Alright, I need some guy friends that lift, no offense girls



  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Pfffft, I'm superwoman, didnt ya know? LOL
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I have a protein smoothie for breakfast. It is about 600 cal with 80g of protein. I do 2 days of lifting per week and at least 2 days of cardio--usually more.

    I was 220 with muscle. But the fat has come off--now I am cut. It really is all about calories. The exercise helps, but you have to control how much you eat and the quality of what you eat.

    It seems to me that you are killing it on the protein--overkilling it.

    I would also emphasize higher reps (I do 1 to 2 sets of 15 to 25 reps of every exercise). IF you have to reduce the load, do so. Focus on the calories. Do your workouts. The weight will come off and you will see improvements in strength, stamina and definition.

    Good luck.

    PS: Wear a heart rate monitor for all exercise (including weights) to accurately log calories burned. I think Polar makes the best units.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Step 1: Throw out the scale.
    Step 2: Get some rest. Your size and strength will improve, trust me.
    Step 3: Re-evaluate your diet. Fitness starts in the kitchen, and ends in the gym.
    Step 4: Check out, or
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Options (just ignore some of the marketing stuff), the trainers on thier know thier stuff, especially Chad, Shelby, and Jim.

    Best sites. :)

    Just remember, if losing fat and getting strong are you're goals, then dont waste time with fluu exercises.

    Stick to the big basics:
    Overhead press

    then just add assistance movements that will help you with these lifts.
    SL 5 x 5 is excellent for this.
    you should be doing things like pullups/chinups, dips, stiff leg deadlifts, good mornings, GHD situps, incline/decline bench, and row(standing bent, or one arm DB)

    you dont need bicep curls and tricep extensions and other crazy isolation exercises...waste of time unless you are a serious bodybuilder type. You want compound stuff.

    "want bigger arms?? do some heavy squats and eat lots..."

    regards to the scale. i agree with being rid of it, lol.
    tape measure is what you need.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    agree with Mideon :)

    I would recommend SL 5x5 or starting strength. Do it 3 times per week with a day rest in between. On rest days, you can do some cardio type stuff if you want. I try to make it not too taxing but I do stuff that I enjoy e.g. mma training. Pick something that you like doing and you will then do it consistently as opposed to it being a chore.