


  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    i know how it works but thanks any way

    I'm not understanding the problem here then. Are you posting topics and nobody is replying to them? We're trying to help. You're not reciprocating.

    yes no on is writeing on my topics and i write in the in box of a lot of people and no one writes back
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAHH!! I wasn't ready for this!!
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    Please look at where you put yourself-where are you in a position to meet people? Join a gym, go to a book club, etc. You talk first-don't expect otheres to act first. Everyone waits for someone else to act first. Act like the person you want to be and soon you will be that person. Be strong. I believe you can do it.

    i do act frist and i still get that no one wants to talk to me

    You sound very down on yourself, that can make it hard on people around here. Be positive!

    i am positive i just want some one to talk to
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    What exercises are you doing?That is a fun topic. :)
    walking that is my fav and it is not a very fun topic

    i know how it works but thanks any way
    People ARE trying to talk to you but just with those 2 responses alone you've had me post this and walk out the door to work, you want to talk TALK sometimes it means talking about things that aren't very interesting but it gets the ball rolling.
    I'm a home-steading computer support tech with 3000 sq ft of garden, 3 dozen chickens and cows..... my interests are varied, looking for a quad for an electric conversion, because I can ;) Oh and I do can, looking forward to canning a lot of this years harvest, can't wait for tomorrow hope the weather is decent so I can find more mason jars at yard sales.
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152

    MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAHH!! I wasn't ready for this!!

    ready for what
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    What exercises are you doing?That is a fun topic. :)
    walking that is my fav and it is not a very fun topic

    i know how it works but thanks any way
    People ARE trying to talk to you but just with those 2 responses alone you've had me post this and walk out the door to work, you want to talk TALK sometimes it means talking about things that aren't very interesting but it gets the ball rolling.
    I'm a home-steading computer support tech with 3000 sq ft of garden, 3 dozen chickens and cows..... my interests are varied, looking for a quad for an electric conversion, because I can ;) Oh and I do can, looking forward to canning a lot of this years harvest, can't wait for tomorrow hope the weather is decent so I can find more mason jars at yard sales.

    i did not say i would not talk about it i just said i dont think it is interesting
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    What exercises are you doing?That is a fun topic. :)

    walking that is my fav and it is not a very fun topic
    Well I tried.. *leaves*

    o ok well have a nice day
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I suggest you talk to the samaritans
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I know you're saying you're positive and just want someone to talk to, but you're sending out mixed signals.

    Everything you have been saying has been negative, contrary... and perhaps... borderline rude.

    I don't know if you realize or if this is the way you're talking to others, but if it is, it could be why people don't reciprocate. And I say this, because you ask why.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Meh, I'll bite again. If walking isn't exciting you're maybe doing it wrong! IN the winter I was on the treadmill all the time, looking at the same patch of wall for my time on it. I haven't done much walking this year outside but in past years I go for various walks at local parks, 7km trail... 3km trail with a splendid lookout that makes the lesser distance worthwhile for the view. Having someone to talk with on the walks definitely makes a difference though ;) I miss canoeing and kayaking though, had thought I'd be doing some again this year but maybe next year at this point.
  • newbeautifulme
    Spell Check :) Just kidding...... Looks like you got some people talking to you now!
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    What are your hobbies? What do you do for a living?

    hobbies : fishing,bouting swimming camping tubeing hikeing road trips just to name a few
    what i do for a living nothing right now
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I used to be really lonely sometimes too. I don't think it is anything personal. I was a very closed off person and then I wondered why I didn't really have any friends. If you are a young mom, then people your own age might not feel like they can relate to you. Do you have any interests? Volunteer work?
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    I suggest you talk to the samaritans

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Please look at where you put yourself-where are you in a position to meet people? Join a gym, go to a book club, etc. You talk first-don't expect otheres to act first. Everyone waits for someone else to act first. Act like the person you want to be and soon you will be that person. Be strong. I believe you can do it.

    i do act frist and i still get that no one wants to talk to me

    You sound very down on yourself, that can make it hard on people around here. Be positive!

    i am positive i just want some one to talk to

    What I see here is a bunch of folks trying to talk to you and you keep shooting them down with negativity and monosyllabic responses. You're only going to get as good as you give, and you don't seem to be putting forth much effort. Try engaging and interacting in a positive and friendly way.

  • Shelley2210
    What's up chicken, add me as a friend if you like, here if you want to offload, helps to get things off your chest!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAHH!! I wasn't ready for this!!

    ready for what

    The graphic...it was a funny show and graphic from the 80's....are you from the states?
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    I know you're saying you're positive and just want someone to talk to, but you're sending out mixed signals.

    Everything you have been saying has been negative, contrary... and perhaps... borderline rude.

    I don't know if you realize or if this is the way you're talking to others, but if it is, it could be why people don't reciprocate. And I say this, because you ask why.

    thanks i dont mean to come off that way sorry to any one that thinks this way about how i am sounding
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    hobbies : fishing,bouting swimming camping tubeing hikeing road trips just to name a few
    what i do for a living nothing right now

    I love camping! What's your favorite place you've camped so far?
  • lisa_milbourn
    Yep add me too!