If you have the calories...



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,242 Member
    No problem. Over all it is calories in and calories out. If you ate nothing but those things that would be one thing, but occasional treats within your calories will not hurt you or your weight loss. I don't even consider it cheating.
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Last night we had icecream because I had done a huge walk in the morning and was struggling to eat all of may calories.

    I think its a great idea to have something a bit "special" or "naughty", we are after all making a lifestyle change, and so therefore have to live.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    I set aside 200 cals a day for my "snack'. That might be a skinny cow ice cream sandwich or a 1/4 cup of m&m's. But I know me and I can't see myself living in a no treat world. I figure it would be better for me to learn portion control than to be miserable and crabby cause I want my chocolate.
  • megan4pr
    megan4pr Posts: 12
    I've found it's better to eat a few desserts now and then, rather than binge when you realize you haven't had chocolate in a month. haha. Goodluck!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I have cookie (sometimes two) almost every day. Usually I make sure to buy oatmeal cookies that are only 70 calories a piece. I don't go over my calories. As far as I can tell, it hasn't hurt my weight loss or health. Occasionally (like today) I splurge on a chocolate chocolate chip cookie or m&m cookie or EVEN a skinny cow ice cream sandwich. :devil: :devil:
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I do it all the time! I mean, if it fits within my calorie limits, and won't blow up my fat/sugar/sodium count for the day, I like to have treats just because ;) I find that this way I don't feel deprived all the time, and in my particular case that is important because if I go too long without indulging in the sweets I like I will binge badly.
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    If you look at this as a healthy lifestyle, you can eat anything you'd like. Just do it in moderation - even if it's everyday.

    You are correct that healthy foods are better...but I can't live without some of those small "treats".

    I eat in moderation every day, I just try to make good choices.
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    I have cookie (sometimes two) almost every day. Usually I make sure to buy oatmeal cookies that are only 70 calories a piece. I don't go over my calories. As far as I can tell, it hasn't hurt my weight loss or health. Occasionally (like today) I splurge on a chocolate chocolate chip cookie or m&m cookie or EVEN a skinny cow ice cream sandwich. :devil: :devil:

    I love skinny cow ice cream!!!!:love:
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    It's a lifestyle choice for me, am I never going to eat cake again? Not likely, though I'll make my healither choices as much as I can... I'll take a sliver of cake as opposed to a sizable chunk, and enjoy the sweet addition. Turn down second helpings etc but since I'm not giving it up entirely I'll still have some on occasion. It's worked fine so far for me.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I say go for it!
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm not great with the will power on things like that so I like to get my treats out of the house instead of out of my pantry. So yes I have goodies but I do best if the things aren't in the house to constantly tempt me
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    If I have the calories and im still within my nutrition i will have something good!! :0)
  • skshep
    skshep Posts: 30
    I say absolutely! It is supposed to be a lifestyle change rather than just a 'diet' and it's simply not realistic to tell yourself you are NEVER going to have cake or candy again in your life.

    You can't beat yourself up about everything you have that is a treat because it is just that, a treat. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I pretty much allow myself to eat whatever I want to eat - I just do it in moderation. I have one small piece of birthday cake (no frosting, please!) vs two or three or four pieces.

    This is a lifestyle change - NOT a diet. We all have things that we enjoy eating - go ahead and enjoy them. Just remember to enjoy them in smaller amounts than you used to. It's okay to enjoy food. :)
    EMSNJOEY Posts: 20
    Thanks everyone! My hubby and I don't see eye to eye. He thinks I should avoid it altogether until I reach my goal. He calls it a slippery slope. oh well, moderation is key and if I teach myself to indulge in moderation, I think I am that much farther to my goal than before. :)

    NSV for today - I fit into a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear in 3 years and I am wearing a t-shirt I bought 4 years ago but never wore because it hugged my tummy too much. :)