Venting a little read at your own risk!! lol



  • plash63
    plash63 Posts: 4
    Sorry i guess just saw couple people that were logging 10min walks that could walk 10miles instead...

    Dude - Are you on this site to belittle everyone so you can feel good about yourself? Please dont answer! Look you do not know how much time I or anyone on this site has to work out! Nor do you know my or their individuals here personal health situation.

    I am one of those that puts down 10 mins walking or lawn mowing. I do for the very reason this site, I presume, was created. To accurately reflect all information and thereby be able to make an informed decision on MY work out, food intake and goals. Notice I said my work out not yours.
    Cheers from a retired soldier.
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Wow, you stirred some things didn't you, lol.

    I can understand the original intention in this post. That it is frustrating when someone complains they are not losing weight when they refuse to push themselves or do a small amount of exercise for themselves so they can eat more. Then ask for help and refuse to accept any.

    However, it did come across very opinionated and obviously hurt people and made them feel bad. I'm sure that wasn't the OP's intention. He just ranted and didn't think his post through.

    Anybody that is pushing themselves to do more than they usually can, like most people who have commented on this thread, are inspirational! You are obviously doing what works. You are losing weight and improving your health, which is fantastic.

    I too log wii fit, shorter walks and mowing the lawn. I have knee problems and this is outside of my normal routine so it is extra exercise and it pushes me. I don't add up my 2 minute walks to and from work because i do them daily and count them as part of my lifestyle. It is starting to work for me, i am happy to say.

    Again i would like to say this post was not aimed at those of you who ARE pushing yourselves to do more than your usual routine and are losing weight. It is aimed at those who could do more but have too many excuses and wonder why they have NOT lost weight. Obviously diet would be a factor too, but that has not been mentioned here.

    Congratulations to all of you who are doing your thing and improving your health accordingly. You should all be immensely proud of yourselves, whether pushing it is a marathon or a walk around the block!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Anything you do in addition to your normal daily routine should count toward something.

    Who are you to judge others based upon what you like to do?
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    well you did say read at your own risk ... I thought maybe it was someone needing encouragement ... I so wish I hadnt looked at your post. It is very discouraging to someone like myself.

    You know those things you say arent good exercises ... like the 10 min walk or mowing the yard or cleaning the house, Wii Games ... Yes these are all things I have posted ... and until this post I was proud of myslef. Due to a back injury and a pinched nerve in back and knees that rub bone against bone because of a car accident ... I have been immobilized for a while. So those things you put down as not exercise are things that work for me. Those are things that get my heart rate up ... those are things that leave me sore for days sometimes weeks. yes it is because I am out od shape but I am trying... You walk a mile in my shoes and I am sure you will rethink you vent.

    I'm sorry to hear about your situation, and there were many more before you who posted things like this...

    I just wanted to add that I honestly don't think the O/P was talking about people such as yourself. There are people who are otherwise normal and healthy and quite capable of doing much more than they do...yet only log the easiest things. It would be like someone like me who has done P90X multiple times going and logging house cleaning simply so I can get a few more calories in my snack. That would certainly be cheating myself out of good exercise in exchange for a junk food snack. And I honestly do think that is what the O/P was talking about. If you CAN do a mile jog, then why use that time simply for a leisurely walk when you know that the jog would burn more calories? But if your legs/hips/ankles/whatever won't allow you to jog, then of course the walk is excellent as we need to challenge ourselves with those things we are able to do!

    At least I would hope that he wouldn't put down people like yourself who have had injuries that limit the amount of strenuous exercise that can safely be done.

    what she sais... think an only that get its
  • SeeMeShrinkDown
    I don't give a flip what the OP thinks. To each his own.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    I feel like maybe OP has some self esteem issues if Internet strangers posting exercises on a website upset him.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    in addition, i agree that the calories burned number is sometimes way off. i don't think we should be able to use another's exercise entry like we do food. obviously, i'll burn a different amount of calories walking 3 miles than someone else will.

