Venting a little read at your own risk!! lol

Ive been reading a bit on how people are "trying" to loose weight and i guess what they call "exercise". And i think it is just pointless and ridiculous that people are adding things like
-Washing car
-a 10min walk
-Mowing the grass
-Wii boxing :S (have you seen anyone get ripped off playing video games for 30min? and do you really think that you burn what the game sais?)

Like seriously you guys is it going to get to the extent that you will be punching in your calorie burn for every time you stand up and sit down to walk to the toilet and back??? move your hand to flip a channel? All those things are just everyday things that people do!!! they are not exercise, you walk, you do your chores, you work! if you consider those things as "calorie burning exercise" then you will never be going out for a run, going to lift some weights, or doing anything that takes dedication to achieve your goal!!! All those things may add and help you just maybe 0.1% towards your daily exercise goal but they WILL NOT get you healthy! they will not let your heart, your stamina, and cardiovascular strength get better. It seems that people add those things so they can eat more as it sais you have to eat your calories burned so people are just "cheating" themselves so they can eat that extra snack.

You should quit putting things like that in your diary. Add things like
-weight lifting
-exercise videos
-push ups/sit ups
-dancing as ive seen lots of people here like
-LONG walks like at least 45min/1hr or greater walks...

things that actually you go out of your daily/weekly routine to do to burn those extra calories!! because if you are here trying to loose weight or get in shape then obviously what you are doing in daily routine isnt good enough and you NEED exercise so what makes you think that adding those things to your diary and it saying your burned a few cals you can eat more and you will magically loose weight??? Who do you think you are cheating? JUST YOURSELF! and if you can't even be honest with yourself than you shouldn't even be trying... you obviously dont want it bad enough! I know all this may sound a lil harsh to some but just tired of people failing and then saying "oh my body is not meant for that i tried already really hard i washed my own car and cut my grass and everything". There is literraly NO EXCUSE for any of you not to go for a run or do some real exercise. If you don't want to run, fine! go for a 2.5hour walk; set a destination to some shopping center walk there, walk around the stores, buy yourself a nice shirt that you deserve and will fit into eventually and walk back home!

heres a little youtube video to get you motivated to get you off your butt and get at it the way you are supposed to!! not sure if you can embed videos on this forum so just posted links.. just copy and paste
Please watch the videos... all them or not but atleast watch a couple!

I Love Living Life. I Am Happy. <--I nearly teared up first time is saw this!
No Excuses!
Your mind is more important than your body!!
No Pain No Gain!!!
And to cheer you guys back up a bit...

After watching the first 2 videos.... do you see that things really could be ALOT worse and there is no reason for you to skip that work out, skip that 15min run or be "too lazy". Some people would kill to even have the opportunity to do something that you can do right now!!


  • shopgirl192
    shopgirl192 Posts: 102
    Well said! I agree with you! I only log what I do at the gym or with a workout DVD! I would feel weird logging when I clean the house! :)
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I do cardio boxing on my wii, and if you saw me afterwards I am sweating more than if I walked at 4.0 miles per hour on the treadmill for an hour. It's actually a very good workout. I agree with you on wii bowling though, that's not much of a workout.
  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    Hey - hang on there a minute.....Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to do half the exercises you mention .......If I was 40 years younger, had the full mobility of my limbs, I too would be only to pleased to do more strenuous exercises. As it is, I must satisfy myself with my daily walk and light cleaning duties.....and have shed 20lbs (9kgs) in 17 weeks. Be a bit more realistic and tolerant towards least we recognise that we need to lose weight and are working towards that goal - in our own way....
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I am a bit offended by this as I am sure many others are too. I had several surgeries in 2006/2007 followed by a couple years of PT. Plus I have fibromyalgia w/chronic back pain and chronic kidney pain.

    I am not looking to rock a bikini or climb a mountain or run a marathon. I am trying like the devil to lose the pounds that crept up over the past few years and keep myself functional!!!

    I have nothing against those who do insanity, run marathons, etc. In fact, a number of my friends work very hard at these activities and they inspire me. But a lot of folks here like myself w/medical issues, or those who carry a lot of weight, struggle to do "every day" activities you take for granted.

    This was neither helpful nor supportive in any way.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Well said....***LIKE***
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    this post is judgmental and in very bad taste ..just my opinion...your telling people they shouldnt try? even if they are doing less than what you deem fit and appropriate?..good luck in your journey I sure hope you dont have anyone tell you that you need to be doing 3miles more than you currently are.....perhaps your rant is just that a rant that stems from within...I personally dont eat back my calories so I dont have a need to log smaller workout sessions on a daily basis....but really is telling people the little bit they are doing is useless going to help?
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I kind of agree. It all depends on what people have entered to calculate their BMR. If you are sedentary and do some of those activities, it should definitely be added.
  • AnaisInard
    AnaisInard Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with everything except the walk.

