tiny rant :)



  • RhysUK
    RhysUK Posts: 8

    However, when they ask how I did it and what "diet" I am on it gets frustrating. I am not, nor will I ever be, on a diet. I do not diet. I hate the word diet.

    THIS :flowerforyou:

    I agree 100% When I first met my Personal Trainer she told me "You are not on a diet, all we are doing is changing the way you think about food, now and for the rest of your life"

    I can see your friends point regarding the calorie counting though, I don't actually measure and count what I eat on a permanent basis, I use it as a tool to monitor myself now and again and if I think I am straying from my good habits, I start recording absolutely everything for a couple of weeks and that gets me back into it very quickly - I prefer to refuse that piece of chocolate if I know I'd have to record it in my diary :)

    Perhaps when your friends tell you its tedious to count calories, ask them to try it for one week only - this will give them an idea of where they are and might shock them into action.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I chuckled a bit when I read your rant, because 6 months ago, I might have been your questioner. I would also ask those folks that I saw have success how they did it and the amazing thing is they all said the same thing, in one form or the other. Which is eat less, move more and be diciplined. The fact is prior to January of this year, I did have the will power to do that.:ohwell:

    Now, 6 months later and 40 lbs down, I am made I myself for waiting this long to take charge of my health and make those changes. So I guess when I get that question now, and the same response about how hard it is, I just tell them they would be amazed at what they can do if they try. Congrats to you!!:drinker:
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I love this thread and the replies so far!

    When I told my boss I was starting on MFP and eating 1200 calories and had lost 6lbs she was like "yeah and that's because you're not eating enough". However months later, I've lost 42 lbs, still have the energy to exercise, work, look after my little boy and do normal day to day things, I'm not dying and I am eating enough!!

    I have had funny judgemental looks from people when I am eating things like ice cream/chocolate which I still do, people telling me to have a day off, splurge out etc. It's a funny world this weight loss world!!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Been there and done that. Getting asked "Whats your secret?" is getting really really old and even more annoying when they get pissed off that I tell them that there is no secret. Just eat better and move more. Calories in / Calories out.

    The general reply I get is a long list of excuses of why they can't do it.

    Pretty much everybody at work thinks i'm anorexic because "only" eat a serving of wheat thins, a piece of fruit and a yogurt cup for lunch. Needless to say these people have a pretty obscured idea of what anorexia is.

    I just stopped ordering smaller uniforms so that they wouldn't notice that i'm losing weight as much (even though my work clothes hang off of me terribly now) so that they would stop asking.

    It actually kind of makes me nervous about becoming a personal trainer. How many people am I going to run into are going to think that having a personal trainer is the magic they need to lose their weight? How many of them are not going to realize that they still have to put in the effort to do the work and that I can't do it for them?
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I've only lost 7 lbs and people are just now starting to notice, but when they ask I just say "I made a lifestyle change with my eating habits" and then tell them about MFP. I don't say "I'm eating 1200 calories". Instead I say, "I put in my weight, height, and my level of activity and MFP figured out FOR me how many calories I should be eatin per day if I want to lose weight. It already figures out my deficit so the more I log my exercise, the more calories it adds to my day to eat". Several friends have already joined. I don't use the word "diet" either. It's all about a lifestyle change with the help of MFP. I also speak alot about the database and how quick and simple it is to log diet and exercise.
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    Let me throw one more issue on it for you.....I am banded! It doesn't absorb calories or fat, it doesn't magically speed up my metabolism or make the fat fall off! I still work under 1200 cals per day, workout 4-5 times per week and try to burn 500-1000 cals per workout. I walk around sore becuse I am trying to build and tone muscle. I drink low carb protein shakes and protein bars.

    Even with all of this, I still get....."OH, your banded"....like it's the easy way out! This is HARD work....not a magical solution. I started out at 315 lbs and needed a little extra help with reaching that "full feeling".

    I feel your pain! I try to tell everyone that asks that you can follow the same guidelines as me and lose the weight....they don't want to put forth the effort!

    PS...I'm a little sensitive...Got my booty kicked by Canadian Strip aerobics instructors last night....OOOOOUUUUUUCCCCCHHHH!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I do get the "how did you do it" question a lot and I just say, "oh nothing much, I just eat less and move about more, boring stuff".
    Won't tell 'm anything else. 9 out of 10 people don't want to know anything more anyway.
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    I hear you. A friend of mine who is overweight has said that she doesn't have the time to log calories, and when I mentioned the great support on here, she said she doesn't have time to "sit and chat on the computer all day." Um, ok, because we all have so much time on our hands. It is a matter of making a commitment and sticking with it no matter what. Simple as that. I f up from time to time, but mfp makes me accountable for it. People shouldn't ask or complain about weight if they really don't want to know the answer or follow through on doing something about it.
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Just goes to show you, those people aren't really ready for what it takes to get into shape. If they aren't willing to work for it, they aren't going to be successful, not in the long term anyways.
    They want a quick fix... they want to start something in the Spring and be bathing suit ready in Summer. The people they want to look like are fit and it has taken them years to get where they are, they don't just wake up in the morning, take a pill... eat some weird mix of foods and Vualah... they're buff.

    They want to know what your secret is... maybe you should say something clever like... well, I learned to care about myself... :-) Don't let their inability to commit to anything hard get on your nerves... They just aren't ready for the truth.
  • "Future investment" - love that!
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    I get the "what are you doing"? And I always reply with, It's easy, I count calories using a great site online that's FREE and I exercise. It's not a Diet, it's a lifestyle change. But you have to be ready!
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I can totally understand this. People ask me this question all the time, about how I've lost 98 lbs. I tell them through healthy eating and exercise, but people are looking for some miracle and say that it would be too hard for them. Sometimes I feel like I should be more of an inspiration to people, but they will sit there and give me all sorts of excuses about why it wouldn't work for them. I think I've just had to realize that I can tell people what I did and hope that they follow in my footsteps, but when it comes down to it, it's their decision to realize what they need to do to change!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    You mean no following the white Rabbit? Or choosng the red or blue pill? I have. Always gotten the rolled eyes because I eat organic and whole grains whole foods, real butter etc. But I eat very clean....come potlucks people have commented nasty remarks out loud...I guess our food isn't good enough for Michelle, s now I take 2 plates one of fruit. Good protien.and another loaded with garbage...and quitly throw it away....I lie I say yeah that was good ;-)....people get mean...lol
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