Calling turbo fire fanatics!!! =D



  • getnfitn2011
    Thanks for the warm welcome, shakemybooty and Misty! I'm glad I found y'all. I contemplated starting a group for about a week when I sen this thread.

    Misty, I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but your determination is inspiring. After my first week on MFP I lost 4.3 pounds, then the next week I gained exactly 4.3 pounds after doing everything right :sad: . It stayed on that same number for weeks :grumble: . Then I lost 1.4, then this week the scale said I lost .3 so I'm still not up to that original 4.3 lb. loss. I mean really? My friend says that was my body's version of a plateau so hopefully I'm off of it now and TF can help me just power through.

    Oh man do I know what that feels like but shakemybooty ( did I mention I love typing that, makes me want to jump up and do it lol) said the inches are a great way to keep tabs on all this stuff. It is so so frustrating but we are doing what is best for us so we just gotta keep pluggin away. At least we aren't alone though right? I am thinking about really keeping close tabs on sodium and sugar intakes....I am almost always inder on my calories so maybe these two things combined with drinking nothing but water (farewell coffee I shall miss you) for a couple weeks (2) will get that VILE scale to give a girl a break! Oh and I am also only weighing after these changes in two weeks but measuring every Monday just beacuse I hate being discouraged. I don't know, just trying to to change it up and see what happens so I figured I would share. We can do this though, and I am SO glad you found this thread too!!
  • getnfitn2011
    Misty-I found out I was hypo when I was pg with my 3rd child. I hope you can find a clinic to run the blood test for you. I've been working out 4-6 days a week since the end of December. My weight has only really changed about 6 lbs that entire time. I won't lie and say I'm a great eater.I still eat way too many things that I shouldn't. (like the stress oreos I just had!!)

    Have you taken your measurements? Even though I can say my weight hasn't changed, my measurements have changed A LOT. Just because the scale is being mean doesn't mean you aren't reaping the benefits some where else.

    Still no word from a clinic so just kinda waiting it out to see what happens! I have *met* SO many people on here and so many people blame this issue for their gain. Kinda discouraging but after thinking about it I realized you know what so what if the sacale doesn't move backwards I cant control that the way I want to but I CAN keep it from moving back up and packing the pounds on. So thick or thin I am sticking with this thing!! Also I didn;t take my measurements to start with but I did this Monday so I am gonna go by those and like I told Stephanie only weight every other week from here on! I am gonna clean up my trouble spots too (sweets) and see whats what in a couple weeks. Meanwhile I did core 20 today...OUCH!!! You are doing so well...keep shaking it girl! =)
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Friday's workout - Fire 55 EZ, terrible workout because I couldn't get the coreography down. Burned 290 calories, mainly because I was watching Chalene workout, LOL.

    Have a great weekend.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Mariabee-It gets easier each time. I was struggling the first time. Now I've got it.

    Today was a Chalean Extreme day...Burn It Off and Extreme Abs. My abs were not cooperative. They know it's the weekend!
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Oh man do I know what that feels like but shakemybooty ( did I mention I love typing that, makes me want to jump up and do it lol) said the inches are a great way to keep tabs on all this stuff. It is so so frustrating but we are doing what is best for us so we just gotta keep pluggin away. At least we aren't alone though right? I am thinking about really keeping close tabs on sodium and sugar intakes....I am almost always inder on my calories so maybe these two things combined with drinking nothing but water (farewell coffee I shall miss you) for a couple weeks (2) will get that VILE scale to give a girl a break! Oh and I am also only weighing after these changes in two weeks but measuring every Monday just beacuse I hate being discouraged. I don't know, just trying to to change it up and see what happens so I figured I would share. We can do this though, and I am SO glad you found this thread too!!

    Hi, all!! OMG...Misty, you must be reading my mind over here because this week I have been preparing to lower my sodium intake to 1000 mg per day and have my coffee only on the weekends for the next month and see what happens. Gonna start all this on Monday along with TF. When I say "preparing" I just mean I've been reviewing my food diary to see where all my sodium is coming from and trying to get menus together that will help me stay on that sodium intake number. EVERYTHING has sodium! Geez!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was HIIT 25 and Sculpt 30. I thought there were 5 sets of 2 for HIIT but I think there were only 4. I was pleasantly surprised when I was done because I thought I had to kill myself 2 more times. Yeah for me. Sculpt 30 is still a butt kicker for me. There is never a day my arms aren't sore, even if I don't work out. Even my husband was commenting on my muscles and he is NOT Mr. Observant.

    Hope you guys are having a great day!
  • skeele
    skeele Posts: 72
    I'm waiting to get mine in the mail!!!! Looking forward to a new routine and new exercises. I did the first DVD of Chalean Extreme (borrowed it from sis in law) but she needed it back, so now I have nothing. Plus my apt gym is "closed" and am unable to use it. So I am really looking forward to getting my TF!!!
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Today was HIIT 25 and Sculpt 30. I thought there were 5 sets of 2 for HIIT but I think there were only 4. I was pleasantly surprised when I was done because I thought I had to kill myself 2 more times. Yeah for me. Sculpt 30 is still a butt kicker for me. There is never a day my arms aren't sore, even if I don't work out. Even my husband was commenting on my muscles and he is NOT Mr. Observant.

