Diamond Dolls Week 1- Closed Group



  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    This is what I have posted on my profile as an encouragement--

    April 1st 2011 (start date) - 165

    May 13th 2011 (current weight) 154.2

    mini goal- 150 ( ill treat myself to a full body massage) :)

    150.6 met May 27th 2011 (( looks like this upcoming weekend ill be getting my massage)) :)

    mini goal- 140 (get myself a cute swim suit) :)

    Goal weight 135 (by July 22nd 2011 or sooner.. new pair of jeans)
  • Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    I really haven't thought about setting a reward. I'm 3lbs from being just "overweight" and when I reach that I guess I can treat myself to a mani/pedi.
    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    My ultimate dream vacation would have to be Hawaii. Hopefully one day I can go there.
    Question of the Day: 6/22

    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?

    I'm a spender all the way. I am a huge makeup and shoe *kitten*. I shouldn't be allowed near Sephora or any shoe department store.
  • Macy_R
    Macy_R Posts: 91
    Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    155- get my nails done

    150- a new craft project

    145-new workout tank tops and YOGA PANTS (i've always wanted to be comfortable enough with my body to wear them!)

    140-shopping, shopping, shopping, and more shopping :) clothes that will stand out because I will NOT blend in anymore!
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    I don't have anything specific in mind, but I know new (smaller) clothes will be needed and that's always fun!
  • partonsara
    partonsara Posts: 79 Member
    I hit my last mini goal right before Easter. I didn't think I would do anything to reward myself because I was so happy to be seeing the results of my hardwork but I was shopping with my husband and fell in love with a dress. I HAD to try it on and it fit like a glove! I came out of the dressing room and knew I had to buy it. It was a great feeling to know I could wear a dress like that and now it is in my closest waiting for the perfect opportunity to be worn :) Hopefully a night out with the hubby will be just what the dress orders!
  • mona24523
    mona24523 Posts: 100
    Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    I haven't set a reward. I just can't wait to lose the last 20lbs so I can go shopping for new clothes.
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    I do not have a mini reward but.. My goal is to be under 150 lbs by the time my daughter turns 6 months old: September 25th 2011. I want to have family photo's taken and I want to be comfortable with my body and myself so that I can look back at these pictures and be proud of them. Once I get under 150 my next goal is to be under 140 lbs by Christmas and for Christmas I want to get new clothes that fit me, because I will be losing about 40 lbs :-)
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Oh my goodness Chase thanks for the reminder!! I'm playin' on the status updates and forgot about this!! :blushing:

    Question of the Day: 6/22
    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?

    Oh my...there's a reason I'm a nurse and not an accountant!! NO really...my husband and I spoil each other way to much lol...but because of that we really don't exchange gifts on birthdays/anniversaries etc...weird...I know...but it works. AND that way I can get spoiled ALL year round rather on just specific days :wink:

    Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    I am SO bad at setting rewards (mostly becuase of the 6/22 question!) So...no...I have not...but I REALLY need to do something nice once I get to ONEderland...it's been a REALLY long time...I like Skylar's idea about getting something for her horse that is a reminder...maybe I'll steal her idea lol.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    I hadn't even thought about it! I will now though.......new workout DVDs maybe? I really want to try Turbo Fire!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    The satisfaction of knowing that I am getting somewhere is my reward. I dated my mini goals...and the first one was to be reached tomorrow. Sadly I do not think I hit it, but last time I weighed I was only 3.2 pounds away...and I am happy with that!!
  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    I guess my mini goals for now will be rewarded with fitness things. When I 1st started I was 321 so when I hit 299 I think I will buy some sort of weights and DVDs. Then if I drop to 250 I want to join a gym ( I have joined a gym plenty of times in the past and just wasted money so I want to prove to myself and my hubby that I am serious) Then after that who knows maybe I'll treat myself to something way cool!
  • Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?
    There are two. I would love to go to Puerto Rico and check it out, the other is Japan. Just... maybe not the part with the nuclear plant and stuff....

    Question of the Day: 6/22

    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?
    Lately it's been stuff for my daughter Vivi, but I wouldn't call it a splurge, and I definitely don't have extra money, but I'd like to think of myself as a saver.

    Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?
    A new bra. Maybe a bikini wax, not sure which yet.
  • Question of the Day: 6/22

    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?

    I am a saver now. I am saving to move out of the state next year and need to save as much as possible!
  • Question of the Day 6/23:
    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?

    I have not set any mini-weight loss goal rewards yet.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    no reward set for me. I strive to do all I can. I'm down 30 pounds since 1/11/11 and I have yet to buy new clothes. They are very loose, and I could probably use some more, but I'm not done yet. My reward will be when I'm completely done
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    Question of the Day: 6/22

    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?
    I am a good saver as recently like most people I have HAD to be. However Clothes especially nice tops are my fav splurge I am addicted to buying them.
    Question of the Day 6/23:

    Have you set a reward for a mini-weight loss goal? What is it?
    If i reach my mini target of 140 in 1 months time I will be treating myself to a lovely designer purchase of some sort!
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    My weight loss goals tie in with my social events so my reward is to look and feel good at them, they include:

    A weekend in Edinburgh for my friends hen party (3 weeks today)
    My daughters 3rd birthday - beginning Aug
    My friends local hen party and my 4th wedding anniversary - end Aug
    My friends wedding - 16th Sept 11

    My target goal is fitting into my UK size 10 bridesmaid dress for the wedding on 16th September 11
  • Question of the Day 6/24 (The last one until Monday, weekend break!)
    What's your favorite workout song?
  • I know it's really corny but I'm gonna have to say "Eye of the Tiger". Kinda sad to admit that. LOL
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I like "Born this Way" by Gaga. It reminds me of "Respect Yourself" by Modonna.
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