(VENT) Why do men have to look and lust ALL THE TIME?????



  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    Sorry...but this seems fairly simple. Talk to him openly and honestly. Leave nothing out. Facebook (whose importance seems to have been blown completely out of proportion in terms of society) and in general. Tell him in no uncertain terms what you expect.
    If he says he doesn't want to live with that, then you need to decide if the relationship is worth it. If you decide to stay, you need to deal with it because you made that decision. If he leaves, then was the relationship that meaningful to him?

    If you go into a relationship expecting someone to change for any reason, that relationship is doomed to fail. I would never go into one expecting someone to change. Perhaps you though it would change as you got thinner. But as you got thinner, his habits never changed. It is because that is who he is.

    Guys look. As many women say, so do they. If I see some girl in tight shorts walking by and my eyes drift, that does not mean I want to sleep with her. It can be the same if someone drives a car by and our eyes follow that also.

    These threads amuse me. Not because of the situation, but because you most really know the answer. They may just not like it.

    ^^^^This....needs a like button.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    My boyfriend has the most beautiful female friends I have ever seen (No seriously...his world travels have done him well in the eye candy department), so he doesnt have to go searching....Beautiful woman just POP up on his screen. Did it bother me at first? Yes, I was a little jealous of all the beautiful ethnic women. Am I still jealous? Eh, not really.

    Whose in bed with him every night? I am. Whose is he going on trips with, taking walks with, sharing dinner by candle light (I think you get the picture now)? I am.

    Do I think he should be going out of his way to find these girls? Not really. However, before Facebook there was porn and Playboy. Whats the difference really? Still slutty girls wearing little to nothing.

    In this situation, the problem does not only lie with him, but you need to do whatever it takes so YOU feel confident. Jealousy comes from the ugly place inside you havent been able to defeat. If you are that unhappy, dump him. But dont try and pretend like you can change him.

    You CANT change people unless the person wants to change themselves. Some things my man does drives me CRAZY, but so much of what he does makes me swoon as soon as I walk through a door. The question is, what bad are you willing to take with the good? No one is perfect.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    My opinion:
    Noticing someone is attractive normal.
    Dwelling on photos of someone who is attractive and letting that progress into inappropriate thoughts is different. It is a reflection of a problem of our culture.
    It undermines healthy relationships.