How did you choose your goal weight?



  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    I've said before a certain weight but it will depend on clothing size also. Right now I'm shooting for 150 so I'm about 30 more to go. But it depends on how my clothes fit.
  • Chubby_bunnyy
    Chubby_bunnyy Posts: 50 Member
    Ahhh I'm awful I looked at someone's body type I liked and took her bmi then I rationalized in a few lbs to be realistic. I'm alot closer to it now and realize I'll probably be happier at that number.
    Sw- 135
    Cw- 113/114
    gw- 100-97
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    I picked a weight that I remember being happy with the way I looked when I was that weight.

    Exactly. I didn't chose a weight that would be considered the "standard" for my age and height, etc. I chose a weight that left meat on my skin. I love being chubby, just not fat.
  • Chubby_bunnyy
    Chubby_bunnyy Posts: 50 Member
    Hush7hush, yeah I understand where you're coming from. Your mom sounds as Critical as my family. I'd never hear the end of it
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I picked mine because it's the weight I remember my mom being at when she told me that she'd love me more if I were skinny.

    I just want to look better than her.

    I wish mom's realized how much their words can sting. One day I came to my mom's house for her weekend and the first thing she said to me was "you need to take a shower"
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    I picked a weight that I remember being happy with the way I looked when I was that weight.

    Exactly. I didn't chose a weight that would be considered the "standard" for my age and height, etc. I chose a weight that left meat on my skin. I love being chubby, just not fat.

    Same here....ive never been the skinny one...on top of that i am big boned..
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I found out what my body fat percentage was. Then looked at what my body percent fat SHOULD be and set that as an ideal goal weight for me. If i loose 75 pounds and it looks like i lost 100 then..I may be fine with that. I havent been under 200 pounds in a VERY long time, so I shall see and play it by ear as time goes by.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    My goal weight is slightly based on BMI. I don't want to be considered unhealthy. While I don't totally believe in the BMI I am not a bodybuilder with crazy low body fat so it somewhat pertains to me. I have never been the weight that I am shooting for. I have gotten down to 151 and I was in a size 8 comfortably. I want to be in a 6 comfortably so I am hoping 145 is that for me. The closer I get the more it will just depend on body composition more than weight.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I chose mine off what someone with a large frame and 5'10 should weigh. I dont know if i will be happy there at 170 (i will be just under being overweight for my height; but i figured it was ok since i have a large frame; i might look great). But its a goal; and i'll state to anyone, my goal will probably drop down to 160 once im there, but just to get to that point is all i want for now. at one point it was 180, but then after looking at BMI numbers i wanted to be 170.... then once it was my goal for all this time, ive kinda thought about my weight in the past; and when i was last 170; in 5th to 4th grade, i was fat and made fun of, and i was my full grown height by 5th grade.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    A few years ago, I contracted a thyroid condition that caused me to lose a lot of weight. During that time, I was taken off all my medications for high blood pressure. When my thyroid was treated, I gained the weight back and went back on the blood pressure meds. My goal was to lose enough weight to get back off the meds. It took me about a year to do it (complicated by this disease), but I managed it last spring and was able to scale back my meds.

    Now I have let myself gain some of the weight back, so I am losing it again. I may try to lose a few extra pounds this time around...