Kids say the funniest things...



  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    When my youngest daughter was about 4 or 5 years old, we went to Chicago for a family reunion. We are from a small midwestern town so this was really BIG for our kids. We arrived at our hotel. A man and woman in front of us had ridden their motorcycles to the hotel. They checked in, decked out in black leather. We ended up in the elevator together. As we were riding up to our rooms, Emma broke out in song..." Bad boys, bad boys, what cha gonna do? What cha gonna do when they come for you?" It was a really awkward moment for us. Fortunately, they smiled.

    When my older daughter, now 13, was around 5, we were once again visiting a larger city than our child was used to. Walking around in a Walmart, we crossed paths with a large teen wearing chains and a bandana across his head. My girl cheerfully said (very loudly), "Look, mom, ...a pirate!"
  • wildeyezz
    wildeyezz Posts: 84 Member
    I was on a bus in England with my cousins and a 5 year-old nephew.

    During the ride a pregnant woman boarded the bus, and my nephew pointed to her belly and yelled ...'I know what's in there and I know how it got there too!"
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Driving through the country one day, I heard my 3 year old son in the backseat erupt into giggles. I asked what was so funny, and after several tries, he finally gasped out, "I saw a dalmation............COOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"

    The same day, my 4.5 year old daughter asked, as we were crossing a rural bridge, "why do they think we CARE how much that bridge weighs?"
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    Another one kind of like the Miami one. My son was about 3 and we were visiting a museum. My husband told him to look at that statue. My son promptly replies "statch me?"
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    When my sister was 3-4 she was making us late because she wouldn't put on her shoes. Here's what ensued

    Dad: Courtney, go get your shoes on
    Courtney- runs down the hall to her room, runs back sans shoes
    Dad: Courtney, GO GET YOUR SHOES ON
    Courtney- runs down the hall to her room, runs back sans shoes
    Dad: Courtney, GO GET YOUR GOD D@MN SHOES ON!!!
    Courtney- runs down the hall to her room, runs back sans shoes and says, in her little innocent cute voice...."But daddyyyyy I tan't find my dod dwamn tshoesssss"

    Pure hilarity
  • ChirishGirl
    ChirishGirl Posts: 111
    My sister swears she gave birth to my kids (I don't have any and with them around that's OK!) But the youngest is my little buddy to the end - he's four. When he gets reaaaaaaalllllyyyy tired there is NO off switch. He just chatters and chatters away about ANYTHING to stay awake because he doesn't want to take a nap. Well, I guess we never realized how bad our response to the chatter fest is... but in the car one day he's in the back just yakkin away NONSTOP and I just went "LUKE!" He goes "sigh.. i know... not now luke" and then laid down the puppy dog eyes. He kills me!

    NOW his big thing is this song/rap on Nickelodeon about Socks & Sandals, so he goes around the house 'what what what - socks and sandals" and he WON'T leave the house without his black socks and his croc sandals.

    Always an adventure...LOL
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    When my 9 yr old was about 2, he came into my room one morning. It was a weekend and I was taking advantage of sleeping in when he came marching in with his sippy cup. He wanted me to make him some Ovaltine chocolate milk. I kept putting it off, and the more I put it off the more agitated he got. Finally he puts the sippy right in front of my face and says..."IM STARVING HALF-N-DEAF!!" I just dissolved in giggles and to this day I still say that! lol

    The same child when he was about 4. I was in the bathroom, and the boys know, if the bathroom door is closed..they are not to knock on the door, yell through the door, stick things under the door, etc...Well, I was sitting on the toilet (and the door wasn't quite shut) when Nick came in...armed and dangerous w/ fully loaded squirt guns (one for each hand) and proceeded with a full out water assault on his poor defenseless mom. Seriously?? He was laughing away and I was not very happy! Who does things like that? My son apparently!!

    When my 13 yr. old was about 3, he and my dh were wrestling around on the bed. Colt had bumped his head and just left the room. No tears, no anything. About 5 mins later, he appeared at our doorway. I was working on the computer and I looked up and saw my son standing there with a panty liner across his forehead. I just about died was so funny! And for about a week after that, any time he got hurt...on went a panty liner. He had them on his chin, his cheek, his legs, the bottoms of his feet, his arms, and his elbows.

    When my 17 yr old was about 7, we had a bad storm. The tornado sirens went off and we all headed down to the basement. Of course it was then the kids discovered that we didn't take any animals with us and they were rather upset about that. Soooo..we brought in the rabbits from outside (about 5), the hamsters (2), the dog, and cats (2) all ended up in the basement. After a few tense moments....Josh looks around and says, " least we're at the top of the food chain!" We still talk about that to this day as well :smile:

    Same 17 yr old boy (8 at the time). I was downstairs when I thought I saw something swinging outside of the d/s windows. Then I saw it looked like a rope or something. What on earth? Then it dawned on me it must have been coming from Justin and Josh's bedroom window! I go running upstairs only to find that Josh had cut huge holes in both window screens. He then had tied pieces of cloth together to make a rope. One end was hanging out the window, the other end was draped around his bedpost. Not tied in a knot, just draped. Im convinced that if I hadn't caught him, he would have tried to shimmy out the 2nd story window on his "rope." E-gads! The joys of having all boys! :heart: :explode: :grumble: :noway: :heart:
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    I overheard my 5 yr old son singing this in the backseat..

    Eeiny Meiny Miny Mo Pocket full of money hoe....

    WTH.... We don't cuss or say any bad words around him....

