICU I kinda asked myself what the point was? Why work out and eat properly if I am going to get sick anyway? And it was my last baby so I figured I might as well enjoy it. So I started eating. I gained alot of weight in the last few months of pregnancy and kept it on for the last 18 months. I had PPD pretty badly and havne't had the motivation to lose the weight. I always told myself, "I'll start tomorrowl" Its finally tomorrow.
  • rjcherek2
    rjcherek2 Posts: 26 Member
    Im fat because I LOVE food, and am lazy!! No excuses, nothing. I am now starting to watch what I eat, and exercise. Putting those two together can be a deadly combo, for the good!
  • Revolutionwithin
    Revolutionwithin Posts: 47 Member
    I'm fat because I let it happen. I could list a million reasons and a million things that helped the situation along, but at the end of the day....well I knew it was happening, and I didn't do anything to stop it.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm fat because I love pizza, french fries, and beer. I think I also get a little seasonal affective disorder in the winter. I rarely do anything active or want to leave the house when it's cold out, and I just want to eat. In the summers I eat better and exercise a lot, but the winters seem to win because they last so long around here.
  • LoriIAM
    LoriIAM Posts: 73 Member
    I'm fat because I've been using food for comfort or whatever. I need to learn to let Jesus fill my needs and my desires. He's the only One who can truly satisfy.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Its not always mental. I have Celiac and rather than being one of those who couldn't gain weight my body held onto whatever calories I could manage to eat, I always always hungry because no nutrition was being processed, just calories being held onto. I got fat because I was allergic to just about everything I ate and I had no idea.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I get the idea that some of you have posted about life circumstances, etc being excuses but I also think it's important to identify what was behind the weight gain more than just eating too much and moving too little. That's typically the base reason but if you don't figure out what else is behind it, you're never truly going to conquer the weight issues.

    I'm definitely an emotional eater but not due to stress - it gives me a nervous stomach so I don't want to eat and feel sick. My triggers are boredom and feeling lonely. I'm also an emotional eater in the sense that I'll use food to comfort someone else in my life and let that be an excuse to overeat right along with them. In fact, my last weight gain was in part due to my husband losing a very close friend and since I knew certain foods were his favorites and he's more of a fan of junky stuff, that's what we ate. It's also part of the reason I gained weight in high school - my brother was home from the service after being in the Gulf War and we ate all kinds of crappy food together because it made him happy and that's all I cared about at the time. It's not my brother's fault or my husband's fault, it's my own for letting it be an excuse to let myself go.

    So now I need to keep that little thought in the back of my mind - just because there's something stressful going on in my life or in the life of someone I love, I can't use food as a tool of comfort. I need to help them out in other ways and make sure I don't sacrifice my own priorities/health in the process.
  • BGabbart
    BGabbart Posts: 173 Member
    It was awesome to read your story and I pray that God blesses you with your change. I have not read the book, but I did read the 21 day devotional that went with the book and that is what got me in a different mind set. since June 3, 2011 I have started making healthier choices and as of June 12, 2011, I started on my treadmill, it is slow going right now but I know with God all things are possible. God bless you.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I'm fat because when I hit puberty I gained 100lbs in 1 year and didn't have anyone take me to the doctor to find out wth was going on. I've steadily been 100lbs overweight up until now. I have gained and lost weight, MASSIVE weight (70-90lbs), multiple times but never by trying. It just has happened without me paying much attention at all and all of a sudden people are telling me that I am the incredible shrinking woman. Then slowly but surely it starts going back up again too. So I started to pay attention and come to find out I am pre-menopausal (I'm 25) and my hormones are WAY out of whack (which explains why I LOST weight and felt great while on birth control in the past). So some of the things that I need to do to help control my hormones is cut out carbs. Carbs contribute to hormone imbalances and by lowering my carbs the weight is falling off. When I am on point and drinking my water and keeping my carbs between 70-90g a day I drop 1lb a day. Conversely when I am eating "healthy" carbs through fruit and whole grains I can stay around 1200-1500cal and I don;t lose any weight at all. My dillema??? I eat carbs when I am stressed and I am a stress ball to the max. So truley for me to be healthy I need to stick to a lower carb lifestyle and meditate often to help bring me back to center. I stumble and fall a LOT but I think that is self sabotage. I have never in my life held the key to why I am fat and now that I do I am scared to know what life will be like without the fat. It's become like an extra limb, a protective layer against unwanted attention and I have NO idea what life is like to "normal" people.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Because of ignornance, seriously, looking back at old pictures the only time I could see that I was similar in weight to my peers was early middle school (6th/7th grade) ever since I've been heavier...I was competively involved in cheerleading, so there wasn't like there was a lack of exercise, I just didn't realize what I was doing....and as I got older I didn't exercise as much, but there's not a feasible way to replicate the amount of exercise I got back then, you could say it's an excuse, but until I can be proven otherwise (by myself or an outside source) I'm in the thought process that I physically can't, I've been this way for over 12-15 years.... Grr...that's what frustrates me, and that's why I'm fat. :(
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Why am i fat? i'm fat because i don't like attention. i'm afraid people will noice me, but darn it, i deserve to be noticed.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    I'm fat because I never learned proper portion control ("clean your plate" attitudes) and also never learned proper exercise habits. I also was lazy about it and never took the initiative to just learn it myself. I was fine until I hit my mid-20's and natural metabolism started to slow down, I got a cushy office job and the weight started to stick. Now, I'm working on correcting all that I've been doing wrong for 29 years.
  • joreddaway
    i am fat because i am greedy and lazy
  • Gourdmama
    Gourdmama Posts: 8
    I am fat because I am an emotional eater. I am on antidepressants. I hate my job so when I am here I have a tendancy to eat more. I am 55 years old and have another 6 years to work here before I can retire!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    I am fat because when I was married I was determined to eat myself to "till death do us part." It started with wedding cake and sort of never stopped.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Because almost all of my hobbies are non-active, indoor stuff...

    Because I hadn't realized I could eat healthy and still enjoy what I eat...

    Because I didn't want to be like the girls who hated themselves for being fat. I was happy with my life, and I thought it was stupid to berate oneself just because you don't look like a supermodel. Well, it IS stupid, but so is not taking care of yourself, as I have come to realize.

    Also, because I didn't know how many calories I was eating! One of my ex-favorite dishes from the Cheesecake Factory? 2100+ calories. Add an appetizer and a cheesecake, and you're looking at a 4000-calorie meal, almost. That's more than enough to gain one pound of body fat!!

    Last but not least, because I was lazy. :laugh:
  • CarmenSox
    CarmenSox Posts: 110 Member
    Loving reading the responses on this thread. I am LOL'ing, I really needed this today! Well since were pointing fingers I would like to say I’m fat cause I’m short. If I were taller I wouldn’t be so fat. I would better proportioned. Sound Good?!….Great, I thought so too!

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  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    Have you read the book Made to Crave where it talks about turning our craving's for food, to God?
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    I'm fat because I've been using food for comfort or whatever. I need to learn to let Jesus fill my needs and my desires. He's the only One who can truly satisfy.

    Have you read the book Made to Crave? It talks about turning our cravig's for food, to God