Metabolic Fire- How to turn your body into a fat burning mac



  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I don't understand your motivation to SAVE people from my post? There are hundreds if not 1000s of posts on this site... Yet you are choosing to bash mine? If someone wants to try what I do, great! I doubt seriously anyone is going to fail miserably by following my steps. LOL

    Seriously, post your your own topic or add constructively to this one. Either choice is fine with me. Otherwise you are trolling.

    Why do you doubt that they won't fail miserably? Simply because it worked for you must mean it will work for every single person that reads this thread and heeds your advice?

    Case in point: minigirl2, who just joined MFP recently, said the following in the first page of this thread:
    Agreed - very good advice and helps explain why I struggle so much to drop even a few pounds. I do exactly the opposite of what you said. Very light breakfast, medium to light lunch and dinner is when I eat the most, mainly because it's when I have the most time to prepare food. Got to figure out how to switch things around. Thanks for the great info.

    This is a perfect example of my point. After reading your post, Minigirl believes that the reason she is not losing weight is due to meal timing. This is completely irrelevant. And now she's not only going to unnecessarily inconvenience herself, on top of that she now has a false understanding of why she is struggling in her weight loss goals.

    And I did add something "constructive". I said that meal frequency has no impact on your metabolism. Yet you are saying to "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a peasant". A quote directly taken from your post. Which is complete cookie-cutter statement.

    Here's some evidence for you on my assertion:
    Br J Nutr. 1997 Apr;77 Suppl 1:S57-70.
    Meal frequency and energy balance.


    We conclude that there is robust evidence from several independent laboratories to refute the hypothesis that feeding frequency is a significant determinant of energetic efficiency in human subjects when assessed over 24 h or longer. Consequently, feeding frequency has no significant impact on the rate of weight loss during energy restriction. We further conclude that the epidemiological studies which have suggested that nibbling is associated with leanness are extremely vulnerable to methodological errors which may generate spurious relationships due to dietary under-reporting and post hoc alterations in eating patterns in response to weight gain. Although these may not totally invalidate the cross-sectional studies, they highlight the need for considerable caution in interpreting the results and point to the need for a more critical analysis in the future.
    Since we conclude that feeding frequency has no discernible effect on 24 h energy expenditure, then any putative effects on regulation of body weight must be mediated through effects on the intake side of the energy balance equation.

    And that scientific study was done in 1997. It takes a while for myths to die, doesn't it? Especially if they're still being passed around as facts.

    And if reading scientific studies is not your thing. All that needs to be said is - I assure you that you will see plenty of "ripped" people just as yourself on that website, doing exactly the opposite of what you just described.

  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    Grow up guy...
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Alright, well that wraps up the debate. What a quick response. Clearly you have no interest in learning the facts. Have fun spreading more of your nutritional and fitness dogma.

    Hopefully I have saved at least one person that reads this thread from the atrocity of misinformation that is displayed on the first post of this topic
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    Again... Stop trolling and post your own topic... Now you're just laying flame bait.

    Honestly, no one is deceiving anyone, except for you. So far you have made nothing but negative claims all while hiding behind a photo of a bird.

    I have offered up my friendship and a look at my diary as PROOF that what I have stated does indeed work... In fact it works so well, I wrote an article on it. I lost 52 pounds in 75 days... And you? I also work for a fitness company! And you? I am also a retired professional athlete! And you?

    A brief look at your posting history shows that you are indeed just a troll who likes to offer up one liners all while hiding your face.

    Good luck on your fitness journey... I will continue to HELP people LOOKING for help on their weight loss journey...
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Yeah, I guess the scientific study that I linked from pubmed, which just happens to be maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine, is flamebait and negative claims. While your diary is PROOF!!! Yep, that's it bro, you got me.

    Really, no one cares what you look like or what you do in your spare time. The bottom line is that you are posting bad information and I am calling you out on it. And you cannot refute it, instead you make personal attacks because you feel offended. Let me know when you are ready to put your ego aside and actually focus on the facts.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I think you are just having a bad day. Honestly, you keep trying to rebut actual proof. Friend me and take a look for yourself... Then I'll come down from my high horse. I include all my food, supplements, times during the day, and my cardio and strength training. If you don't believe this stuff works... then why are you here?

    I'm sure you have a lot of useful info to share... But so far you come across as an arrogant little *kitten*.

  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    bump for later
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I think you are just having a bad day. Honestly, you keep trying to rebut actual proof. Friend me and take a look for yourself... Then I'll come down from my high horse. I include all my food, supplements, times during the day, and my cardio and strength training. If you don't believe this stuff works... then why are you here?

    I'm sure you have a lot of useful info to share... But so far you come across as an arrogant little *kitten*.