    I couldn't stop laughing...
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    When my stepson was younger (about 8), he and DH and I were taking a walk around the neighborhood - it was Big Trash day, which meant there were lots of "goodies" curbside to poke into. It got to the point where D (stepson) was doing more poking into than walking, so DH tried to hurry him along. "But Dad," he said, very seriously, "one man's trash is another man's treasure, and I'm that man!"

    My brother has three boys, all under age 5. The middle one is just about 3 and loves to Skype with his grandparents. My brother got tired of him asking where Grandma and Grandpa were (on the computer), so he taught his son to ask "Where are the old farts?"
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    My 18 month old does the darnedest things!

    he will sit somewhere holding his hands like on a steering wheel and push his foot like he's pushing a pedal and go vroom vroom vroom until you tell him that's enough.

    also he will hear something like a motorcycle or a plane and put his one finger up to his lips and tell you to shhhhhhh... then cup his ear.

    and the story of his first ever sentence : he was taking a nap and woke up for a drink and went back to sleep then when he was awake for good i went in there and he goes "mom! i'm wake now!"
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    My son was almost 3 and he came in the bathroom as i was getting out of the shower. He had never said anything about our bodies being different or even seemed to take notice, but for some reason that day, he "noticed" me. He looked up at me nearly in tears and said with great concern..."Oh, Mama, You're broken!!!" Took everything I had not to fall over laughing. I covered up and tried to explain things in an age appropriate manner and after that tried to keep him out of the bathroom.......:blushing:
  • becky611
    becky611 Posts: 77
    My three year old son asked me if we could get another dog and I told him no, three is enough. He then asked me if I would do it for a scooby snack?? I told him I don't think so, so then he asked me if I would do it for two scooby snacks?

    He loves his Scooby Doo.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    When my 17 yr old was about 7, we had a bad storm. The tornado sirens went off and we all headed down to the basement. Of course it was then the kids discovered that we didn't take any animals with us and they were rather upset about that. Soooo..we brought in the rabbits from outside (about 5), the hamsters (2), the dog, and cats (2) all ended up in the basement. After a few tense moments....Josh looks around and says, " least we're at the top of the food chain!" We still talk about that to this day as well :smile:

  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I overheard my 5 yr old son singing this in the backseat..

    Eeiny Meiny Miny Mo Pocket full of money hoe....

    WTH.... We don't cuss or say any bad words around him....

    I couldn't stop laughing...

    This was too funny! I could not stop laughing. :laugh:
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    every new year's we go to our best friend's house to celebrate. a bunch of us end up spending the night because we've all been drinking. a couple of years ago when her oldest son was 5, the very first thing i hear in the new year when i woke up that morning was him yelling "guuys, guuys, where are my pants?! i have to go to the bathroom and i can't find my pants!!"
    my husband and i both lost it. the pants were eventually found.
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    My son was always such a good boy and was very sensitive to his dad getting angry. When my husband would discipline our daughter, who was 4 years older than my son, my son would go clean his room every time -just to make sure he was doing everything good to not get into trouble...but came the day he took my husbands hammer and left it in the back husband scolded him but since he was only 41/2 years old at the time, he wasn't too hard on him...but my son being extra sensitive and always wanted to please his father got really upset by even that little bit of scolding...the next thing I knew, my son walked out of the front door with a back pack on his back. I followed him and watched him walk across the front yard and then stand at the edge of our neighbor's drive way. I asked him what he was doing?
    and he answered, "I'm runnin away!"
    I then asked, "If you're running away, why are you standing here/" (I was just curious)..
    and he answered "Because I'm nor allowed to cross the drive way."

    That was always my rule because he was too young to go down the street by himself so his limit was our driveway to our neighbor's driveway....even running away he didn't want to break the
  • glorod
    glorod Posts: 54 Member
    The other day I was in my room laying down and hear from down the hall:

    Isaiah, 9 Noah, 4

    Isaiah: Mock
    Noah: Yeah
    Isaiah: Ing
    Noah: Yeah
    Isaiah: Bird
    Noah: Yeah
    Isaiah: Yeah
    Noah: Yeah

    ***apparently my husband let them watch Dumb & Dumber and they have been repeating lines every chance they get****

    then I was sick and my sons tells me...."pills are good" also from Dumb & Dumber LOL!!
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    My favorite comes from one of my younger brothers. My mom told him he needed to behave. Very seriously he replied "But I am being haave!"
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    This past Thankgiving my 5 yro son met his 11 month old cousin for the first time. Dispite being told repeatedly that his cousin was a girl he was unconvenced.

    My Son (to his Aunt): Baby H is a girl, right?

    Aunt: Yes baby H is a girl.

    My Son: Are you sure?

    Aunt: Yes I am sure.

    My Son: Did you check to see if Baby H has a vagina?

    Very funny stuff. Of course the adults present freaking out over a 5 yro knowing the word vagina was even more priceless.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    When my oldest daughter was about 3 my husband and I had been together for just a short time and she was calling him by his first name still. He had taken her swimming in the apartment pool. They had just gotten out and she says loud enough for the people in the hot tub to hear "Karl, I have to get the water out of my vagina!". A week later when I went swimming with him the same couple was there and when they saw him told their friends the story and they all busted up laughing!

    When my youngest daughter was about 3, it must be that age, she told her grandmother "Nano, you are fat." Very matter-of-fact. She wasn't trying to be mean. I told her she had to apologize to her. "Nano, I'm sorry you're fat." I have to say I still giggle over that one. Bad mommy. :bigsmile:
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