5'8" and 134 pounds...



  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Is there anyone else at the wieght and height, and if so, how many of you have a 110 goal or close to it and how has is been? Or are you 5'8" and already made it to 110, was it all just weight loss or losing and gaining muscle and definition? I do not want to be bodybuilder buff, but I would like a little more definition. I got a set of exercises from a friend to bulk a little, but want to make sure I lose and define at the correct speed, with the correct ratio of lean muscle to fat.



    Outside of your genetic make-up, the amount of muscle you spare while dieting down to 110 will depend heavily on your training routine and whether or not you get sufficient protein in your diet.

    Protein should comprise 50% or more of your daily calories. The remaining split between carbs and fats isn't super important, but it will naturally fall around 25/25. Your proteins should consist of primarily foods like chicken, tuna, eggs, egg whites, turkey, very lean beef, fish, protein shakes, fat free milk. Carbs should come primarily from fibrous veggies. If you have trouble with this, you can add small amounts of starchy carbs around your workouts.

    Be really conscientious with your meal plan and make sure you are really getting 50% or more of your calories from protein. If you do this, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to reach that super-thin body-fat level while minimizing muscle loss. Be warned though...eating a 50/25/25 macro is tough....I've done it before...takes a lot of discipline and willpower.

    And going back to my original point about genetics being the most important factor, my GF is 5'5" and hovers between 99 and 102 lbs. Her diet is terrible, but she is able to maintain a very defined physique. Her biceps are more defined than mine, despite having worked out a much shorter period of time than me. Her calorie partitioning is superior to mine is every way possible...she disgusts me! :bigsmile:
  • asilva3111
    asilva3111 Posts: 44
    A woman at 5'8" and 110lbs is probably not only underweight, is probably not very attractive either. As men, we want some meat on the bones, not just bones. Just saying.

    Good luck!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I have a friend who is 5'8" and at her thinnest she probably is 110 - it looks ok on her (very thin obviously) because she is just built incredibly tiny like that but I am looking at your picture and 120 is proooobably a more realistic "very thin" goal. Hard to see but I think your plan to reevaluate at 124 is good -- for modeling isn't it less the actual number and more the size clothing and how it hangs on you? So i would think you should focus on that -and as others have said on as low BMI as you can get and stuff (real BMI where you get measured ideally even by the water scale thingie, not the BMI that is just a quick and dirty calculation on height/weight).
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It really depends on your body type. Very petite frames (small chests, narrow waist and hips) can be very healthy at 110 and 5'8".

    It really depend on you and what you want to look like ultimately. Secondly, if you plan on toning up, you may not weigh any less but will burn off fat and replace it with muscle mass instead. You might lose inches instead of pounds. The number on the scale should not necessarily dictate your goal.

    P.S. The anti-skinny comments in this thread are really not helpful.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm 5'8 and my goal weight is about 155/160. I had a test done on my body and it said that the lowest possible weight I can probably be is about 140.
  • andreaesm
    andreaesm Posts: 13
    I too am 5'8 and 134. I have a boyish/athletic frame, meaning muscular but pretty straight. I encourage you to work hard to clean up your diet and start to practice healthier habits. I find that my best size is about 127-129, which actually puts me at a size 2 in most clothes. Clearly my muscle is pretty dense!

    Keep working hard and keep your head on straight. Know when too much is too much and when you look good. If your body is meant to be 110, it won't be hard for your body to remember and return to your natural size, However, you will also know when you're pushing it beyond its limits.

    Enjoy the process of getting in better shape and focusing on healthy eating. See where it takes you and where you find your comfort zone.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Well, it is important to realize that being and looking fit does not necessarily equal a specific number on a scale. A fit 135-pounder looks a lot slimmer than an unfit 135-pounder.

    Case in point: I have a friend, the same age (43) and height (5'4) as me. I work out 6 days a week and I weigh 133 (about the same as you but so much shorter!!) with about 19% body fat. My friend does not work out at all and she weighs 119 (I don't know her body fat, but safe to assume it is more like 23%). WE WEAR THE EXACT SAME SIZE CLOTHES.

    Here is a pic of us from this weekend (that's me on the right):


    Here's the kicker. She STARVES herself. I eat about 2000 calories a day. *WINNING* :laugh:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    It really depends on your body type. Very petite frames (small chests, narrow waist and hips) can be very healthy at 110 and 5'8".
    I'd actually have to disagree with this comment..... I have a small frame & 115 (even 120) looked sickly...