confused... my FAT pal?



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I get a few PMs every now and then telling me what a b!tch i am an stuff,i usally print them out an put them in my scrapbook
  • Chiquita_Banana
    Well said my Asian sista from anotha mista??

    thank you bro from anotha h.. oh.. lmao
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member

    An example of having a too high of a calorie restriction???? LMAO

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I had no idea this was happening. Very petty.

    Well said.

    Can't we all just get along :)
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    Very well put!

    And from what I learned way back in grade school....if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything! I don't understand why this is so hard for some!!!

    Haters are Motivators I suppose...
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    See, this proves my theory that there will never be peace in the world until we are attacked by alien forces. If a bunch of people with similar goals (to be healthier and improve themselves) cannot effectively get along, how will people will different goals ever be able to do it?

    It's exhausting being right this often. It's quite a burden.

    Thanks for proving my point, MFP. I think...
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    That's ridiculous. I love that there are people on this site from all different walks of life. When I was at my heaviest, I appreciated the thin, toned & muscular girls. Why? Because they gave me great insight and advice about how to achieve the look I wanted. I agree that this is about fitness, not necessarily weight loss in everyone's journey. It's about being fit, being healthy, supporting eachother & sharing knowledge. Some people just don't want to face the truth about themselves. Misery loves company.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    I wasjust saying to my hubby what a friendly supportive site this is...especially compared to others. I recently joined a few sites for home educating my goodness they are seiously cliquey.

    So thenks for the warm welcome and to hell with all the misery

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Seriously, I think there are some people on this site who have never felt beautiful in their entire lives. They see women on this site who have either achieved their goals or are very close to it, and it reminds them of how far they have to go.

    On the other side, we have a group of pretty, gregarious people who are starting to feel good about themselves, some of them for the first time, and they are just enjoying that.

    Unfortunately, the first group feels somehow hurt or threatened by this - that's the only way I can explain the vitriolic behavior - you don't lash out at someone unless you feel wronged by them in some way. Being able to respond with a keyboard might make them a bit braver about the way they phrase their objections, too.

    The difference is that one group isn't deliberately trying to hurt the other and one group is.

    Unfortunately, both groups have the right to behave the way they are. People are entitled to be themselves. In a fair and just world, everyone would understand each other and temper their reactions with kindness, but that isn't the world in which we live.

    I don't want to see anyone get hurt, I mean, I am a person who adjusts my gait to avoid stepping on ants and have been known to move worms from concrete to grass so they won't dry out, but sadly, there are consequences for everything we do, even when we are only being ourselves.

    I don't see this changing. What can change, however, is people on both sides deciding to make an effort to understand and not allow hurt feelings to affect them.

    I will now return to my usual comic relief persona.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    It blows my mind that someone could be so shallow. WTF?? I mean, this same person that is here to get fit, lose weight, be healhier, skinner (whatever) is judging someone who has (literally) worked their *kitten* off to get where they are? What? How about when they get to their goal, are they not going to show off???

    I'm telling you what, I plan on being on this site for a LONG time - once I get to my goal it'll be to maintain - I plan on showing off my body because I'm working hard to get there........if you don't like it, move on.

    Haters. Asshats.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    It blows my mind that someone could be so shallow. WTF?? I mean, this same person that is here to get fit, lose weight, be healhier, skinner (whatever) is judging someone who has (literally) worked their *kitten* off to get where they are? What? How about when they get to their goal, are they not going to show off???

    I'm telling you what, I plan on being on this site for a LONG time - once I get to my goal it'll be to maintain - I plan on showing off my body because I'm working hard to get there........if you don't like it, move on.

    Haters. Asshats.

    yup thats why there is a maintain mode which i certainly will be doing when i reach my goal =D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Word up, Heather! :flowerforyou:

    We can't control what anyone else does. We can only control our actions... and REACTIONS.

    I spent a good part of my early life being picked on and bullied, and I learned not to give anyone the satisfaction of getting upset by it. Someone who purposely and maliciously sets out to hurt you isn't worth it... that's a reflection on THEM, not on YOU.

    Personally, I'm obnoxiously happy with my fitness. I wanna scream from the rooftops, "I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!" I hope that enthusiasm is contagious and infects others like a fast spreading zombie virus!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I thought I was an oddball! I find people's skinny pictures motivating!! I love seeing the before and after pictures too. I have been rummaging through tubs of pictures trying to find a "before" to post but I was better at dodging the camera for the past few years than I thought. There are times I would like to send a message saying, "Loved your pictures, it has personally motivated me today!" but was worried it would be considered "creepy" haha
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    you sooo got this sista!!! ♥ you are awesome!!! ♥ LOVE YOU!!!! keep it keep it STRONG

    thats was everything :)
  • Chiquita_Banana
    Word up, Heather! :flowerforyou:

    We can't control what anyone else does. We can only control our actions... and REACTIONS.

    I spent a good part of my early life being picked on and bullied, and I learned not to give anyone the satisfaction of getting upset by it. Someone who purposely and maliciously sets out to hurt you isn't worth it... that's a reflection on THEM, not on YOU.

    Personally, I'm obnoxiously happy with my fitness. I wanna scream from the rooftops, "I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!" I hope that enthusiasm is contagious and infects others like a fast spreading zombie virus!

