Ugh! Tired of eggs and grilled chicken salads! Need ideas.



  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    organic oatmeal, a scoop of protien and a banana or an egg. Sometimes ill have an omelette w/egg beaters, low fat blue or feta and spinach...YUM. This time of the year, i like home made granola (low fat) w/a side of fresh berries and greek yogurt
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Plus who eats pigs anymore. They've been proven to be so close to us in DNA and they're even smarter than 3 year old human children. Its kinda gross.

    I for one love pork! And until they get smart enough to start driving cars and talking, I think the good lord put them here for our consumption. :happy: Just sayin!

    That's the problem with breakfast, it is my favorite meal! But you have to be careful, because most breakfast foods will set you up to want more the rest of the day.