Diet Pills, which are the best?



  • jcarpio2010
    PEOPLE! Please be nice! This is a 19 year old trying to get on track. We don't have to be mean.
    You'll find that eating right and exercising are the best way to go. Diet pills aren't really necessary if you are doing these two things. :)
    Thank you. :]
  • jcarpio2010
    Acetyl L-Carnitine, KLB6, Apple cider vinegar, kelp.... all natural with lots of other health benefits!!
    I'll look into these, thanks!
  • jcarpio2010
    Guy... you are 19!!! All you need to do is eat right and get a little running in!!! My husband can drop the weight 10x faster than I can! Don't think about pills.... my mom got addicted to them when I was a kid (and of course said ohhhh it won't happen to me) and it ruined her body! Do it the right way and don't be impatient!
    Thanks for sharing!
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Don't do drugs......mmmmmkay drugs are bad....mmmkay.

    Perhaps look at getting maximum nutrition with minimal calorie foods....
    If you take any drug....let it just be some caffeine. Caffeine has been proven to stimulate the metabolism. But the benefit of burning an extra 100 calories per day from using it....may is not significant. That would be .2 lbs a week from using it. It would take 5 weeks to lose 1 lb....yeah, not worth it.
  • jcarpio2010
    You won't need diet pills :)

    Logging your food and keeping track of your exercise will keep you losing weight at a healthy pace.

    Pills can mess you up and mess up your system. So even if you lose weight quickly, as soon as you stop, the pounds pile back on, plus some more.

    Losing weight healthily on MFP means that it will stay off.

    Good luck x
    Thanks, that's why I wanted to ask on here first.
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    if u take a drug to help your appetite control, when you stop taking them after your lose, you will gain everything back because you wont have the appetite suppressor anymore. Your body also becomes ammune to them so after a week or two, instead of just taking a couple a day, you have to take double that, and then what happens a week later, when your maxing out the pills recommended limit, and they arent working??

    take your time with the lose and learn the tools you need to keep it off...

    only take them if you plan on gaining it all back... trust me... been there, done that.

    I don't find myself becoming addicted to appetite suppressants especially since they are all natural. And I don't take them daily, so my body is not "becoming immune to them." I've lost 43 pounds eating healthy and exercising and I have not gained any of it back in 10 months. This is a lifestyle change not a quick fix so if you take appetite suppressants sparingly and continue to eat healthy after you've reached your goal, you won't gain anything back. People who gain the weight back are people who have given up on eating healthy and exercising.
  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    you may loose weight on a pill or a drink however the mintue u stop taking them u will gain it all back and then some. ya need to do it the old fashioned way, hard didnt get fat over night u wont get thin over night either. it takes time
  • destiny637
    destiny637 Posts: 79
    PEOPLE! Please be nice! This is a 19 year old trying to get on track. We don't have to be mean.
    You'll find that eating right and exercising are the best way to go. Diet pills aren't really necessary if you are doing these two things. :)

    I totally agree! You guys don't have to be so harsh -- it's evident that he's just trying to get info (and pat on the back to you for doing so!) It's true about the diet pills being "all bad", but you've come to the right place if you want support. (even though it may not have felt like it based on the above comments).

    Utilize the tools of the site and you'll learn a lot. Again, you're in the right place!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    hey man - check this blog out. Written by a well researched, knowledgeable MFP member. It explains how these pills (the various types) work and why they may not be the best idea.

    Plenty of people have lost lots of weight without resorting to pills - they're really not necessary.
  • mariumosman
    PEOPLE! Please be nice! This is a 19 year old trying to get on track. We don't have to be mean.
    You'll find that eating right and exercising are the best way to go. Diet pills aren't really necessary if you are doing these two things. :)

    That's right!! He's only 19 and he's my friend. He asked an innocent, naive question. Nobody would ask that if they knew the reaction it would get!!! So please be nice and bear that in mind! Thankyou!
  • jcarpio2010
    I'm speaking strictly from experience here.... I have tried sooooo many different pills and nothing ever works the way it says it will. Do not waste your money! Not only do they 90% of the time not work but a lot of them have false studies and crap in them that is actually bad for you. If your going to take any pills you should be taking mulitvitamins or something along those lines. Trust me when I say you will be wasting your money. Research some of the ones you have in mind and read the reviews on them.... most of the time all you get is a huge credit card bill and you dont lose any weight. If your lucky and you do lose it.... you gain it all and then some once you stop taking the pills. Take it how you want to but if you dont like the answers your getting maybe you shouldnt ask the question on again a *fitness* website.
    Thanks, I'm still learning about this fitness stuff. Which is why I'm asking on here instead of just buying them straight out. But trust me I won't be taking any. Thanks for the advice.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    centrum multivitamins has one called performance; i take it sometimes if i need an energy boost; it gives u natural vitamins that release your natural energy and energy boosting vitamins; but not suppressors or anything else that will help u gain back at the end.