    And I honestly don't think you are actually reading anything I say. Scroll up and actually read my posts. How about the one that starts with "I'm not saying you made it up. I wholeheartedly believe that this strategy worked for you." Yet you still contend that I think you are lying? Seriously?

    Thanks for making more personal attacks. It's too easy to do the same, but I will choose not to. But really, actually READ my posts and perhaps even click the links that I gave. Or not, up to you. I already accomplished what I wanted to by posting - which is call you out on your bad information. And I'm sure at least one person will benefit from that.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I have read your posts. I agree that each person is different. I agree there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    Your proof is 1 article... My proof is ME and the past 6 months!!!

    I have nothing left to say to you. Please stop trolling or start your own topic... You posts are adding nothing but flame bait.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    I think the problem people have with this post is that the majority of it is either non-factual, bro-science, or highly subjective. For instance:
    3 squares a day is what we have been conditioned to believe is the most beneficial way to diet. Often times however, these meals tend to be a bit too large for our system. We process 70-80% of each meal and then our body stores the rest for later. A better way to eat is to spread out your calories to 5 or 6 meals instead.
    Not true at all, 5-6 meals is not a "better way". Have you ever heard of intermittent fasting? Lean Gains? Spike? The Warrior Diet? Scores of bodybuilders ingest all of their calories within an 8 hour window, many do it in one or two meals.
    First you eat a large breakfast while your body is already at a high metabolic burn from your morning workout. Then as you eat less and less throughout the day, your metabolism is still burn calories, although with less and less effort required. Your body can now handle all the calories needed for the day and will NOT need to store anything for later.
    Again, not based in fact. Meal timing is irrelevant to calorie expenditure. If you are not eating over your daily calorie expenditure, you won't gain. End of story.
    Bad carbs tend to hang around in the system too long, take forever to burn off and eventually become fat stores in the body. Good carbs process a lot faster in the system and can contain good cholesterol that will help to reduce heart disease.
    What? This is just the complete opposite of Nutrition 101. And the carbs containing "good cholesterol that will help to reduce heart disease"... where did you even come up with that? Any modern dietitian or doctor who actually keeps current with medical literature will tell you that the lipid hypothesis is mostly invalid and outdated.
    Examples of good carbs are oatmeal, brown rice, and potatoes. A healthy diet consists of about 40% carbs per day in your diet.
    Highly subjective. Except that I would definitely not classify fast metabolized starches such as potatoes as "good carbs."
    Some contain highly saturated fats, such as steak and ground beef.
    Again, nothing at all wrong with saturated fat. Do a google search on "lipid hypothesis". Not that your statement if factual anyways. A ribeye contains more unsaturated fat than it does saturated fat. Look it up.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I have read your posts. I agree that each person is different. I agree there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    Your proof is 1 article... My proof is ME and the past 6 months!!!

    I have nothing left to say to you. Please stop trolling or start your own topic... You posts are adding nothing but flame bait.

    So you agree that each person is different. Yet you give a cookie cutter "how to" guide in your first post.

    My proof is a scientific study. Which there are plenty more of. And if you actually clicked the other link I gave you, you'll see that there are plenty more articles.
    Your proof is nothing. Because you cannot prove that eating 5-6 meals a day is the reason you lost the fat. You can't even prove that it's a contributing factor. Because it's not, and I gave you evidence on why it is absolutely irrelevant. You may have ate a tic-tac everyday in your journey to becoming "ripped". Why not add that in there too? "How to eat: 5-6 meals a day, a tic-tac just before nighttime. Why? Cause I ate a tic-tac each day - just open my diary! It's proof man!!"

    Correlation does not imply causation. Simply because you don't understand what something means doesn't mean its trolling.

    Finally, another poster in this thread that finally can bring some sense - thank you mynameisnutz
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I appreciate the honest and scientifically based post. This is way more constructive than a tweety bird calling bullsh*t.

    If you have actual facts, then that's great! as I have stated all along, I did not make this up. This is the advice I followed that was given to me by my PFT. He is ripped to *kitten* and has won many body building contests. If the info he is giving is outdated, then maybe he needs to update that information.

    Bashing me or purporting that I am in some way purposely misleading people is completely false. I am here to help not hurt.

    I don't think your post came across as short at all and I truly appreciate you laying facts instead of bashing.

    Edit: Kenny you are still a troll because you continue to rant. Seriously dude, grow up!!!
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    I appreciate the honest and scientifically based post. This is way more constructive than a tweety bird calling bullsh*t.

    If you have actual facts, then that's great! as I have stated all along, I did not make this up. This is the advice I followed that was given to me by my PFT. He is ripped to *kitten* and has won many body building contests. If the info he is giving is outdated, then maybe he needs to update that information.

