coaches' wife tells me off/what would you have done?



  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    wow!! very unprofessional, u handle it very well, b/c I would of cried. please have no doings with t hat lady!!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    That woman needs to shut up and get her own life instead of screwing up her husband's. That is what she's doing, right? After all, HE'S the coach, not her. In your position, I would call the COACH, explain the situation, and tell him that his wife is not to contact you in any way (no contact with your kids would be good, too). Then I would report the entire disaster to whatever overseeing authority.

    I say all of this as the Coach's wife. My husband has coached kids' sports for eight years, and I would NEVER speak to a parent this way. In fact, my only contact has been, when a parent calls and my husband isn't home, to give directions or information, or take messages. After all, I'm "Mrs. Coach," not the Coach.

    I'm sorry you went through this. The woman sounds like an absolute shrew.

  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Wow. I wish I could say that it's unbelievable, but it's not. I'm just sorry that you had to be subjected to her nonsense. As a mom of 3, with a single income, I understand COMPLETELY where you're coming from. I too, always feel like we're getting asked to shell out more, and more, and more, and somewhere, we have to draw the line, and figure out what we can/need to pay for, and what is "extra" that the kids (nor their team) will miss.

    That lady was completely out of line by telling you what you should or shouldn't be doing with your income and kids. She has NO clue what your family's financial situation is, and sometimes, what seems like a small amt. to one person ($20), can really be the breaking point for someone else.

    If she took it upon herself to get a trophy, even after you'd said that you didn't want it and hadn't paid for it, then she should have expected to give it as a gift, and not expect to be paid, if you weren't willing/able. That she flew so off the handle about it was completely out of line and unprofessional. I'm glad you sent a letter. It may make some waves, but that is the best thing you could do. ((((hugs)))) I can only imagine how worked up you've been for how long about this.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Thanks all....I told some one at my gym I work out with and he said...." Now use that anger and work it out here and leave your sweat and anger and when you walk out hold your head up high...picture her and leave it all here and kill it on every machine you do today"

    He also joked and siad to me "Money is always the answer...Now what was the question"

    All of you helped me so much through this and i am sending it all off in a nice packet with a cover letter explaining my position to the head of little league in this may not get me anywhere, but it will be the last of my efforts and then I am moving on.

    Thanks again all!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I'm guessing she threw out the "quit having babies" thing because either she wants to have more, but can't for either financial/health reasons or has recently suffered a miscarriage. Really, only women who go through such things would even think to say such things.

    (I'd be evil and harp on it though, she basically gave you an "in" to all her insecurities by how she attacked you. Think about it, your guy makes enough so that you can be a SAHM, hers doesn't. You have THREE wonderful kids, she has all her eggs in one possibly fragile basket. Sorry, but from Darwin's point of view you ARE far more successful than she is; more children and scored a better provider for yourself & children.)
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Who is she and what is she to the team? I mean really. So what if she's the coaches wife? :grumble: Some people are so quick to judge others & there is no situation that suits everyone. She was trying to bully you. No joke. Trying to intimidate you through her superior sacrifices and parenting know how. I give you fist pumps for telling her where to shove that trophy + the chocking bit was a sweet topping to the old adage. :bigsmile: You faced the bully and shut her down. She can't get enough of her homemade drama if she continues to email you & again throw personal attacks. So do what any sane woman would do cut her off cold. She's bad energy. Of course you're ticked, where does she get off going off on you and all? It would eat at me too. :mad:

    So how to move past a nasty person like that? You might feel guilty for sharing so much personal info w/ her, I know I would be b/c I would hope she would have compassion for others & apologize for her behavior. But people like her don't ever apologize. Having said that, what she said to you has NOTHING to do w/ YOU. She has issues. She's the classic beat others down to build her up kind of person. You are not the first to get caught in her cross hairs and I'm sure you're not the last.

    Hold your head high, love your family, that's your job. :flowerforyou:
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I'm guessing she threw out the "quit having babies" thing because either she wants to have more, but can't for either financial/health reasons or has recently suffered a miscarriage. Really, only women who go through such things would even think to say such things.

    (I'd be evil and harp on it though, she basically gave you an "in" to all her insecurities by how she attacked you. Think about it, your guy makes enough so that you can be a SAHM, hers doesn't. You have THREE wonderful kids, she has all her eggs in one possibly fragile basket. Sorry, but from Darwin's point of view you ARE far more successful than she is; more children and scored a better provider for yourself & children.)

    I thought of that too and since I had major trouble having kids her thoughtless comments hurt worse and yes I am a very brutally honest person and would have jumped at using this against her, I just couldn't bring myself to go there since I know what it is like to be that girl with fertility issues and even though she was low too, I still have a bit of a heart on this one. I could see it from the other side of things and I wish she could have too with the $ thing for me. Her "in" with that comment was tempting but too low for even me to go there.

    You never really know what it is like for other people....that is why I am the kind of girl that will speak my mind but not tell anyone how they should live their life. I could never be the newly in shape person telling a chubby person how to change their lives around like I read about here when people in stores or on the beach give unsolicited "helpful" biting snarky advice.

    I feel for people, especially if I was once there....other than that...i told her off and would have loved to keep going, but I guess it had to end somewhere.

    Let the president of the little league handle it or not knowing him, but I know my nature....I could have kept it going ad going, but at sometime, it would have gotten way way out of control.

    But I agree....her advice was probably related to other issues that are hers to deal with but she got nasty and shoved them of on me.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    So how to move past a nasty person like that? You might feel guilty for sharing so much personal info w/ her, I know I would be b/c I would hope she would have compassion for others & apologize for her behavior. But people like her don't ever apologize. Having said that, what she said to you has NOTHING to do w/ YOU. She has issues. She's the classic beat others down to build her up kind of person. You are not the first to get caught in her cross hairs and I'm sure you're not the last.

    Hold your head high, love your family, that's your job. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks you are so right...I thought I would feel awful sharing personal financial info with her expecially thinking she would understand even if she was not in the same position as me but it just shows she has no empathy for other people in situations not common to her own. No biggie. So she knows we can't afford tons of extras, and no biggie that she knows I would rather have my kids play the game rather than look for the handout or "what's in it for me" end of the year reward....but in life I think too many of us are in it for just that...."What kind of trophy can I get?'..."where is the end of the year party being held" What kind of thank you appreciation gift will I get for it?'

    don't people just volunteer in America just to get that good feeling of "I helped out and gave of myself when I knew I had the time and the effort but maybe not the $ to throw at the issue?" or "I played the game because I love baseball and hanging out with my friends and not to see what I would get in the end"