    Hope you guys are having a great day!

    Isn't it nice when your hard work starts showing on the outside? How long have you been doing Sculpt 30?
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I've only done Sculpt 30 twice. I did Insanity before this. I'm on week 10 of the Chalean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. Last month was the Push month of Chalean Extreme and that's when the muscles started showing up.

    Chalean's one high energy friend has triplets and Toni (dark hair in braids in TF workouts) has 7 kids-a single, twins, and quads. I applaud their hot bodies and energy but I'd rather stay pudgy and tired than have that many kids in one shot. YIKES!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hello all! My name is Cee and I'm Bootylicious's hybrid partner. She provides me with comic relief all the time. Glad to see other Turbo Fanatics in here!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Today was HIIT 25 and Sculpt 30. I thought there were 5 sets of 2 for HIIT but I think there were only 4. I was pleasantly surprised when I was done because I thought I had to kill myself 2 more times. Yeah for me. Sculpt 30 is still a butt kicker for me. There is never a day my arms aren't sore, even if I don't work out. Even my husband was commenting on my muscles and he is NOT Mr. Observant.

    Hope you guys are having a great day!

    Nice!! I think HIIT 25 is my favorite, and I noticed that she miscalculated the # of times we repeat. But I always thought I was just so exhausted I couldn't count anymore.

    Don't you love it when your spouse notices all your hard work? For awhile there a few years ago my husband started calling me "buffy" so I had to scale down on the protein, LOL. Hey, we could be called worse, right?

    I did the Core 20 yesterday, loved it, and I'm already feeling it today! Usually, when I do Ab Ripper from P90X, it takes a couple days for me to feel the pain!

    Have a great day!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Fire 45 today, burn = 420 calories, according to my watch. Have a great night TF'ers.
  • mlecin
    mlecin Posts: 16
    I started Turbofire back on May 9th and love it! In 7 weeks I've lost 15 pounds and over 10 inches!

    I started with the easier "Prep" schedule because I'm 50 and took all the warnings that come with the program to heart. :) After 6 weeks I switched over to week 1 of the regular TF schedule. (Prep week 7 is when the HiiT workouts start, so I figured I was ready to move up!)

    So far the routines have alternated between Fire 30, 45EZ and 55EZ, HiiT 15, Core 20, Sculpt 30, Tone 30, and Stretch 10 & 40. Fire 45 & 55 are an amazing workout - last time I didn't stop sweating until 20 minutes after taking a cool shower! I do believe that they are revving up my metabolism for the whole day.

    Don't be afraid of the longer workouts! The problem I'll have with them this week is how to fit them in before driving my son to camp.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Hi, all! Loved my first workout. Fire 30 and Stretch 10 done for a cool 437 calories torched!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Nice job everyone!

    Today was a Chalean Extreme day. Burn Intervals and Ab Burner. I have to admit that I HATE all the ab workouts. HATE HATE HATE them. It's not's totally me. I couldn't convince myself that I liked working my abs today. They were screaming "You know we HATE this!!" (and they were right!). :bigsmile:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Morning, everyone! Same workout as booty. I too dislike ALL of Chalene's ab routines. I don't like crunches at all. Give me plank and standing ab work any day and I'm a happy girl. I even like the Insanity ab routines better than Chalene's. This is the only time you'll ever hear me say something negative about her and her programs though. :laugh:
  • priepen
    priepen Posts: 37 Member
    I am on week 3 day 2 and loving every minute. I had a hard time with the moves at first but each time I do it I get better and better. I just push myself as hard as I can and make up moves if I need to. i find I am able to do most of the moves now with no problems. I also did the 5 day Inferno and had good results was happy I did the Inferno. I am excited to see my end of month results. I am doing the Advanced Turbo fire which is 20 weeks long so looking forward to my end results.
  • mlecin
    mlecin Posts: 16
    Fire 45 today. I must admit, this is my least favorite routine so far. The music isn't as inspiring, and the moves just don't flow as smoothly (although that "Tina" move was pretty cool); even the Fire Drills weren't as In-Your-Face! as in Fire 55 or 30. It feels like it was the first Turbofire routine she put together, and the rest worked out much better.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I waved good bye to the prep schedule today, it's just too slow for me. I did HIIT 15 and I was able to get through it better.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Wow, you girls are really doin' it! I hope I don't hate the abs workout when I get to it...that's the area I need to work the most :blushing:. I wish I could do the 5-Day Inferno, but I'm afraid I'll injure I'm just going to stick with the prep schedule as long as I'm burning up those calories and work my way up. Do any of you ladies stick to the routine completely, you know, doing it 6 days a week? Because I was wondering if I could fit in some Zumba on the days where it's just a stretch class.