Why men have it easy



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    it's still completely sexist. kinda like how saying someone is being chincy is racist to Chinese peeps, or don't be an Indian Giver is racist to native peeps! just because something is a saying doesn't make it nonoffensive. Our culture is embedded with sexism.

    Jokes are all great, I get that you guys are joking. But by the responses it is clearly obvious that it is engrained deep. "My beliefs are my beliefs". That is fine and dandy. telling someone "go out and actually help people". How about the fact that she wasn't contributing to a sexist thread, instead...working against it. How apt. lol
    It was a joke. And to take it as anything other than that is ridiculous. There were plenty of people who commented that they thought it was insulting. I didn't reply. To say I further oppressed women because of a joke is over the top. Don't assume to know anything about me or my beliefs because of a harmless post. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I'm not interested in making anyone change their mind, least of all here. I have never feel the need to try to force feed my beliefs and opinions down someone's throat, especially without even knowing them or what their intentions were. When I read it, I thought the absurdity of it all was hilarious, I thought it was outdated and extremely sexist and funny. So I decided to share it. Next time you decide to go off on a diatribe, think of the context first this is the Chit-chat, fun and games board.

    Now back to dusting off angryguy.....

    I'm not saying that these things at times can't be funny, it is all contextual. and no one here said anything about your beliefs, but actions do enhance stereotypes. Rappers dropping the N bomb reinforces racism. Girls calling each other *****y ****s, or sandy vaginas...reinforces sexism. Saying that men have it easier because they don't have to shave below the neck is sexist! I have little hairs on my toes that my bf loves! I can open my own jars.

    Women are treated like **** globally.

    An excellent joke would be, women have it easier!

    Men can have sand in their vaginas too. It's a saying that is synonymous to "lighten up."
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    it's still completely sexist. kinda like how saying someone is being chincy is racist to Chinese peeps, or don't be an Indian Giver is racist to native peeps! just because something is a saying doesn't make it nonoffensive. Our culture is embedded with sexism.

    Jokes are all great, I get that you guys are joking. But by the responses it is clearly obvious that it is engrained deep. "My beliefs are my beliefs". That is fine and dandy. telling someone "go out and actually help people". How about the fact that she wasn't contributing to a sexist thread, instead...working against it. How apt. lol
    It was a joke. And to take it as anything other than that is ridiculous. There were plenty of people who commented that they thought it was insulting. I didn't reply. To say I further oppressed women because of a joke is over the top. Don't assume to know anything about me or my beliefs because of a harmless post. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I'm not interested in making anyone change their mind, least of all here. I have never feel the need to try to force feed my beliefs and opinions down someone's throat, especially without even knowing them or what their intentions were. When I read it, I thought the absurdity of it all was hilarious, I thought it was outdated and extremely sexist and funny. So I decided to share it. Next time you decide to go off on a diatribe, think of the context first this is the Chit-chat, fun and games board.

    Now back to dusting off angryguy.....

    I'm not saying that these things at times can't be funny, it is all contextual. and no one here said anything about your beliefs, but actions do enhance stereotypes. Rappers dropping the N bomb reinforces racism. Girls calling each other *****y ****s, or sandy vaginas...reinforces sexism. Saying that men have it easier because they don't have to shave below the neck is sexist! I have little hairs on my toes that my bf loves! I can open my own jars.

    Women are treated like **** globally.

    An excellent joke would be, women have it easier!

    Men can have sand in their vaginas too. It's a saying that is synonymous to "lighten up."

    We sure as **** aren't going to be agreeing on this, and you obviously care more, so yeah. Have fun.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I laughed:smile: I think people take some posts too seriously. I think one of the points was to reinforce how strong certain stereotypes are. Honestly I read the list and thought, "so true!" My ex boyfriend and I matched all of those descriptions so it was funny. But I matched some of his, like being able to not talk to a friend in months and it's the exact same as the last time we saw each other... I thought that would be more of a "women's characteristic" but I guess that shows that men and women share a lot of the same characteristics. Nothing is inherently female or male.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I liked this, except I do shave below my neck!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I liked this, except I do shave below my neck!

    like :)
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Whoa. To argue the validity of a person's post, and whether or not it's funny....is sad, very, very sad. Humor is subjective--if you don't think it;s amusing-click on.

    Now, reading the arguments in this post amounts to 2 minutes of my life I am never getting back.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Whoa. To argue the validity of a person's post, and whether or not it's funny....is sad, very, very sad. Humor is subjective--if you don't think it;s amusing-click on.

    Now, reading the arguments in this post amounts to 2 minutes of my life I am never getting back.

    everyone's posts and replies have merit to them, don't be a hater!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    I love random punters on t'interwebs arguing about nonsense. My life is now almost complete. I just need to get the sand out of my foreskin before I reach Nirvana. Ommmmmmmm....
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Whoa. To argue the validity of a person's post, and whether or not it's funny....is sad, very, very sad. Humor is subjective--if you don't think it;s amusing-click on.

