Share a story about your Father



  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    My Dad is awesome cause he made the choice to be my Dad. He wasn't my biological Dad, wasn't even my adoptive Dad (had both of those too but they never compared to him) He was just one of my mothers many husbands growing up. But when they seperated he told her part of the seperation deal was he not only got my brother (his biological son) but me as well each weekend and 1 day during the week. Thanks to him I had a "normal" childhood.
    My mother was a great friend but never really a mother and I had to grow up a lot faster than I should have had too. I ended up moving in with him when I was 13. Best decision I ever made.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    My daddy always calls me Ka-dee. Always has. No idea why. I have him to thank for my hysterical sense of humor. He always keeps the family laughing. Put him, my brother, and myself in a room & you will piddle! :laugh: My parents have been married for wow - 49 years come next month. My dad has a checking account that actually says "DIVORCE ACCOUNT" on it. He tells everyone he keeps saving for the divorce, but my mom keeps spending all the money so he can't get one. I've never seen two people more in love than my parents. I hope I someday get that chance to have that loving marriage that they have.

    My dad always loves to make grilled peanut butter & jelly sandwiches on Saturday afternoons. I used to LOVE having those with my daddy. A few weeks ago I was actually out there after I had ran a 5K race, I stopped by. Daddy was making grilled peanut butter & jelly. I HAD TO HAVE ONE. Mmmmm....good. Love those with my daddy! I never make them myself however.
  • Reisse62
    Reisse62 Posts: 71 Member
    That is so sweet!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    We did not get along very well when I was growing up because he teased me so bad and I was super sensitive about it. When I became an adult and grew a thicker skin, we became extremely close. We share a love of politics, old records, Jimmy Buffett, Willie Nelson, and all things progressive and Colorado granola. We play very vicious games of Monopoly and my mom has to cover her ears for all the vulgarity. He is my inspiration. He is 62 and and rides a bike like no one I have ever seen. He rode his bike to the top of Mt. Evans which is the highest paved road in North America. When he was 50 he rode Ride the Rockies. He rides at least one century every summer. He is the one who has gotten my lazy *kitten* on a bike and given me the motivation to ride like the wind. He stands behind me in everything I do in life. I would be lost without both of my parents but my Dad is my playmate. :heart:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    My Dad is awesome cause he made the choice to be my Dad. He wasn't my biological Dad, wasn't even my adoptive Dad (had both of those too but they never compared to him) He was just one of my mothers many husbands growing up. But when they seperated he told her part of the seperation deal was he not only got my brother (his biological son) but me as well each weekend and 1 day during the week. Thanks to him I had a "normal" childhood.
    My mother was a great friend but never really a mother and I had to grow up a lot faster than I should have had too. I ended up moving in with him when I was 13. Best decision I ever made.

    Real Fathers are not always biological. He sounds like a special man.
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    My Dad is awesome cause he made the choice to be my Dad. He wasn't my biological Dad, wasn't even my adoptive Dad (had both of those too but they never compared to him) He was just one of my mothers many husbands growing up. But when they seperated he told her part of the seperation deal was he not only got my brother (his biological son) but me as well each weekend and 1 day during the week. Thanks to him I had a "normal" childhood.
    My mother was a great friend but never really a mother and I had to grow up a lot faster than I should have had too. I ended up moving in with him when I was 13. Best decision I ever made.

    He sounds like an awesome guy!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    when I was in 7th and 8th grade I was a HUGE nsync fan... like obsessed... my dad bought me tickets to concerts (we went together 4 times!) and would stand in line with me for HOURS waiting for tickets.. it was always a lottery process and we'd get the crappiest numbers every single time and only be able to get lawn seats or real nosebleeders but he would still get there super early with me to get our number.. and he would still buy them for me and my friends no matter what! :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    My parents divorced when I was 4 and my twin brother and sister were 2. I visited every other weekend growing up, so it's not been until I've gotten older than I've really started to get to know my dad.

    My dad gave me and especially my brother his goofy sense of humor. He's always telling me dirty jokes or things he said to people to try to get a reaction out of them when he calls.

    Once, my dad and my brother had those slippers you stereotypically see old men wearing and wore them to visit my grandma in the nursing home. They were both shuffling down the hall and asking the aids (who knew them well by now) when dinner was and stuff. I was laughing my butt off, and my sister was trying to pretend she wasn't related to us. Then we went to Walmart and they did the same thing thru there!

    My dad likes to ask ridiculous questions at stores or restaurants, too. He asked the eye doctor where they kept the sticks and the seeing-eye dogs, because glasses wouldn't help him if he was blind. This past weekend he asked the waitress at IHOP to be seated in the non-tipping section. He tells people his brother was an only child. He tried to sell yard sticks at his latest yardsale by telling people most of them measured 36 inches. When he had lung cancer last year, at every MRI he asked the doctor after if there was anything in his head at all, besides dust bunnies (but he's crazy smart, so I never understand why he makes that joke). My dad just makes me laugh all the time, and my brother is exactly the same!