    get plenty of natural energy from fruit and clean eating though so if i really need a boost i just eat healthier than i already do and then im wired and you cant stop me--i should mention i dont drink coffee or anything with caffeine because it depletes your water in your system and you need water to loose.

    Also, working out early morning boosts energy for alot of people and i use to do this and would be so wired id want to go back to the gym a second time just to release energy.

    Ive lost 41lbs in a tad over 3months (.4lbs a day average), by eating right, eating all my calories, eating back my excercise calories, and havent taken any pills or even gone to the gym to loose weight faster than my body should.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Smoke Crack. Way better and the loss is much faster!
  • jcarpio2010
    Don't do drugs......mmmmmkay drugs are bad....mmmkay.

    Perhaps look at getting maximum nutrition with minimal calorie foods....
    If you take any drug....let it just be some caffeine. Caffeine has been proven to stimulate the metabolism. But the benefit of burning an extra 100 calories per day from using it....may is not significant. That would be .2 lbs a week from using it. It would take 5 weeks to lose 1 lb....yeah, not worth it.
    Haha, first part of this mad me laugh. Thanks for the info.
  • norcalbowler
    norcalbowler Posts: 49 Member
    diet pills wont help but you might want to look into supplements - like fish oil, red/green powder, bvitamins, etc.

    Red/Green Powder?
  • jcarpio2010
    PEOPLE! Please be nice! This is a 19 year old trying to get on track. We don't have to be mean.
    You'll find that eating right and exercising are the best way to go. Diet pills aren't really necessary if you are doing these two things. :)

    I totally agree! You guys don't have to be so harsh -- it's evident that he's just trying to get info (and pat on the back to you for doing so!) It's true about the diet pills being "all bad", but you've come to the right place if you want support. (even though it may not have felt like it based on the above comments).

    Utilize the tools of the site and you'll learn a lot. Again, you're in the right place!
    Thank you! Even though some of the comments can be mean they are informative which is exactly why I posted on here.
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    My experience with taking diet pills ( even prescriptions from my doc) is as soon as you stop takingthem the weight comes back,,just eat heathy and exercise,,you are young it will be easy for you....I also take B12 every mornign it gives me energy and jump starts my metabolism....Good Luck sweetie,,but stay away from diet pills,,the side effects are terrible for you....
    If you need a support buddy add me as a friend,,I support and talk to my friends daily...
  • jcarpio2010
    hey man - check this blog out. Written by a well researched, knowledgeable MFP member. It explains how these pills (the various types) work and why they may not be the best idea.

    Plenty of people have lost lots of weight without resorting to pills - they're really not necessary.
    Thank's i'll look into it.
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Don't do drugs......mmmmmkay drugs are bad....mmmkay.

    Perhaps look at getting maximum nutrition with minimal calorie foods....
    If you take any drug....let it just be some caffeine. Caffeine has been proven to stimulate the metabolism. But the benefit of burning an extra 100 calories per day from using it....may is not significant. That would be .2 lbs a week from using it. It would take 5 weeks to lose 1 lb....yeah, not worth it.
    Haha, first part of this mad me laugh. Thanks for the info.

    Seriously though, I understand what you are wanting to learn. Its funny to me to see such a response to such a question. But hey in the future if you want to know how to create a firestorm and walk away....this is how you do it!

    *Directed at everyone else* GUYS! WHY SO SERIOUS?!?
  • jcarpio2010
    PEOPLE! Please be nice! This is a 19 year old trying to get on track. We don't have to be mean.
    You'll find that eating right and exercising are the best way to go. Diet pills aren't really necessary if you are doing these two things. :)

    That's right!! He's only 19 and he's my friend. He asked an innocent, naive question. Nobody would ask that if they knew the reaction it would get!!! So please be nice and bear that in mind! Thankyou!
    Thank you! I really had no idea. Lol.