    When MFP estimates are off, it's usually underestimating it for me. I'm short and intense. I have a Polar 7 HRM. I usually burn MORE than MFP says for a given exercise. Now some out of shape disabled person that is not used to much at all will also want to log more because for them this is increase in their usual activity. I'm nearly 50. I can do an intense workout now, but I started with 10 min workouts. I was having chest pain, out of shape, and have asthma, and I was not even as large as some that start here.

    What I do if someone doesn't seem to meet my standards is not say anything. Let them work it out. How are we to know what they went through today? They are still on, they are still logging, this is a success, because logging makes them see their trends. Key word "their trends". Now if you need to be the body builder ultimate marathoner when you are done, then hurray for you! I'm working on not having a heart attack at 50. Different goal.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member

  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Well, at least they mostly likely know how to spell the word "says."
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Also, Wii boxing, as you stated, if you are jumping the entire time and sweating, for some people, that IS exercising.

    Absolutely! When I do cardio boxing on the Wii, I do a constant boxer's shuffle and really get into those moves Tony Horton style. I sweat like crazy and burn the same amount of calories as I do with a walking DVD or something.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I understand what your your life those are 'not great' workouts...But for me, those light workouts are what really got me started! Those little 30 minute walks turned into 30 min. speed walks..then i started the couch to 5K. If i had started the program right away..I would have given up! And for me, mowing the lawn IS a workout!

    You have your own voice..but you have to remember for some just get started is the real challenge! did warn me to read at my own risk...:)

    What she said.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    .. a girl was posting a 1500cal burn from standing at work wiping a counter then eat those cals and wonder why shes not loosing anything!

    I can see some of your point. Everyone has to get started somewhere, I'm to fat to be doing a triathlon or anything great like that. But I'm fit enough to be pushed. I think maybe your Original post could have used some rephrasing to get your point across more without being offensive.

    If someone is fit enough to say .... jog 1 mile.... but doesn't.... but then logs something like walking around walmart (where they are probably stopping more than they realized. Just because it takes me 2 hours to grocery shop doesn't mean I can log 2 hours of walking "leisurely" )....and eats back all those calories. I can see where you are saying that can mess people up, and then they get mad that they aren't losing. Especially if they aren't using a HRM, and only going off MFP calculations.

    The above example was from my life. I'm 230lbs. If I were to log my grocery shopping as "Walking, 2.5 mph, leisurely pace" on MFP it would say I burned 640 calories. But I only burned 280 this morning according to my HRM, and that was with a brisk warm up walk (at least 3.5 mph), 1 mile jog, and cool down walk. That's a pretty drastic amount of cals to be eating back if I didn't really burn it.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    First it's great you have such fire. I thinking you are missing the point of the website. The idea is to not only get people watching what they eat but to get them moving. I count mowing the yard, shoveling snow, and gardening among other things. I can tell I've done some lifting and hiking but working in that garden, digging dirt, putting up fence, and pulling weeds, was some of the best exercise I ever got. It worked me over.

    Not everyone wants to be ripped. I don't. I want to be fit for life and that is simply it.
  • titletown
    titletown Posts: 377 Member
    I think the OP should come over here and ring my shirt out after I mow my lawn LOL, I get drenched and I'm in pretty good shape now.

    I wear a heart rate monitor and actually burn 500+ calories mowing my lawn, it's a rather large lawn and my automatic drive does nto work on my heavy push mower.

    Use your best judgement though, some of the things I see people add for calories burned make me grin a bit.

    Get yourself a good HRM though, then you can be sure you are being accurate.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Okay so I see your point and have to agree that I too wonder about those who complain about not losing but do not seem to be doing much differently. Point taken. But I do have a question: as far mowing the lawn goes, how is walking behind a push mower for two hours less exercise than walking alone for two hours? I am just saying. I do log my cleaning but only when I am dancing too because damn it, there are days that I need to muli task! I wear my HRM and workup a good sweat and am in constant motion for 2 plus hours. If dancing for two hours counts, surely so does shaking my booty while vacuming and putting away dishes. I sing too but since it is so poor I would never record that! LOL
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    What is exercise?
    Hmm...........can we all perhaps remember (or learn) that the term "exercise" is one of quite recent invention?
    People didn't use to "exercise". They worked, they played, they ate and slept. Going to a gym for the specific purpose of "working out" is a concept my grandfather would have found totally bemusing.

