Do you ever feel embarassed being seen exercising? (home,gym



  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Absolutely! This is why I work out at home. I even get embarassed when the dog catches me!

    And I can totally relate to the Zumba thing. When the Wii Zumba "trainer" called out "lookin' good" the first time I was Zumba'ing, I laughed and said, "I'm sure it's not!"
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Totally with you--to rationalize the situation I always think "when I'm exercising, am I judging other people?" And for me, the answer is no--so I guess I have to take that into perspective. Hopefully, the majority of people are either super proud/jealous of you for being awesome and working hard, or not even noticing you. But yah, you're not alone!!

    I don't pay alot of attention to other people at the gym but...when I see someone who is less fit, working out at the gym, if I think about it at all, I think "wow! good for them for working on getting healthy!"

    There's one woman in particular who is working out with one of the trainers...I just want to go up and tell her how impressed I am by how hard she works...but I don't want to embarass her. I usually just nod and smile when I see her.
  • colosimoc
    colosimoc Posts: 1 Member
    No way!!! You're doing something good for yourself and that's an amazing thing. I used to be embarrassed, but then I thought about it - I should be more embarrassed buying/eating bad food. The way I look at it - I'm doing something good for myself and I'll never be this size again!!!
    Keep up the good work.........and don't stop exercising.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    A couple weeks ago my brother was visiting from out of town. I had him sleep in my room and I took the couch so I could get up and work out before he woke up. He woke up kinda early and sat on the couch and watched me for a minute. I asked him to leave. He asked why and I just told him he didn't need to see me jiggling. He told me to stop being self conscious about it and that I should be proud that I'm actually doing something. He said it's more than what most people do, and those that judge you are either self conscious about themselves or they are jealous that you have the guts to do it and they don't.

    This was coming from a brother that is in the military and in excellent shape. It was the first time in a long time that my brother seemed proud of me. That is one of the things that keeps me motivated.

    If people are going to judge me than it's their own fault. I'm hopefully going to be joining a gym here soon and just need to remember that I'm there for me, not anyone else. My journey is mine, not theirs.
  • citylights117
    I used to feel the same way.
    I've resolved to just keep going with my workout when someone walks in. It always felt like the person would be thinking "You? Work out? Why, it's not like you're going anywhere." That would be the most embarrassing part.
    However, now that I've made progress, I realized that those words were coming from my own insecurities, which I have mostly overcome.
    So just remember, you have every right to work out. And the next time someone walks in, think of when that exact person will compliment you on your progress and your commitment to this transformation. That will make it all worthwhile. :smile:
  • areittinger
    areittinger Posts: 69 Member
    I was in cleveland oh one time using a treadmill a hotel gym early in the morning, and i was the only over weight person in the gym. All the treadmills were taken and a guy came up to me and asked if he could use my machine because i was the only one walking. only time i was kind of embarrassed....
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I feel the same way.. It doesn't bother me too much when I do the wii fit.. but when I do the 30DS shred.. I agree with the person above about my fat moving around.. I think thats why I don't like people watching me... but even if they are out here I still force myself to do it each morning..
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    I would rather have people around me when I work out. That way they can help me up when I am sprawled out on the floor, hyperventilating or call 911 for me! :laugh: So what if they see you, do they laugh?? they might but I laugh when my stomach keeps moving after I stop doing jumping jacks. lol The point is~ so what!! You are doing this for you, who cares what they think. You are getting healthier while they do whatever it is that they do. Who knows, after seeing you get healthier, they might just join in. Don't stop what your doing because other people might see you. At the end of the day, they have done what they wanted to do, and you should to. Do your thang!!! <<bootyshake>>
  • iamsam20
    iamsam20 Posts: 1
    I HATE anyone to see me exercise unless its a close friend. Im going to be getting gym membership at Anytimefittness just for the fact i can go in at 2 am and workout with out anyone seeing me..I feel its unladylike to sweet lol how ever I NEED to be doing a lot more sweating lol
  • redneckbettie
    redneckbettie Posts: 20 Member
    I was taking a Zumba class and I really enjoyed it, then when I moved the new gym i go to has mirrors aroung the entire room on the walls. I cant make myself go anymore because I hate watching myself work
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Yep. I even had a hard time letting my 25 year old daughter know I am on this site and counting calories! But she hasn't done anything to make me feel uncomfortable, it's just me. My parents/siblings used to ridicule me a lot (and I was skinny back then!) so I've always hid my body as much as possible. My daughter has joined me on many walks and even in strength training, now. She uses the smaller weights - I am stronger. ;)
  • M12e31g
    M12e31g Posts: 38
    I can't let anyone see my do my TurboFire workouts. I made my husband re-arrange our rooms, so I have a "workout room" and now I can close the door and do it while he is home. I'm just more comfortable and can push myself harder with no one watching.

