Weight Watchers - Yes or No ?



  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    NO! Negative! Negatory! Absolutely NOT.

    Well, that is, if you want to be HEALTHY and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life- Weight Watchers is not the answer. Eating right and exercising IS. Best of luck to you. :o)

    I am sorry this statement really aggravated me. Eating healthfully and exercising is what WW is about! I lost 50lbs with MFP and for the past year I had been stalled so I finally joined WW. Now I am losing again! It may be slow and steady but its coming off again and thats whats important. For me it helps that I have to go to a meeting every week and weigh in in front of the same person every week (so she knows where I am at and how I have been doing) Its Accountability! Plus I get new ideas from the meetings and watching other people with their successes and struggles helps me figure out what works for me. I say give it a try!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i had lost 50lbs on WW last time i dieted .... It's simple enough to follow and it works I just prefer here because I dont feel the need to pay them $50 a month to use their scale
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Any program that advises chugging chemical filled diet soda, and highly processed "diet foods" instead of wholesome "real" foods to limit calories is useless. Now, of course this is just my opinion so take it or leave it. Since when is it ok to starve yourself for a couple of days just so you can save up your points and binge the rest of the week................ yeah thats a pretty good idea.
    Not to mention, like many have mentioned, you have no comprehension as to nutritional value when your simply counting points. Thus, if you ever intend to "get off" the program, chances are pretty good that your going to gain weight!

    I am not a doctor, but I personally am not overweight because of a healthy wholesome diet and exercise and that is exactly what I would recommend to others.

    Alright I seriously think that you have absolutely no idea of what the WW program really is! They encourage you to eat power foods which is exactly what your talking about the natural, good for you, non-processed foods! I have been in WW for 2 months and never once have I been advised to drink Diet Soda or eat processed meals. I think maybe you should really look into what WW is about before you give bad advice.
  • acakeforawife
    Any program that advises chugging chemical filled diet soda, and highly processed "diet foods" instead of wholesome "real" foods to limit calories is useless. Now, of course this is just my opinion so take it or leave it. Since when is it ok to starve yourself for a couple of days just so you can save up your points and binge the rest of the week................ yeah thats a pretty good idea.
    Not to mention, like many have mentioned, you have no comprehension as to nutritional value when your simply counting points. Thus, if you ever intend to "get off" the program, chances are pretty good that your going to gain weight!

    I am not a doctor, but I personally am not overweight because of a healthy wholesome diet and exercise and that is exactly what I would recommend to others.

    Alright I seriously think that you have absolutely no idea of what the WW program really is! They encourage you to eat power foods which is exactly what your talking about the natural, good for you, non-processed foods! I have been in WW for 2 months and never once have I been advised to drink Diet Soda or eat processed meals. I think maybe you should really look into what WW is about before you give bad advice.


    Yes, WW does sell packaged foods that are processed -- frozen meals, desserts, etc. But that is only one part of their money-making strategy. I can guarantee you that if MFP ever got into the food business, they too would sell processed foods. It's hard to brand a banana or container of milk, so WW has foods specifically created for them that they can put their brand on. It's a business.

    The WW program itself, however, does not advocate eating these foods. It recommends 'real' foods like fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, low-fat dairy, etc. There is a reason brown rice is less 'points' than white rice -- they are trying to encourage you to eat it!!
  • pittielover23
    WW is really great, but it just wasn't right for me. I prefer MFP. But everyone has different preferences! There was certainly nothing BAD about the program at all, and the support from the meetings was actually the best part for me. I wish we could have MFP meetings ;) The points system was just a little complicated, MFP is more straightforward.
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    Any program that advises chugging chemical filled diet soda, and highly processed "diet foods" instead of wholesome "real" foods to limit calories is useless. Now, of course this is just my opinion so take it or leave it. Since when is it ok to starve yourself for a couple of days just so you can save up your points and binge the rest of the week................ yeah thats a pretty good idea.
    Not to mention, like many have mentioned, you have no comprehension as to nutritional value when your simply counting points. Thus, if you ever intend to "get off" the program, chances are pretty good that your going to gain weight!

    I am not a doctor, but I personally am not overweight because of a healthy wholesome diet and exercise and that is exactly what I would recommend to others.

    I agree wholeheartedly. I feel like Weight Watchers is this big money making scheme that is devised to make as much money as possible. ever try to calculate the points on your own, without a calculator? you can't - THEY DEVISE IT THAT WAY!

