Am I losing weight too fast?



  • AKingChild
    AKingChild Posts: 4 Member
    I don't think so, but I am not a Doctor. The first lbs you loss is fluid, that good you are keeping track of you intake and eating healthier. The next weigh in is your biggest challenge. Let's add a little walking for 30 minutes and eat more veggies and fruit to keep you balance, and please drink plenty of water or health drink. Congrats to you on being healthier, see you at the finish line.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    you can probably say goodbye to your gallbladder :) I got stones the first time I dieted hard and lost rapid weight .... now that its gone im in it to win it :)
  • mikeandfox
    mikeandfox Posts: 59
    Sure. Actually, all the formula I use (like BMR, BMI, and Estimated Body Fat) are on the template sheet in the workbook I posted. Just copy and paste. :happy:
  • mikeandfox
    mikeandfox Posts: 59
    Also, thanks to everyone for your advice and support!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This is a corollary to some of the things I have been writing about lately. I think that as long as you are not trying a very low calorie diet, are exercising regularly and lifting weights fairly aggressively, you should be fine.

    Any time you are starting at a high weight and substantially reducing your size, you are going to lose some lean body mass along with the fat. It's inevitable and not to be feared.

    Eventually, you will slow down--as your body fat lowers, at some point it will be counterproductive to try to sustain the same caloric deficit, but you are probably not to that point yet.

    When I started my program, I lost 30 lbs in the first 8 weeks. At the same time I was able to still do aggressive workouts and substantially increase the weights I was lifting. Over 5 months, my average daily calorie deficit was 1875 kcal. I didn't plan it that way, but I enjoyed the more rapid loss and did not experience any untoward effects, so I didn't change it until I got down to around 20% body fat. At the end of 6 months my resting metabollsm was exactly what was predicted for my age, height and weight and I had gained 5-8 lbs of muscle.

    I do think if you are going to follow this course that it is essential to maintain a high-quality strength training routine.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I don't quite understand the "talk to your doctor" thing. Doctors have minimal training in this area. I know from interactions with my doctor that she is amazed a my weight loss (much slower than the OP) and she really is not particularly knowledgeable in the area or nutrition and fat loss. I actually know more, amazingly, than she does in this specific area, and I don't know that much. It is because of this the medical clinic has a nutritionist on staff. The doctor's realize their limitations. Unless your doctor specializes in weight loss, don't expect much help there. If you are concerned about health go in for a complete check-up with blood work to see how things are going. I am expecting based on what I have seen in your spreadsheet, all will be well.

    The down side of losing weight quickly is that 1) You will likely have lots of loose skin although you are young and that might rebound. 2) It does not allow you the time to re-train yourself to better eating habits. Face it, we are all fat because how we eat is screwed up. Our sense of a proper meal size is wrong, and we keep eating even when we are full. To get out of that we need time as a lifetime of bad eating habits will not disappear in months. At this point you are doing well. Keep it up and as you go concentrate on re-training your mind and body about how to eat and act healthily.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Please speak to your Doctor ASAP. If you have a lot to lose it's best to use MFP and do it under a doctor's supervision. I heard if you have under a certain amount to lose than 1-2 lbs per week is suggested to avoid damaging your body and to keep it off for good. Call your Doctor and just schedule an appointment to talk to them they can also refer you out to an expert in weight loss and nutrition. Best to be in professional hands with any type of extreme loss. The contestants on Biggest Loser each have an entire medical team!

    Your post is quite alarmist....!

    Did you actually read the OP's post? If you did, then you would have seen his starting weight....
    Also, did you take a peek at this diary? He daily calorie goal is 1900+....

    Seriously, get your facts together first before posting....

    Anyway... OP you're doing fine, good luck on your continued goal.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    No you are not, your at a highter weight and as long as you stay between 1200 an 1500 callories a day you should be alright. Its common that you lose 2 pounds a week. If you have any questions or start to feel bad see your doctor. But keep up the good work your doing great
    Having started out at 333 lbs myself, I'd have lose a LOT more in unhealthy ways if I used your "1200-1500 calories a day" I'd have been "starving".. ie in order to GET to 333lbs I was eating more than the 2200 calories my daily goal on here started out at, I was down to 1800 calories and if I left too much of an additional deficit (over 300) so at 1500 calories I got right crabby and irritable, and my weight had stalled for 3 weeks. Re-adjusted my profile so my daily goal is over 2000 again and I'm losing.

    All that to say 1200-1500 is NOT an appropriate goal for "everyone" those of us that are over 300 lbs may well need the 2000-2500 or whatever is assigned based on our goals. I could have shot for 1 lb a week and stayed over 2500 calories a day and still lost because it was a reduction from what I was eating before.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Please speak to your Doctor ASAP. If you have a lot to lose it's best to use MFP and do it under a doctor's supervision. I heard if you have under a certain amount to lose than 1-2 lbs per week is suggested to avoid damaging your body and to keep it off for good. Call your Doctor and just schedule an appointment to talk to them they can also refer you out to an expert in weight loss and nutrition. Best to be in professional hands with any type of extreme loss. The contestants on Biggest Loser each have an entire medical team!

    Your post is quite alarmist....!

    Did you actually read the OP's post? If you did, then you would have seen his starting weight....
    Also, did you take a peek at this diary? He daily calorie goal is 1900+....

    Seriously, get your facts together first before posting....

    Anyway... OP you're doing fine, good luck on your continued goal.

    Not trying to be mean or annoying only helpful. I've always read that when trying to lose a lot that you should first talk to your doctor and then from there they can refer you to someone who is an expert in weight loss and nutrition. This is in particular someone who is on a plan that has them losing more than 2 lbs/week for them.

    I was using the Biggest Loser as an example because they are losing a lot each week and are closely monitored by doctors, nutrition experts, and dietitians.
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