    I think after being overweight for so long, I feel like everyone is always judging me. And that this would apply to going to gym classes, the weight room, running outside wherever. I know it's not true, just my own insecurities. Just another thing to push myself to get past, and make myself stronger physically and emotionally. Not there yet, but I'm on my way.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Only if I'm naked
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    I used to get shy about other people seeing me exercise until I realized that whenever I see someone else exercising, no matter what size or fitness level they are, I always get a little boost of motivation and now I just assume anyone who sees me working out gets the same boost. :)
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    Not only do I get embarrassed with others watching...shoot, I get embarrassed by myself! There is nothing attractive about me doing Zumba.

    I feel the same about me doing Zumba, no one needs to see me do that lol. Maybe once I get better at it it wont bother me if someone see's me, I used to do Turbo Jam and never let my husband in the room until I got better at. I always close the blinds though no matter what exercises I do so my neighbours dont see :embarassed: At the gym working out in front of others didn't really bother me though
  • tracivee
    tracivee Posts: 56 Member
    ABSOLUTELY! I do Turbo Fire and I only do it when my hubby is at work or if he's outside in the garage doing his P90X. lol I am uncoordinated and I surely don't need him seeing me tripping all over myself and taking too many breaks! Turbo Fire is SO hard and I have to rest a little more than I'd like to. Hopefully, once I get into shape I won't feel as embarrassed, but for now....I workout ALONE!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    When I started running (at 92kg/202 pounds) I initially felt embarrassed that people would wonder why that fat lady was bothering to run in the park. Or why she was only running for a minute before she walked for 2 minutes (C25k!). But then I got used to see the same people every day and we would nod and smile and I would say hello to the dogs and i just got over it.

    Now I run on the streets and sometiimes I wonder if the guys on the building sites are watching me and laughing at me for running so slowly. But I've decided that I don't know them and I don't care what they think.

    And I saw a larger lady running slowly in the park a while ago and wanted to stop and say "good for you, are you getting to love running like I do, and are you doing C25K and do you know about MFP????" but didn't because I didn't want to interrupt her and anyway she would think I was mad.

    So, then answer is: sometimes, but I do it anyway!
  • YellowStrawberry
    YellowStrawberry Posts: 89 Member
    I am a SAHM and do my thing during the day. However I needed to get some walking in with Leslie Sansone on the weekend.. dh eventually came in and out and he came back in when done outside and was all, "You are still going? At that same pace?" I said yep and he said, "WOW!!". Now I will get on the elliptical with him in the room, but for the Wii Zumba, I have told him he better not make fun of me in any way! He didnt think he ever has, but he is more sarcastic about graphics or music and I do not need to hear that when I am focusing!

    I dont like people watching, but I am finally getting to the point, I really dont care. I did some light jogging mixed with walking around people on the street, and oh well!

    Just do what YOU need to do and know that you are kicking butt! :D
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    depends i dont mind jogging on my trampoline when hubby and kids are around or neighbour etc but i wouldnt do the wii hula hoop or biggest loser skate and slide mostly because i know i look immensly stupid and tend to fall on my face still on the other hand i wouldnt go to a gym im not comforatble with starngers seeing me doing any exercise except walking or swimming
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    yep, but not as embarrassed as when i'm bursting out of size 18 jeans!