ladies..... Teach us how to woo you!



  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I'm the oddball of the bunch, so here goes:

    Personally, I'm only attracted to "a man's MAN" - types. I married my Marine combat instructor-trainer. If you're going to look at me like a freak because I did 6 years in the Marines and was awesome at it, you can take your p#ssy-*kitten* and go pound sand. Like previous poster said, don't treat me like I'm made of glass. Odds are, if you're an average guy I would chew you up and spit you out anyways. Heaven forbid I get divorced; I'd be reduced to picking from a very small pool; basically, you'd have to be imbedded in a male-dominated culture and you'd have to be considered the elite part of it at that.

    An IQ in the 110-120 range helps immensely. I'd expect you to teach me something new everyday. My hubby had me at "now feather the clutch" ;)

    A sense of humor worthy of a stand up comic. I expect to laugh everyday.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    My wonderful hubby who very much knows his Bible stuff once told me that in the BIBLE the Lord says to (in Lamans terms...not direct quotes) "To put your significant other (wife, girl, mate) on a pedestal and treat them like a queen".......he should have never had told me this cuz any time he is being a d*ck I remind him of this lil quote!!!! God IS never wrong!! :bigsmile:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    For me, I like guys who are stable, funny, geeky, and sweet. I like when guys who I like are (not controlling), but slightly obsessed with me. I like when he has an accent, and gives me massages/buys me good food and gifts. He also has to be an animal lover, and okay with me having up to a few hundred pet birds along with various other animals. :tongue:

    It seems a lot of the women so far are strong, tough, and independent. I think that's a great thing, but that just isn't me. I'm very gentle (I literally won't hurt a fly) , I am rather quiet and enjoy listening. I like a guy who makes a majority of the decisions, but keeps me in mind. Men often tell me I will make the perfect wife, most likely since I have a subservient disposition despite having a very strong, tough, and independent mom! :laugh:

    I can't stand guys who are tough, self-centered, mean, thrill-seekers, or party-boys. I hate bad boys, and macho men.

    :flowerforyou: Honestly, I think there is someone for everybody, so be yourself, and find someone who loves you for YOU.
    Also, you can't fix people. If you feel the need to change someone, they aren't the one for you. :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    It seems a lot of the women so far are strong, tough, and independent. I think that's a great thing, but that just isn't me.

    Which brings up another key point. A real man won't do all the talking. He'll listen and try to find out what makes the girl that he likes tick. Cause we are all different, so don't compare me to your ex or someone you think is your "dream girl." Take the time to get to know ME and then decide before I get too attached whether or not it's worth going on as friends or more than friends.