    I mean if it works for some people, good for them. But it ultimately did NOT work for me and I refuse to hand over $18 a month for their online program to start again. I lost about 40 pounds over two years on weight watchers and guess what? HERE I AM - I gained in ALL BACK because I had no idea what the nutritional information label meant on the back of food products. Also, because, well it wasn't fun for me. I was bored counting points. I didn't like processed foods being marketed by weight watchers.

    that being said, the positive thing about the program is that apparently they do try to teach you about wholesome healthy foods now and they provide you with a supportive community. the only thing weight watchers had that MFP doesnt are healtful articles about eating and portion control. that's all i miss.
  • pittielover23
    Any program that advises chugging chemical filled diet soda, and highly processed "diet foods" instead of wholesome "real" foods to limit calories is useless. Now, of course this is just my opinion so take it or leave it. Since when is it ok to starve yourself for a couple of days just so you can save up your points and binge the rest of the week................ yeah thats a pretty good idea.
    Not to mention, like many have mentioned, you have no comprehension as to nutritional value when your simply counting points. Thus, if you ever intend to "get off" the program, chances are pretty good that your going to gain weight!

    I am not a doctor, but I personally am not overweight because of a healthy wholesome diet and exercise and that is exactly what I would recommend to others.

    I agree wholeheartedly. I feel like Weight Watchers is this big money making scheme that is devised to make as much money as possible. ever try to calculate the points on your own, without a calculator? you can't - THEY DEVISE IT THAT WAY!

    I mean if it works for some people, good for them. But it ultimately did NOT work for me and I refuse to hand over $18 a month for their online program to start again. I lost about 40 pounds over two years on weight watchers and guess what? HERE I AM - I gained in ALL BACK because I had no idea what the nutritional information label meant on the back of food products. Also, because, well it wasn't fun for me. I was bored counting points. I didn't like processed foods being marketed by weight watchers.

    that being said, the positive thing about the program is that apparently they do try to teach you about wholesome healthy foods now and they provide you with a supportive community. the only thing weight watchers had that MFP doesnt are healtful articles about eating and portion control. that's all i miss.
    Yeah, when I was there they certainly did not push processed foods. I mean they have their products on the back table, but it was not a 30min sales pitch by any means. And with the points plus they REALLY push for you to eat lots of fruits and veggies (Since they are "free") and get in your good healthy goals, which is a certain amount of fruits, veggies, protein and dairy a day.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    I met this gal in my gym who has lost crazy weight with WW and I am really interested in knowing more about WW. Wondering how is it different from calorie counting ( carbs, proteins and fat) Keeping food log .. and work outs.. coz I am already doing those !

    I was been tossing with this idea of joining WW....I have lost around 45ish lbs so far but the scale is not moving any further. May be some hormonal problems that I suspect... May Be !

    Nevertheless, I am keen on knowing more from the people who have done WW and found it good or bad !

    Luv n Hugs...

    I am a lifetime WW members. I loved the old plan. The new PointsPlus doesn't work for everyone. It didn't work for me after the first few weeks. I came on here and started tracking both places. I found even though I was eating all of my healthy checks. I wasn't eating enough calories which could have caused my plateau. There are a lot of members on MFP that the don't like the new program. If you go to the msg boards and do a search for Weight Watchers you will see a lot of posts on the subject before you decide. My weght on MFP is coming off slowly but better than with WW. At least now I know I am eating enough calories. Good luck.
    24 minutes ago ·
  • FitHitTheShan80
    I am doing great with weight watchers so far. I will admit though..in the beginning I was thinking uhhhh...I am NEVER going to be able to keep up with all this..WTH did I get myself into? :P So I challenged myself, and I continue to challenge myself almost every day..it's addicting to push myself!! Maybe I have grown up over night, or maybe I am just finally fed up with a mediocre body and mediocre health...too many people are dying around me and at very young ages and I don't wanna be a part of that club... I am giving WW my all. Despite what people have said to me, it really isn't a pain in the @ss to log points, measure my food or cut things out of my diet that are not the best option for me... I love that fruits and veggies are 0 points so it gives me an incentive that if I don't want to go over my points for any given day I will just have a piece of fruit and it really does satisfy me. Now I would have laughed in your face years ago if you had told me I was gonna be on the Weight watchers band wagon someday. I think in order for anything to work, you really have to be ready to make a lifestyle change, not just a temporary fix to look good for a wedding, graduation, blah blah blah... I mean really be ready to change your life. I know for a fact that I am at that point because it's not as hard anymore as it used to be to try... It's consuming me and I couldn't be happier about that!! With the help of my new found drive, MFP friends, WW and the support I have from my best friend, her mom and grandmom who are also on weight watchers, I am becomming the person I always knew I could be. My only regret is I didn't start all of this sooner! :0)