    Now, reading the arguments in this post amounts to 2 minutes of my life I am never getting back.

    everyone's posts and replies have merit to them, don't be a hater!

    If I was being a hater, I would have used bad words. :)
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    bad words make me giggle!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member

    I love random punters on t'interwebs arguing about nonsense. My life is now almost complete. I just need to get the sand out of my foreskin before I reach Nirvana. Ommmmmmmm....

    tell me that isn't a penis eating popcorn lol...it could be?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    tell me that isn't a penis eating popcorn lol...it could be?

    How VERY dare you madam. That's a picture of me. You just called me a penis. Moooooods! Escort this lady from the premises.

    Here was me looking for a safe haven to discuss Wittgenstein's "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" I stumble onto this thread in all good faith and get abused. For what I ask you, for what?

    Won't someone please think of the children?
  • 37mom
    37mom Posts: 74
    I can't decide which gender this is more insulting to.

    I was thinking the same thing :huh:

    How are people finding this insulting????Its funny and so true..and many more things you can add to the list!!!!
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Why men have it harder than women: we have to actually talk and listen to women, on occasion.

    PS: yes, they ask rape victims about their sexual history and other things. Why? Because they have to investigate criminal complaints, and that is part of it. I know you gals think we should just take a woman at her word and send the man she makes the complaint about to the gulag, but you know...women DO, frequently, file false charges of rape. And even though men are satan incarnate, sexist, and are so discriminatory against women that there are now more female college students than men, and men are taking the full brunt of the recession while women are largely skating through it...even considering that, how terrible men are, we still have to at least go through the motions before we hang people.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Can pee anytime and anywhere!

    Your house must be a mess and I bet people look at you very odd in public! ;)
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Why men have it harder than women: we have to actually talk and listen to women, on occasion.

    PS: yes, they ask rape victims about their sexual history and other things. Why? Because they have to investigate criminal complaints, and that is part of it. I know you gals think we should just take a woman at her word and send the man she makes the complaint about to the gulag, but you know...women DO, frequently, file false charges of rape. And even though men are satan incarnate, sexist, and are so discriminatory against women that there are now more female college students than men, and men are taking the full brunt of the recession while women are largely skating through it...even considering that, how terrible men are, we still have to at least go through the motions before we hang people.

    I think I missed a turn here, how did a random joke type thread meld into rape claim validity?
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Why men have it harder than women: we have to actually talk and listen to women, on occasion.

    PS: yes, they ask rape victims about their sexual history and other things. Why? Because they have to investigate criminal complaints, and that is part of it. I know you gals think we should just take a woman at her word and send the man she makes the complaint about to the gulag, but you know...women DO, frequently, file false charges of rape. And even though men are satan incarnate, sexist, and are so discriminatory against women that there are now more female college students than men, and men are taking the full brunt of the recession while women are largely skating through it...even considering that, how terrible men are, we still have to at least go through the motions before we hang people.

    I think I missed a turn here, how did a random joke type thread meld into rape claim validity?

    Read the whole thread!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Why men have it harder than women: we have to actually talk and listen to women, on occasion.

    PS: yes, they ask rape victims about their sexual history and other things. Why? Because they have to investigate criminal complaints, and that is part of it. I know you gals think we should just take a woman at her word and send the man she makes the complaint about to the gulag, but you know...women DO, frequently, file false charges of rape. And even though men are satan incarnate, sexist, and are so discriminatory against women that there are now more female college students than men, and men are taking the full brunt of the recession while women are largely skating through it...even considering that, how terrible men are, we still have to at least go through the motions before we hang people.

    its irrelevent information in the investigation. its like asking a husband that beats his wife if she was listening to him, or if she ever just listens to him. how many men a woman has slept with has little to do with the fact that she did not want to presently have sex, it is her choice. a woman can be married to a man and still be raped.

    and you are largely wrong about the recession and women just skating through, women make less than men globally for the equivalent jobs that men do AND men are still the major stakeholders everywhere.

    I am not hating on men, but facts are facts dude.

    rape means she didn't want it, so it doesn't matter if she was a stripper, a porn star, a high school student that has a bad rep, or a good rep! what they should be investigating was what happened that night. they should be encouraging women to go to authorities right away and not slandering them when they come forward.

    i was raped as a student. and not only did i not file charges, but i thought i would tell the *kitten* gf, because he actually gave me something! i told her to go to the doctors before it got worse and my name was dragggggged through the dirt. no one ever believes the girl, because she is thus 'easy'. i am not the only one that this has happened to, it is not my story, it is every women's story.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    PS: yes, they ask rape victims about their sexual history and other things. Why? Because they have to investigate criminal complaints, and that is part of it. I know you gals think we should just take a woman at her word and send the man she makes the complaint about to the gulag, but you know...women DO, frequently, file false charges of rape.

    Are you taking the piss?

    False charges for rape are no higher than for any other crime. Most rape victims don't bother to report their attacks because of exactly this attitude.

    Furthermore, I have nothing against men. I was raped by a woman, and I don't have anything against them as a group, either.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    The internet. It' so...anarchic.