Diamond Dolls Week 1- Closed Group



  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome to the team PatronSara!

    Hi all my name is Sara and I think this challenge is just what I need. I started MFP at the beginning at May and did awesome in the beginning, but I have really started to slack due to school and an injury. Since I am super competitive I figured doing a challenge would really kick me in gear! What I am doing to start of this challenge:
    1. Logging in what I eat, I have gotten really bad in the past couple of weeks so I need to get back on track.
    2. 15mins (or more) on the elliptical in the morning. This is going to be really hard to do, i get up for work at 4:30 am so getting up even earlier is rough. Also the elliptical is my nemesis, for whatever reason I have the hardest time on the machine so 15 mins is going to be rough. I made a deal with my partner so I have to do it!
    3.STOP drinking soda, I love, love, love soda and I drink to much.
    4. Since its getting quite hot and I hate the heat, I am going to try to do a workout DVD 5x a week.

    I can't wait to see how we do at the end of week 1, go Diamond Dolls! Especially the purple team!!

  • Question of the Day: 6/20
    What changes have you made to your diet/fitness routine, if any, to kick off this challenge?

    I signed up for the gym and have actually been going. :laugh: I went food shopping and bought fruits and veggies. I don't think my fridge has ever contained either.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    First of all my heart goes out to my fellow Orange teammate, Mona, who has to work around bacon, also my favorite food. Big piles of bacon, did you say? I think I just got an erection. Am I allowed to say that on MFP?

    What changes have I made to my diet/fitness routine to kick off this challenge?

    I bought a treadmill. I’m too self conscious to run around the neighborhood and I’m going to use C25K to ease back into my favorite exercise. I’m keeping my eye on Craig’s List for an Elliptical Machine although I really prefer the swanky ones at the gym.

    I joined my local recreation center for water aerobics. (Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday – plus, Friday if possible)

    I cleared a space in my basement for all the exercises I don’t want to do at the gym and for DVD workouts. (Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday). 30-Day Shred, Tai Chi, Yoga, and Budakon.

    I hired someone to prepare fresh salad lettuce every day. Actually, I just increased my kid’s allowance but it feels like I hired a personal chef.

    One last thing.... Gooooooooo Team Orange!!!
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I haven't done anything different (yet)... we'll see if week 2 requires a change. :wink:
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm really excited about this challenge it's the motivation I need. I've made changes in general from around a month ago in that I've been exercising by doing long walks - longest so far is 13.1miles! Doing Zumba class once or tiwce a week, doing press ups, sit ups and squats every other day and generally just moving more. I've also joined a slimming club to give me a bit of a kick up the butt :laugh: For this challenge I'm also going to cut right back on alcohol, I have 2 social occasions in the 7 weeks where I will have a drink and that's it.

    Hope to get to know you all soon, oh and GO PURPLE TEAM!
  • Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?
  • My dream vacation would be to go to Ireland and Greece for about a month. My dad's side is from Ireland and my mom's side is from Greece. I would love to be in such good shape that I could walk all over each of these places and see all the amazing things there! =) That is my ultimate gift to myself when I reach my goal weight! =)
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    I'd like to spend about 6 weeks hitting all the places in Europe that I want to see like Italy, Greece, Spain, and Scotland. I've been to Ireland, England, and France, with a brief stop in Wales, and I need to get back to Europe again, I loved it there.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    I'd love to go somewhere exotic and warm like Tobago or the British Virgin Isles, for a city destination there's so many I'd love to see, St Petersburgh, Venice, Florence, Bruges. I could go on and on, with 2 young kids I think it'll be a while before I get anywhere like that!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    My dream vacation is to go to Scotland! THe highlands! I think I was scottish in a previous life. I always tell my husband that I want to retire to Scotland!
  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    A dream vacation to me would be ANYWHERE tropical with my husband to make up for not getting to have our honeymoon.. thanks to the NAVY.. oh and id love to wear a string bikini on this dream vacation :)
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    My dream vacation is a little... different. There's a 3 week trail riding trip that a number of horse associations put together every year, and they ride through the west from Texas north for 3 weeks. Every few days you stop in a town to shower & pick up supplies, but you camp outside every night and just be with your horse (and 100+ other riders and their horses).

    That's my dream vacation. My horse, the west, the stars... and hopefully some single cowboys ;)
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    sounds fantastic Skylar :smile:
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    My dream holiday (vacation) would be to New York shopping and sightseeing for 5 days. Florida to the theme/water parks 2 weeks and then Huvafen Fushi, Maldives for 3 weeks with my boy/f. It is like pure paradise with your own hut.
  • Macy_R
    Macy_R Posts: 91
    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    hmmmm I actually have a million places I would like to go so this is so hard for me! But I think my dream vacation would be a month just exploring and sightseeing europe! It would be fantastic to just spend all the money I want and just get away from "real life" and just see different cultures!!! I wish I could really do this!!!
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm not really sure where it would be, maybe a few places. But it would include scuba diving, hiking, sightseeing, and lots of different foods that I normally wouldn't eat. Jamaica, Italy, Colorado, the rainforest. I just can't pick one
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Hmm - I'd LOVE to be able to do one really long "around the world" trip. Fly to each continent, then vagabond it to everywhere we could until we were ready to move on.
  • mona24523
    mona24523 Posts: 100
    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    Oh wow I don't know which I would pick for my dream vacation. It would be between the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, or a Safari somewhere. If I had to choose it would be a Safari.
  • Zoe_J
    Zoe_J Posts: 11

    Question of the Day: 6/20
    What changes have you made to your diet/fitness routine, if any, to kick off this challenge?

    I started the Insanity workout last monday so my exercise is planned for the whole challenge

    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    Mine would be a Caribbean cruise
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everybody! I missed yesterday's question - oops!

    My dream vacation would be to spend a month in Italy and another month in Greece. I want to really experience the cultures there and don't think I can do that in only a week or so. I also would like to trace the trip Odysseus supposedly took on his return home from the Trojan war (I'm a dorky English/ Literture teacher, can you tell?).
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