    Seriously, my dad has always believed I'm going to be a famous artist someday and he loves getting artwork from me, no matter what it is. He brought me a rose in a vase while I was out at recess on my birthday in 1st grade and left it on my desk. I felt like a princess! He sends me the weirdest card he can find for my birthday every year since about junior year in high school (no mushy stuff for us)! He wears velcro shoes all the time and hardly ever wears socks, even in winter (I get my crazy hot feet from him, too! I'm always in flip flops if I can manage it). The only time I've seen him without velcro is at my grandpa, my aunt gladys, and my grandma's funerals, because his dress shoes are the only ones he has that lace up!

    The only movies he can sit through without falling asleep in his recliner are the Sound of Music, The Goofy Movie (he'll rewind the part where Goofy gets blown out of his socks about a thousand times), and Liar Liar.

    He's not always been the most perfect dad, but I love him anyways :)
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    My biological father died at the age of 24 in a motorcycle accident. I was only 18 months old. I don't really remember him. A few years later my mom met a wonderful man, named Loren, who adopted me when I was 6. He has raised me as his own and taught me what unconditional love is about. He has never left my side through a teen pregnancy, mental illness and past suicide attempts, 2 divorces, and my past drug addiction. I have not always been the easiest person to love...yet he never stopped loving me. Read my profile to hear how the story ends and how I am doing today!!

    My memory of my dad is when I was about 6 or 7 my dad would let me put those little colored, plastic barrettes in his hair. I would put like 20 of them in at a time!! LOL! He would let me put bright pink lipstick and blush on him! He would sit on the floor and I would sit on the couch behind him. He would just sit there like a champ and let me give him a "makeover". This is a cherished memory....I love you daddy!
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    My dad passed away due to a complication following surgery to remove cancer from his liver. He died 8 years ago when I was 22, five months before my wedding and a few weeks before I I graduated college. Never thought I wouldn't have him there to walk me down the aisle on my 'big day' and he never saw his grandsons (my kids). I miss him EVERY DAY!!! He was an amazing father and I could always talk to him about my problems without judgement. (I wish he was still here so I could talk to him about things and get his reassuring and calming advice because there are REALLY times I need him.) I could go on and on about what a stand-up guy he was... :heart:
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Awww, ur making me tear up here sis :( LOVE what u said about our wonderful dad!! He left us way too soon and was the best father!! Next month he would have only been 56 yrs old and I'm so glad we talk about him often to keep his memory alive. He's watching over us...<3
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Every year for my birthday as a child, My dad would wake me up and sing "Happy Birthday To You" in a really cheesy kind of Tony Bennet way. Now that I am grown and out of the house, he still calls me every year and starts the conversation with the song, no hello, just right into the song. Makes me look forward to my birthday! I love my dad.

    Sniff snifff!!!!!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    My favorite story to tell about my Dad... well I have two but one is much more MFP friendly. I was in Girl Scouts when I was a kid and my Mom was the sout leader. So that meant that eeevery year my Dad was roped into taking me to the Father Daughter Dance. I looked forward to them soooo much! What other time was it appropriate to put on make up (mascara and lip stick LOL) and a princess gown and go out into public??? Come on, I loved it. I also loved seeing my Dad out of his work jeans and t-shirts and the way he went from smelling like the metal shop (which I loved too lol) to smelling like old spice. Anyway one year we on our way to the dance and a cat darted across the street and my dad tried to miss it but sadly did not. He pulled over right away and got out of the car and picked up the cat, looked at it's ID tag and then proceeded to walk door to door until he found the owner. By the time he got back to the car him and I were both crying but he told me that they were going to take the cat to the vet and that everything would be alright. Many many years later he told me that he had killed the cat and that he always felt horrible about that night. That's when I learned that my Dad had the heart of a big ol teddy bear and that he could be reduced to tears just as easily as I could. He became human to me.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I joined the Marines on a 6 month delay program when I was a senior in HS. Dad was a former Marine and tried to talk me into joining another branch of the service. Didn't want to see me go to Viet Nam. I could not be swayed. I wanted to be a Marine; just like my Dad and his Dad.

    My Father drove me to the Recruiter on the day I was to leave. We sat around and waited for me to be sworn in vbefore hopping on the bus to San Diego. My Dad got up, excused himself and went to the bathroom. When they came to get me and be sworn in, my Father couldn't be found. I was sworn in and got on the bus without saying goodbye.

    A couple weeks after I started Boot Camp, I received a letter from my Dad. It was addressed to:

    PVT Vallandingham
    c/o Commandant of the Marine Corps
    San Diego, California

    It was an apology for slipping away from the recruiters like he did. He told me how proud he was and that he left because he didn't want me to see him cry.
  • elsapm
    elsapm Posts: 51 Member
    I joined the Marines on a 6 month delay program when I was a senior in HS. Dad was a former Marine and tried to talk me into joining another branch of the service. Didn't want to see me go to Viet Nam. I could not be swayed. I wanted to be a Marine; just like my Dad and his Dad.