    A 10 minute walk still counts. ANY exercise IS exercise. It is better than no exercise at all and every bit of exercise counts. It is OK to log those exercises.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I personally only log heavy workouts, but to some that have lots of weight to lose and may be seriously deconditioned, some of those things that you don't consider excercise may be serious excercise for them. I agree that some will count breathing as excercise, and they are only fooling's not my issue, it's theirs
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I personally only log heavy workouts, but to some that have lots of weight to lose and may be seriously deconditioned, some of those things that you don't consider excercise may be serious excercise for them. I agree that some will count breathing as excercise, and they are only fooling's not my issue, it's theirs.
  • jpaw1002
    jpaw1002 Posts: 322 Member
    You know wat i am right there with u! I agree. I had a bad ankle forever from a sports injury. I finally got it all squared away recently and im hitting the gym at least six times a week and have began to run. There aint nothin to it but to do it! & if it doesnt hurt the next day....u aint doing it right.

    nice vent :)
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    About the 10 minute walk bit, i walk 10 minutes to work, 10 minutes home for lunch, 10 minutes back to work, and 10 minutes home at the end of the day, monday-friday. it's .3 miles each way, 1.2 miles a day and 6 miles week. I do more than just that. I count those calories but i also hold myself to every calorie i take, even a jaw breaker. if people didn't count those calories they wouldn't have an accurate count for the day and might not eat enough calories.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Yes, that was a little harsh. Though I appreciate the thought that you are wanting people to succeed, you don't know when they say they mowed the grass, that it's 100 degrees out and an acre of lawn. Also, Wii boxing, as you stated, if you are jumping the entire time and sweating, for some people, that IS exercising. Some people have specific reasons for noted any extra movement in their lives. I agree it is tough to see people whine about not loosing because they are eating back calories burned, but that is what a lot of people on MFP suggest instead of, if your still hungry, then you need to eat them back. You don't always HAVE to eat ALL of them back. One last thought, I've read where some people post 15 min. doing something, when they actually did 30 min. just because they don't trust what it says they've actually burned. I get the point that you are probably aiming this towards those who have complained about not loosing weight, but it was a little harsh in general. And, yes, I read it at my own risk!! My fault. LOL
  • Janelle_Teaches
    I understand what your your life those are 'not great' workouts...But for me, those light workouts are what really got me started! Those little 30 minute walks turned into 30 min. speed walks..then i started the couch to 5K. If i had started the program right away..I would have given up! And for me, mowing the lawn IS a workout!

    You have your own voice..but you have to remember for some just get started is the real challenge! did warn me to read at my own risk...:)
  • KellyDianeSpears
    Very judgmental dude. I don't count those things as exercise either, but to each their own. Don't judge. Just do. As they say, walk the walk, or in your case "run the run"... Ya could have been working out HARD instead of taking the time to "vent" and offend people. Not impressed... I am, however, impressed with the guy who has lost 105lbs and isn't judging anyone. :) Great Work! You are an inspiration!!!!!!!!!
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I agree with you that shopping trips and normal walking is not exercise, but the rest is realistic depending on current weight and level of obesity. You say that there is no excuse why a person can't go out for a run. If you are morbidly obese, a jog would likely be so hard on you that your workout would last about 3 minutes if that, you would probably injure yourself, and you would lose motivation. You have to work up incrementaly. Asking a fat person why they can't go for a jog is the equivlent of asking a skinny person why they can't go into the gym and bench 300 lbs.

    There is nothing wrong with brisk ten minute walks if done multiple times a day and can actually do more to spark the metabolism than one long walk. If you are skinny and burn calories easy, then no, mowing the lawn is not exercise. But if you weigh 400 lbs and are completely sedentary, then mowing for an hour with a manual push mower is, in fact burning calories. It's worthless if you aren't dieting, but if you ARE counting calories then it does count.

    Look at it this way. My wife and I just joined the gym two weeks ago. I lift weights and do cardio, at least 30-45 mins 5 days a week. Now, physically, even if I didn't have a bum foot, running at this point is out of the question. But I walk at an incline at a moderate pace and I burn as many calories as some thin people do jogging because I've got more mass and my heart rate goes up easier. Now eventually, I will pick up the pace. But at this point my long risk walk is a better pay off than a tiny jog that will incapacitate me.
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I can see where you are coming from. When I first got on MFP, I thought it was silly to log "cleaning" as exercise--and calling it "exercise" really is silly. BUT it IS burning more calories than sitting on the couch. MFP calculates your BMR as how many calories your body is burning at rest. So anything above that, and your body really is working harder. And for some people, that may be all the "exercise" they can squeeze in a busy schedule. I do agree that the numbers are WAY high and it could definitely sabatage a diet if not entered and used appropriately. But my point IS getting up off our lazy bums and burning a few calories.

    I have to say what bugs me the most is when people log their work as calories burned. I had one girl on here who worked as a cashier in a pizza place, so she logged "cleaning" every day for 360+ minutes and it would calculate to 1500+ calories burned! In my opinion, she should have just changed her activity level in the settings to something more active than "sedentary". She was eating all those calories back and she was so confused as to why she wasnt losing weight!

    Either way, I can definitely understand what you are saying. However, different things work for different people. And to me and many others, just getting our booties up and movin' is a lot better than veggin' out on the couch! :wink:
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I really do respect your opinion, and we all have a right to one. But I used to be the person you are talking about. I was almost 300 lbs, bipolar, PCOS, hypothyroid and chronic fatigue. Cleaning my house WAS a marathon. I did what I could do. And every little thing I did encouraged me to do a little more. Now I am 104 lbs lighter and a whole lot healthier. All of those little things I did helped me to be who I am today. I respect everyone on here for doing what they can to reach their goals.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I choose to mow my lawn with a push mower. I have about 3/4 of an acre, and it takes me a little over 2 1/2 hours to complete it. I come back into the house more sweaty than when I do "real exercise" like weight lifting. I wear a BodyBugg, so I know that I'm burning calories, and I need to replace at least some of those calories.

    Most of my work days are sedantary, so I need to record when I have unusual activities like mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, or (gasp) even shopping. I allow myself a few extra calories on those days, and am still continuing to lose weight.

    Please stop criticizing those of us who have to do chores rather than work out at the gym!