tiny rant :)

jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Lately I have been hanging out with a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time (mostly due to our busy schedules). We have been going out a lot (don't worry, I eat before or I eat light!) and everyone keeps saying that they are "so proud of me" for losing so much weight.
Don't get me wrong-- loving the compliments. :)
However, when they ask how I did it and what "diet" I am on it gets frustrating. I am not, nor will I ever be, on a diet. I do not diet. I hate the word diet. The second that I tell myself that I am going on a diet I want cake. When I try to explain that all I have been doing is staying around 1200 calories a day they look at me and say "so your not eating?" Duh, I am eating... I eat A LOT. From there they go on and on about how they wish they could lose weight and they really want to start "dieting" (theres that horrible word again) so I try to give some advice.
I tell them if they are interested in seeing the same results all they have to do is count calories and join MFP. "Oh no, I could never do that... its too tedious... its too much work to count calories." WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK, WEIGHT LOSS IS? EASY?? Any way you try to lose weight is going to be hard (or harmful depending on which route you take). Why not make it a lifelong change?
Sorry, I am sure I used to be the same way before being introduced to MFP, but it just aggravates me that people can sit around eating fried food from the bar and complain to me that counting calories and losing weight is too hard.
Ok, guy- put the hot wing down, thats your first step.
If counting calories is not for you, I get it- it is time consuming (although I would rather spend my time on MFP than working... lol) But if you want to lose weight, watch what you put in your mouth and take a walk. Sure, you are going to miss those late night taco bell runs (and then the next morning taco bell "runs") and eating meals for two in one sitting. But the outcome is SO MUCH better than those 20 seconds it takes you to wolf down 408495 calories.
Ok-- I feel a little better. At least I know that I can log on here and read what some sane people have to say for a change. :)


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    When people ask me, I say I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and lean meats. I don't eat anything fried, and I very rarely eat bread or starchy foods.

    I've given them a lesson without offering a way to give an excuse.
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    When people ask me, I say I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and lean meats. I don't eat anything fried, and I very rarely eat bread or starchy foods.

    I've given them a lesson without offering a way to give an excuse.

    I've tried that. People ALWAYS find excuses. I know I tried... I think you have to realize that you want a change yourself before anything can happen- and you have to want it bad enough.
  • "Like" :flowerforyou:
  • es0torok
    es0torok Posts: 66 Member
    * [LIKE] *
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    i tell them no salt, no sugar, only sugar i intake is from fruit usually.

    meh strangly enough it doesn't bother me anymore after 44lbs lost if they want to ask i tell them i walk at least 30 minutes every day and i do MFP. if they choose to come here they do if not well they can watch me lose!
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    I love it - people seem to want to hear that the weight magically disappeared - its like 'news flash' it doesn't :happy:
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    Hahaha! I know how you feel. I even feel strange calling MFP my 'diet site' because it's about lifestyle not 'diets'. When people ask me how I did it, I usually just say, "There's an app for that," and only get more specific if they ask.

    On the other hand, now when I see someone who is kind of tubby, I want to hand them a card with www.myfitnesspal.com on it.

    I told a friend who constantly complains about her weight about MFP and she said it was boring to enter everything. Oh well.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    A diet is really just what you eat so the word itself isn't intrinsically evil though obviously it brings a lot of emotional baggage with it for you. The fact is that you are eating at a deficit and that is not something you will do for the rest of your life but rather until you reach a healthy maintainable weight.

    Having said that, yeah it's hard and it's not just about eating less and exercising more for many of us it's also about facing buried emotional issues, learning to cope with setbacks and adversities, taking control and responsibility for our own choices and learning to value ourselves which can be a really difficult thing to do.

    Because it's so much more than just putting down the chicken wing, it's not something that you can push on another person or should undertake until you're emotionally ready because the inevitable failure will leave you heavier and more full of self-loathing on the other side.