    My Father drove me to the Recruiter on the day I was to leave. We sat around and waited for me to be sworn in vbefore hopping on the bus to San Diego. My Dad got up, excused himself and went to the bathroom. When they came to get me and be sworn in, my Father couldn't be found. I was sworn in and got on the bus without saying goodbye.

    A couple weeks after I started Boot Camp, I received a letter from my Dad. It was addressed to:

    PVT Vallandingham
    c/o Commandant of the Marine Corps
    San Diego, California

    It was an apology for slipping away from the recruiters like he did. He told me how proud he was and that he left because he didn't want me to see him cry.

    omg, i'm crying at work LOL
    Me too!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    My dad is unique is so many ways, and the hardest working man I ever met. He and my mom were 16 when they got married, had me at 17. I have memories of going to watch him work on the oil rigs. He was a tool pusher back then, and to this day, I love the smell of crude oil, because I knew when I smelled that Daddy was home. He and my mom didn't work out, and now he has a second family, but he taught my little sisters to respect my mother, and when her mother passed away in April, he came to the nursing home to tell her goodbye, pray with her, and hugged my mother. My dad is a tough cookie, but a prankster that loves to laugh, and some of my favorite times with him are watching his friends and family yelling Dammit Danny as they run from some prank he just pulled!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I played sports all my life. Football, Wrestiling, Softball, Soccer, Rugby. While I was in Japan, I got heavily into Martial Arts and boxing.

    I'm 57 next month and I still play Indoor Soccer in a league.

    From the time I began playing sports until My father's death at 74, he and my Mom made it a point to come to as many of my games or matches as possible. It didn't matter if I was 12 yrs old and coming in last at a cross-country meet or 49 yrs old playing soccer, they were there if they could be.

    In the late 70's, I played on a corporate slow-pitch softball team. Until 1987. Everyone called me Val or "The Big V". My last year playing, before I moved to Oregon, I was named MVP and there was an awards ceremony. All the members of the team signed a softball and presented it to me. When I looked over the signatures, I found they had let my father sign it as well.

    It simply read:

    "The Original Big V"

    I still have it. It's nestled in the pocket of my Dad's First Baseman's Mitt from when he was a teenager in the 40's. My greatest award. Sit's on a shelf in my weight room.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I was going to go with something funny, but I thought I would go with something serious.....I got pregnant at 16 with my first daughter, and didn't tell my Dad until I was about 5 and a half months along. I was afraid he would kick me out, hate me, and not view me as "Daddy's little girl" anymore. When I was forced to tell him, he picked me up from school and took me to the store to get a pregnancy book, vitamins...and never yelled once. I'll never forget that.
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    A couple of years back for dad's birthday i spied this really funny mug, I'd already got him his real present but when I seen it I thought it would be funny to see his face...he has a bit of a balding patch which we (not just me), as his adorable off spring always keep him going about! So this mug had a picture of a balding man and read 'It's not a bald patch...' Being in a rush I just bought it and headed home. By the way mum and sister were with and they thought this would be funny as well!

    So next day, dad's birthday, over I go (hubby in toe) and present dad with his presents. He wasn't to amused at the mug but seen the funny side. We all decided to meet up again at mum and dad's that evening for a few drinks. Over we go and when we get there dad's drinking out of the mug!!! I said I didn't think he was to amused with it but he went into hysterics of laughter and said it was the best present he got...

    Had I have taken the time to read the box that the mug was in properly I wouldn't have bought it...on the side of the mug it read 'It's not a bald patch..' but to my total embarrassment and much to the delight of my dad it also read on the bottom of the mug...'it's a solar panel for a sex machine'

    :noway: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: Talk about a joke backfiring!!! I have never been allowed to forget this!!!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    A couple of years back for dad's birthday i spied this really funny mug, I'd already got him his real present but when I seen it I thought it would be funny to see his face...he has a bit of a balding patch which we (not just me), as his adorable off spring always keep him going about! So this mug had a picture of a balding man and read 'It's not a bald patch...' Being in a rush I just bought it and headed home. By the way mum and sister were with and they thought this would be funny as well!

    So next day, dad's birthday, over I go (hubby in toe) and present dad with his presents. He wasn't to amused at the mug but seen the funny side. We all decided to meet up again at mum and dad's that evening for a few drinks. Over we go and when we get there dad's drinking out of the mug!!! I said I didn't think he was to amused with it but he went into hysterics of laughter and said it was the best present he got...

    Had I have taken the time to read the box that the mug was in properly I wouldn't have bought it...on the side of the mug it read 'It's not a bald patch..' but to my total embarrassment and much to the delight of my dad it also read on the bottom of the mug...'it's a solar panel for a sex machine'

    :noway: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: Talk about a joke backfiring!!! I have never been allowed to forget this!!!

    OMG this one has me rolling!!!! Sounds like something that would happen with me and my Dad!!