Confession Time



  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    So, the Ikea non-fat Frozen Yogurt cone is 100 calories. What's with all the guilt!?
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    I have eaten almost 4 slices of rich, fabulous, frosted homemade red velvet cake since Saturday. Luckily, I finished the leftovers today so I won't have more. lol
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I ate famous daves 2 days in a row. one corn bread muffin is 390 calories but i love them so. uggghhhh
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    I consumed meat the other day at subway , I had pizza sauce on my veggie sub, I realized half way through that they cook there meatball in the sauce but kept on eating.... :(
  • today, i logged everything and was proudly reveling in the 33 calories i had left...

    but then i ate 2 cookies. and some homemade ice cream with sprinkles. and a few chips. and some cereal. and i didn't log any of it. then i remembered two little popsicles i had that i forgot to log.

    the worst part? i still want another cookie.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    ROLO MCFLURRY????? i so wish we had them here in australia

    i binged last night. hell, ive not really been watching my food for the last couple months. last weekend i was sick and dropped 2.5 kgs frommy last weigh in which was 6 weeks prior.

    so last week with being sick i started watching my food, but yesterday i was soooo freaking hungry i ate a crap load of stuff i shouldnt have and didnt log it. (chips, chocolate biscuits, cordial etc)
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    I go to starbucks pretty much every day. I know my drink is loaded with sugar but I'm addicted.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I want to punch Jillian Michaels in the face around the 3rd set of cardio on 30DS.... Really. It's what keeps me going.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    today, i logged everything and was proudly reveling in the 33 calories i had left...

    but then i ate 2 cookies. and some homemade ice cream with sprinkles. and a few chips. and some cereal. and i didn't log any of it. then i remembered two little popsicles i had that i forgot to log.

    the worst part? i still want another cookie.

    I have these days too.
  • maggiedcs
    maggiedcs Posts: 22 Member
    My (skinny) 18 year old daughter brought home a fudge brownie with cream cheese icing and left it on the counter for like 3 days. I finally broke down and ate the whole thing last night. It had to be at least 500 calories... Augh!
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    Missed the quotes...sorry!
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    See below...just figured out the quote thing!
  • Tullly
    Tullly Posts: 3
    Went through a jar of marco-organic peanut butter in 3 days...
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    1.) "Dinner" mostly consisted of alcohol today.

    2.) I've been tempted more than once since hitting my plateau to abuse my Adderal script.

    3.) If I'm not already ovulating, I wear a drop of pheromone supplement to the gym. I'm an amateur evolutionary psychology nut and the extra male attention it affords me makes me push myself that much harder. Poor gym rats have no clue what hit them but they keep eye raping.

    4.) I wish I could purge, but decided that training myself to suppress my gag reflex is SO much more beneficial in other areas of my life. I'm still jealous of those that can purge.

    Made me laugh! I've been desperate enough to try and purge, only to realize I have 0 gag reflex...comes in handy other times though lol! And PS...where can I get some pheromones? That sounds nice haha!
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    1. I started losing weight because of a man... a MAN! How ridiculous right?

    2. I often eat cake for dinner. Or fantasise about eating cake for dinner. And feel guilty about eating cake for dinner.

    3. I think about food allllllll day and have started to neglect my job because of it.

    I also started losing weight for a man...and I'm married to that man (who will never understand that this will be a conscious effort for me every moment of every day of the rest of my life because I <3 food that much). I was just hoping for his attention again, but in the process I've found myself :)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i ate a turkish delight and a chomp bar yesterday.... oops!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    1) I sometimes add things to my food diary that I didn't really eat, just to make my numbers higher.

    2) I'm like, seriously scared of carbs. I eat too many of them. and it freaks me out.

    3) I spend more time in the gym than at home because I feel like I fit in there better. I live alone. This makes no sense.

    4) I'm seeing an awesome guy. Kind of seeing, anyway. And he is constantly calling me "cutie" or "beautiful" or whatever. And I keep thinking that he is too good for me, and he's just playing me, and seeing other girls behind my back. We are not exclusive, and I have no REAL reason to think this. Can't help it. He's perfect. I'm fat.
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    And, I just went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of low-cal ice-creams and candys!! ... And coconut covered marshmallows. :blushing: Oh, I don't neeeeed those.

    Anddddd.... Yesterday I ended up with only 110 calories for dinner because I decided to eat sweets instead of an actual meal...

    Andddddddddddd... Just a few weeks ago, my dinner consisted of 450 calories worth of icing.... That's like 6 tbsp.... And nothing else.

    Preach it, Sista! See! Confession is good for the soul! ;)

    You know that's right!!! Church clap! :drinker:
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    I want to punch Jillian Michaels in the face around the 3rd set of cardio on 30DS.... Really. It's what keeps me going.

    HAHA you and me both!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I had two slices of pizza after work last night. I wasn't hungry, I could have said no, but my boss told me to eat it and I did. Oops. It was right before bed too.