    LOL you should go out n scream it!!!!!! woohoo!
  • Chiquita_Banana
    you sooo got this sista!!! ♥ you are awesome!!! ♥ LOVE YOU!!!! keep it keep it STRONG

    thats was everything :)

    love you too babygirl!
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Word up, Heather! :flowerforyou:

    We can't control what anyone else does. We can only control our actions... and REACTIONS.

    I spent a good part of my early life being picked on and bullied, and I learned not to give anyone the satisfaction of getting upset by it. Someone who purposely and maliciously sets out to hurt you isn't worth it... that's a reflection on THEM, not on YOU.

    Personally, I'm obnoxiously happy with my fitness. I wanna scream from the rooftops, "I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!" I hope that enthusiasm is contagious and infects others like a fast spreading zombie virus!

    YES, YES, YES!!! I totally agree that these people who have bad things to say shouldn't do it and blah, blah, blah but to be honest I'm almost as sick of seeing how the person getting the nasty message reacts. It all shows character, from both sides. There's no need to get all pissy and tell all your friends what a bleep, bleep, nasty, dirty, scumbag of a person someone is because they sent a message telling you how they felt, wrong or right. The same to be said for someone that deletes you from their friend list without letting you know why. Hey, if I don't like something I see about another person on here whether it's their attitude or snide comments or how much they don't log in, I have that right to not deal with it and just remove them from my list. I'm not saying I've done that, but I have that right and that person can get mad all they want but it doesn't make me a bad person for doing it.
    So all I ask is that you think before you react to how others treat you. Is it really worth your time and energy to react in a negative way, all it does is put you in a bad mood and ruin your day.
    Some people do and say things on here that they know will get a reaction, and I believe not intentionally to GET a reaction but just because they are having fun. They have to know that this is going to cause others to react. I'm not saying that no one has ever done anything so bad that didn't deserve a reaction, but c'mon every time someone removes you from their list or says they think you are wrong for posting a picture of your hot body or saying something contraversial, are you gonna cry about it or just move on and make another friend.
    That is all, my opinion and it stinks just as much as everyone elses'.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I never get nasty messages :(

    I never got picked for volley ball either.

    I did get picked out of a line up one time!! That was cool... at first.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    This is the second thread Ive read this morning about jerks sending nasty messages to members, insulting them, etc.

    It's friggin ridiculous that people can't come here and post without some asshat sending them nasty messages for no reason other than pure, unadulterated jealousy.

    Personally, the fit folks around here inspire me. I don't have the time to dig into every member's history to see if they came here fat and got thin or what, but it doesn't matter. If you are in good shape, you're an inspiration to me, so thanks for not being a tubby. You're obviously doing something right, and the content of your posts is likely going to help me get to my goal as well.

    There were some really high and mighty meanies on another forum I used to post on. They'd get wicked nasty with other members for 'not following the plan as written', they'd insult people to their faces, talk about them out in the open right on the forums, start crap on other people's threads just because folks there were looking for support after they screwed up and ate off plan, while these 'superior' folks who 'never' ate off plan didn't need any support other than the kind they found by sitting around in the daily thread they'd start, just to talk crap about others on the forum. Funny thing is, while these people DID make it to the 'maintenance phase' of the program quickly because they 'did the plan as written', nearly ALL of them gained the weight back after transitioning into maintenance. Oh sure, they had their pitiful excuses as to why the weight came back, but the long and short of it was, they only did the weight loss phase and transition phase 'as written'. They didn't do the maintenance phase 'as written' or they wouldn't have gained their weight back.

    The world is full of all kinds of people. I learned a long time ago not to let what anonymous strangers hiding behind their monitors and keyboards had to say bother me. It's just not worth it, and I really don't have any sympathy or time for people like that.

    There might have been a time where I would send someone who made a comment like this a message telling them how hurtful that comes across. Obviously now I can't directly approach someone privately and discuss what I see as rude and threatening comments.

    "Don't hate me cuz I'm Beautiful"

    You have the right to say what you want and I have the right to the feelings it creates. Maybe, in some cases, it's not about how thin and suddenly more beautiful and wonderful and precious you are. Maybe, in some cases it's has nothing to do with your goals, or your weight. Maybe some of these messages are initiated by people reading comments like this and they're sick and tired of being referred to as a ***edited by moderator***

    Because not only are you calling out the persons sending hateful PMs -- but you're basically insulting everyone on here who hasn't reached the "ideal" weight. Myself included. And frankly -- persons who have reached their "ideal" weight wonder why persons who haven't "hate on them" -- from my POV -- alot of it has to do with messages like this.

    I can't -- nor do I want to bother -- changing your opinion of people like me -- but I equally have the right to point out that what you've said above is not concurrent with the goals of this website.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Word up, Heather! :flowerforyou:

    We can't control what anyone else does. We can only control our actions... and REACTIONS.

    I spent a good part of my early life being picked on and bullied, and I learned not to give anyone the satisfaction of getting upset by it. Someone who purposely and maliciously sets out to hurt you isn't worth it... that's a reflection on THEM, not on YOU.

    Personally, I'm obnoxiously happy with my fitness. I wanna scream from the rooftops, "I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!" I hope that enthusiasm is contagious and infects others like a fast spreading zombie virus!

    ^^^^^ what she said.