    Bashing me or purporting that I am in some way purposely misleading people is completely false. I am here to help not hurt.

    I don't think your post came across as short at all and I truly appreciate you laying facts instead of bashing.

    Next time, instead of saying "Six meals a day is better" just say "six meals a day worked for me." The latter statement is factual, the former is totally false.

    Also, if you're going to talk about micro/macronutrient usage in the body (such as slow burning carbs being bad, or good carbs containing good cholesterol?!), it's best to know exactly what you're talking about, as that is a biological/chemical discussion and much less subjective than meal timing or when to do a workout.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I appreciate the honest and scientifically based post. This is way more constructive than a tweety bird calling bullsh*t.

    If you have actual facts, then that's great! as I have stated all along, I did not make this up. This is the advice I followed that was given to me by my PFT. He is ripped to *kitten* and has won many body building contests. If the info he is giving is outdated, then maybe he needs to update that information.

    Bashing me or purporting that I am in some way purposely misleading people is completely false. I am here to help not hurt.

    I don't think your post came across as short at all and I truly appreciate you laying facts instead of bashing.

    Edit: Kenny you are still a troll because you continue to rant. Seriously dude, grow up!!!

    Tell me where I said that you are PURPOSELY misleading people. I said you are misleading people with your post.
    I'm glad you're finally starting to own up to your bad information though

    "If you have actual facts, then that's great! as I have stated all along, I did not make this up"

    Actual facts are usually what's recommended that you have before making How-to guides. And NO ONE said that you made this up. So please, stop acting like a victim.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member

    Thanks bro!

    I was told good carbs and bad... Oatmeal having good cholesterol, digests well, etc.... So I eat it every morning. I stay away from anything processed... I have no idea what's in there.

    I think I should have stated that I work a desk job and am 36 years old. I have always been thin, up until I got married and began working. I gained 60 pounds in a year and a half and continued to eat like crap for an additional 10 years. I'm no scientist... But what I have achieved in a short period of time has worked and has been sustained. I will refrain from posting what I believe to be accurate information if it will cause such a stir.

    I am so excited from what I have done, that I just want the world to know there is a solution that works. It may only be MY solution, but it does indeed work.

    Thanks again.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I appreciate the honest and scientifically based post. This is way more constructive than a tweety bird calling bullsh*t.

    If you have actual facts, then that's great! as I have stated all along, I did not make this up. This is the advice I followed that was given to me by my PFT. He is ripped to *kitten* and has won many body building contests. If the info he is giving is outdated, then maybe he needs to update that information.

    Bashing me or purporting that I am in some way purposely misleading people is completely false. I am here to help not hurt.

    I don't think your post came across as short at all and I truly appreciate you laying facts instead of bashing.

    Edit: Kenny you are still a troll because you continue to rant. Seriously dude, grow up!!!

    Tell me where I said that you are PURPOSELY misleading people. I said you are misleading people with your post.
    I'm glad you're finally starting to own up to your bad information though

    "If you have actual facts, then that's great! as I have stated all along, I did not make this up"

    Actual facts are usually what's recommended that you have before making How-to guides. And NO ONE said that you made this up. So please, stop acting like a victim.

    Serious guy! I am done with you! You stated your case... now fly away... seriously!!!
  • aabyrer
    aabyrer Posts: 57
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks for the great post. It's great solid info and I appreciate that the tone is so supportive.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member

    Thanks bro!

    I was told good carbs and bad... Oatmeal having good cholesterol, digests well, etc.... So I eat it every morning. I stay away from anything processed... I have no idea what's in there.

    The idea of good carbs and bad carbs is too simplistic. Just like the idea that eating in the morning is good and eating at night is bad is too simplistic. There are too many variables - i.e. total amount of fat/carb you are eating, the rest of your diet, your activity level, etc.
    Good/bad carbs are based off the glycemic index, which is pretty much useless for weight loss.

    If you're interested in reading more about why, read this:
    (particularly part 2)
    I think I should have stated that I work a desk job and am 36 years old. I have always been thin, up until I got married and began working. I gained 60 pounds in a year and a half and continued to eat like crap for an additional 10 years. I'm no scientist... But what I have achieved in a short period of time has worked and has been sustained. I will refrain from posting what I believe to be accurate information if it will cause such a stir.

    The fact that you were thin earlier on in your life may very well be a contributing factor in your rapid weight loss and overall success. I'm not saying you did not work hard and it did not take dedication, but others may see varying results. Genetics play a huge role and tend to skew the perceptions of things. Drugs add on to the confusion.
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Wow! Thank you for sharing...........Very informative.....