    So when people ask me how I did it or say that they wish they could do it too I reply that when they're ready I'll be thrilled to offer whatever advice or support I can.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    The amount of times I have heard "do you eat" since I have lost weight makes me want to hold up a grocery store! Yes I eat,I eat an acceptable amount as per my BMR!! The difference is I make better choices!
    The fact that some poeple out their still believe in "diets" drives me crazy. There is no magic to weight loss,it is hard sweaty work!
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    I love it - people seem to want to hear that the weight magically disappeared - its like 'news flash' it doesn't :happy:

    Eat less and exercise more. Why isn't there a pill for that!
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    I totally agree with you! It does get a little annoying but then they haven't got addicted lol! I am on here all the time and I love it!!!! My pals are the best and they keep my going!!!

    My mantra is *giving up something now for something even better in the FUTURE is not a sacrafice....it's an INVESTMENT!!!!!* I cap. to remind myself *Future Investment* it doesn't happen overnight.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    It is frustrating. I've gone on tons of "diets" & lost 10-15 lbs...then gained back 20! I'm not on a diet this time either. It's a change in who I am & how I live my life. My kids are seeing it & have started even getting in the floor to exercise with mommy (which is a challenge all its own-not to step on them!). I commend you for realizing that they're excuses & knowing that you're going to stick to it & change who you are to better yourself! (And now I had better get back to work, as I also prefer MFP to working!)
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Well-stated!! Really, when I think about it, MFP makes calorie counting and such SO MUCH EASIER anyway!! I look forwarding to popping on here and playing the calorie game!! Otherwise, yes, it sucks and is time- and mind-consuming...I agree that doing it this way leads toward a lifestyle change, not just a diet. My hubby and I compare our days on here - it has brought great awareness to even HIM (who doesn't have a weight problem to begin with!!).
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    - "Oh no, I could never do that... its too tedious... its too much work to count calories."
    - Well there is always liposuction then.

    That's what I say. I don't really have the patience, and to be completely honest, "the change must start from within" (classic but true )... So unless they are really motivated with their guts, and every fiber of their body wants to lose weight, they are going to fail anyway.
    Everyone wants everything instantaneously these days (cf. all the ridiculous ads: "get abs in a week", "lose 80pounds in a week!", etc.).
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I totally agree with you! It does get a little annoying but then they haven't got addicted lol! I am on here all the time and I love it!!!! My pals are the best and they keep my going!!!

    My mantra is *giving up something now for something even better in the FUTURE is not a sacrafice....it's an INVESTMENT!!!!!* I cap. to remind myself *Future Investment* it doesn't happen overnight.

    Have a wonderful day!

    I LOVE that line of thought!!
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    I have the same basic problem. I have gotten to the point that my response is are you willing to make lifestyle changes or do you just want a quick fix? That normally makes them start thinking but few are willing to give up their current habits.. what I love more than anything is when they see me ordering something healthy and they recommended I splurge and take a day off my diet... ummm not on a "diet" so not a possibility. ....to quote my baby bro ( 6' 5" 350lbs and losing) everyone is on a diet your diet is what you eat everyday, some of us are just better at it than others :)
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I tell people i rubbed a lamp and a Jeanie popped out and I got a wish to be skinny again. You should see their faces. PRICELESS. I am so sick of the excuses I don't even want to talk to people about it or give advice. I have busted my *kitten* and its not easy. People really think it just disappears with no work?
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I think people just want to hear that there is a magic quick fix is all. Now if it were me, i would lie and tell them that i eat a clove of raw garlic before and after each meal. Or that once a day i take a bath in a tub filled with ice. or eat a habenero pepper. or drink some concoction made of peanut butter and tabasco sauce and pickle juice. Thats what they get for wanting an easy solution ;)

    Maybe i am a bad friend, haha.

    Don't let them drive ya crazy though - they just haven't been enlightened to the MFP life yet :D
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    When people ask what diet you are on I think they are looking for the magic. They hope you lost weight on the pizza and beer diet. They'd find time to write that down. They are disappointed to learn there is discipline involved and lose interest.
    I have people tell me all the time they want to learn Tai Chi, but when I say how about Tuesday at 5 they always have an excuse. They want to learn, (or lose weight), but not if it involves a time investment.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Now if it were me, i would lie and tell them that i eat a clove of raw garlic before and after each meal. Or that once a day i take a bath in a tub filled with ice. or eat a habenero pepper. or drink some concoction made of peanut butter and tabasco sauce and pickle juice. Thats what they get for wanting an easy solution ;)

    That's hilarious =D
    I will try the garlic one next time...
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