    Resistance Exercise Machines

    Jack LaLanne, media fitness guru, created new resistance machines in the 1950s. The cable-pulley machine, the Smith machine and the leg extension machine are some of LaLannes's creations.
    Step Treadmill
    The step treadmill came into existence in 1983, invented by Lanny Potts. It was a revolving staircase, called the Stairmaster 5000. More modern step machines with individual foot platforms soon followed with the invention of the Stairmaster 4000 in 1986.
    Elliptical Machine
    An engineer from Precor developed the first elliptical machine in 1995. It was designed to mimic running while delivering minimal impact. Reebok later introduced the upper arm levers, effectively making the machine a total body workout.

    My point....................."exercising" is a very recent invention........................WORKING OUT during life activities is not.
  • DaFrogRibbit
    DaFrogRibbit Posts: 127 Member
    First off everyone is entitled to their opinion. Also freedom of speech. Honestly how did you posting your rant help You. If so Wtg for feeding your whatever for judging others. If you don't agree with what someone post for exercise don't say Wtg or whatever it is if anything you say. Reminds me of a guy i dated cause he saw a young man pull into a handicap parking space. He even said he should go over there jerk him out of the car a whoop his @ss. Then he saw someone bring a wheelchair to him. Don't judge ppl period. What some does or doesn't do is not your business. If certain ppl post bother you that much remove them from your friends list.
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    Why do you care what other people do? Focus on your own fitness and stop judging other people.


    AND if you are burning calories and are set at sedentary with NO specific exercise set through the week....why wouldn't you count those calories as being burned???

    I have lost 22 lbs doing very little "real exercise" by your standards - I haven't stepped foot in a gym....guess I'm doing something right though, even if I do count my uninterrupted cleanings every week!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    The OP hits on a mental roadblock that I had when I first started this process in terms of exersice. I thought if it's not going all out then it's not worth doing. Obviously I've changed my mind.

    20 minutes here or there can make a difference. If you've squeezed in 20 minutes of activity 3-4 times a've been more active than a person that spent an "hour" at the gym. Not only that, I know several members on this site who garden and walk as forms of physical activity because that's all they can do. If you are still able to "bring it" during a work out, feel lucky that you still can because there are people who can't.

    There's a time and a place for everything. If I didn't have a job, family, & community commitments I would most likely spend a large portion of my free time being active, notice I didn't say "working out". But time is of the essence and I'm active when I can be.

    And I agree with Torregro. I like to make a lot of my "exersice" an activity I enjoy for it's own sake, not the number I can dial up on my HRM...although that's fun too.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Wow, you stirred some things didn't you, lol.

    I can understand the original intention in this post. That it is frustrating when someone complains they are not losing weight when they refuse to push themselves or do a small amount of exercise for themselves so they can eat more. Then ask for help and refuse to accept any.

    However, it did come across very opinionated and obviously hurt people and made them feel bad. I'm sure that wasn't the OP's intention. He just ranted and didn't think his post through.

    Anybody that is pushing themselves to do more than they usually can, like most people who have commented on this thread, are inspirational! You are obviously doing what works. You are losing weight and improving your health, which is fantastic.

    I too log wii fit, shorter walks and mowing the lawn. I have knee problems and this is outside of my normal routine so it is extra exercise and it pushes me. I don't add up my 2 minute walks to and from work because i do them daily and count them as part of my lifestyle. It is starting to work for me, i am happy to say.

    Again i would like to say this post was not aimed at those of you who ARE pushing yourselves to do more than your usual routine and are losing weight. It is aimed at those who could do more but have too many excuses and wonder why they have NOT lost weight. Obviously diet would be a factor too, but that has not been mentioned here.

    Congratulations to all of you who are doing your thing and improving your health accordingly. You should all be immensely proud of yourselves, whether pushing it is a marathon or a walk around the block!

    I think you have hit on the essence of his post, I agree with you 100%