Irritated by excuses



  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I just want to say that you don't develop PCOS through poor lifestyle choices. My niece has PCOS, and she developed symptoms before puberty. She now runs relay races and is very active, physically, she eats sensibly, but she still struggles with the symptoms of PCOS. It's not something you can eat or live your way into through poor lifestyle choices, and it's not something you can "cure" by eating less or exercising more. That's not to say that one shouldn't exercise and keep their diet in check--of course they should in order to help reduce symptoms. But PCOS isn't a disease of low willpower. If you have PCOS, you have it whether you run marathons or spend all the day eating chocolate pecan clusters.

    Not trying to detract from your point--yes, many people have excuses, which really aren't any of our business. But PCOS isn't an excuse, it's an incurable disorder that makes weight gain likely and weight loss much more difficult than for the average person.

  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I hear ya! Irritated...maybe not, but I just want to say, NO EXCUSES, PEOPLE!!! If I can do this ANYONE CAN!! But I really believe that in order to be successful and maintain success one needs to be in the right frame of mind.

    I made excuses for years. Too busy. Too many kids. Kids are little. Kids are too big. Too many organizations or activities. I deserve to eat what I want. I am happy fat (That was the biggest LIE I told myself) Too tired. Too sick. My family loves me the way I am etc etc.

    I finally decided to change and change I have! Just recently, now that I'm trying to maintain and not lose weight I've been caught making excuses again namely: I should be happy with where I am, my weight is low, my BMI is on the low side of healthy etc.. But yesterday it finally occured to me--- I WANT MORE!! And why not!?! I can make it happen...NO MORE EXCUSES!! My arms are toned. Why not my abs!?!? Why not my butt!?!? Why not!?!? :-D
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ok so I used to be one of those people who always had an excuse for my weight, or I always said I tried but couldn't lose. The plain fact was that I never stuck with it or cheated on diets. Since MFP I have realized there is NO EXCUSE for people to not be able to lose weight. I have met people on here who have overcome massive weightloss, medical conditions, etc and that has not stopped them.

    Ok so the reason for this rant. Some woman on my local news site just made a comment that "people do do not wake up and decide to be fat, there is almost always a medical condition to blame." I say that's a bunch of crap. I have a PCOS which makes it very hard to lose weight but I developed that condition partially because I was gaining weight and being unhealthy. I think if anything people develop these conditions because they are unhealthy.

    Is anyone else irritated by the excuses you have seen from others since starting MFP?

    I agree and disagree. I agree people don't wake up and decide to be fat. I disagree that there is always a medical condition. In fact, in my opinion more often than not there is an emotional reason behind it. Many people self medicate with food, using food as a comforter or friend. Then there are people who honestly do not know what good nutrition is. We are a society that has raised generations on heavily processed food and fast food. Many do not know how to cook without a box or can of pre-made processed crap. We have raised generations that "hate" the taste or water, the thing our bodies crave and need the most. This is so deeply engrained in us that many people feel helpless against the sheer magnitude of it all.
    How many post do we see even here on MFP with people begging for motivation, or a way to stop binging, etc.... when we all know that you simply have to say "NO" and stop?
    Sure no on wakes up and decides to be fat, but unless you wake up and decide to eat right, and exercise, things will not change.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I have been overweight for the last twenty years because I've been eating crap food eighty percent of the time and not moving my body. No other reason. No medical condition, nada. I wish I had those years back - I feel so good now that I am more than halfway to goal and I am working out daily. NO excuse not to - I used my job, the kids activities, the name it.
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I have a thyroid condition that caused me to gain weight a little at a time for two years. I was 20 when I was diagnosed and had been asking the doctor if the gain could be from a thyroid problem for a year before he would check it. Only after I had been working with a personal trainer that was tracking my progress (which was none) did he check it. This is not an excuse, it is a reason that I gained about 30lbs, but after I was medicated for the problem I turned it into an excuse. I gained another 40lbs after my medical condition was fixed by medication. I used the excuse that it is too hard to lose weight when there is so much to lose. That was B.S. I knew it then and I really know it now. I had blamed the weight gain for making me lazy when really it was the other way around. I am not irritated by the excuses of others. Only mine, unless theirs happen to be the same as mine. Laziness is NO excuse, you just have to get up and do it.
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    I get irritated in the beginning until it dawns on me that I use to be the same way at one point of time.

    I can't fault anyone because they haven't reached the level I'm at in my journey. I had to swim through my own BS to get here and it wasn't easy. Now with that said, what I am not is a enabler. If I see someone making excuses I will call them on it because I know thats what they need even if they don't realize it. I don't give pats on the backs...I tell you to brush that ish off, suck it up and get back on the horse. Put on your big boy and big girl pants on because pity parties are for children.

    This is a great post, and you look great, btw. It's completely true; that 90% of the time, the excuses are born from fear of facing whatever it is that keeps the weight on. Whether it's depression, anxiety, daddy/momy issues, unhappiness etc, if you don't deal with why your eating patterns or lifestyle are the way they are, you'll always find an excuse for why you can't/won't change. I know for me, I have to get past the self-defeatest thought process I've had for longer than I can remember. I figure I"ll never get there, so I give up before I even start. You can't be disappointed if you don't bother trying, right? WRONG.

    But it's very, very hard to change your way of thinking, and a constant battle to keep from returning to that thought process even after you start to change. For me, I try to think of it this way; if I really want something that I enjoy (i.e. a new electronic gadget or a trip somewhere) I make it happen, even if it means I have $2 to my name when it's all said and done - because I set my heart on it and anytime an obstacle gets in my way, I think of way around it. I just have to get that way about my weight loss, exercise and eating habits.

    As you said, when others start spouting the excuses - no enabling, just encouragement :)
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I'm embarrassed to admit the excuses I used to make, such as, "No matter what I do, I can't get rid of this belly." Guess what I was doing to get rid of it? Nothing!! Now, at age 41, I am finally doing something about it. My stomach hasn't looked this good in years! No more excuses for me. =)
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    I just want to say that you don't develop PCOS through poor lifestyle choices. My niece has PCOS, and she developed symptoms before puberty. She now runs relay races and is very active, physically, she eats sensibly, but she still struggles with the symptoms of PCOS. It's not something you can eat or live your way into through poor lifestyle choices, and it's not something you can "cure" by eating less or exercising more. That's not to say that one shouldn't exercise and keep their diet in check--of course they should in order to help reduce symptoms. But PCOS isn't a disease of low willpower. If you have PCOS, you have it whether you run marathons or spend all the day eating chocolate pecan clusters.

    Not trying to detract from your point--yes, many people have excuses, which really aren't any of our business. But PCOS isn't an excuse, it's an incurable disorder that makes weight gain likely and weight loss much more difficult than for the average person.


    Thank you for saying this - I have PCOS too - and while I don't blame my weight on it - I do agree its not something caused by my weight - but it is worsened by weight gain. I had my first symptoms of PCOS when I was a kid - and I wasn't overweight. I didn't fully understand PCOS until a few years ago when I was given a full diagnosis - and was over 300 pounds. Anyway - I will never use PCOS as an excuse to not lose weight- if anything having it has empowered me to take control of my body because if I ever want to be healthy and fertile - it's up to me.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    OK...this is NOT an excuse, but I have gained weight....ALOT of weight since being on my meds (12 yrs), but as long as I keep exercising and eat correctly, I can lose this weight! Somettimes I feel like it's a never ending battle. I have epilepsy and will be on thse meds for the rest of my life, but NEVER ONCE have I used the meds as my excuse!!! It was always the cheese steak subs!