30 day Shred



  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    If ya'all have room for another... I am planning to start 30DS tomorrow. I just need to figure out how to get this stupid blu-ray player hooked up b/c I guess I bought that version versus the regular dvd. Guess that means i get to hear Jillian in stereo! extra motivation?!?

    Based on the other comments, I think I may head out to get a new sports bra tonight as well. I need smaller ones anyway! Can't wait to start, esp. now that I have my HRM.

    Hope it's OK to start a few days later... but still get some of the support?!?
  • I started the the 30ds 3 days ago and am finding it tough to keep motivated, so I'm hoping if I join here it'll keep me going back to it!
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    D3L1. I made it through it this time better than the last 2 days.INTENSE!! It left me feeling it too . I had to jump in the shower to cool off. It's 75- 80 in here. I usually do it in the a.m. but I was busy. Big mistake.Then my little girl asked to go for a walk.Can't say no , just said lets make it fast. So with my 3 lb weights I was off and back in no time. Now it's time to chill out and relax. Everyone have a good evening.
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    My plan is to start 30 Day Shred on July 1st. I tried this workout once before and quit after two weeks. I think I have a better plan this go round.
  • jessiejes
    jessiejes Posts: 19 Member
    Just curious, how much weights do you use during the workout? Do you use different weights for different sets? I was recently using those PET 1.5litre bot as weights, I felt that certain moves like the chest fly and curls were pretty easy. but when it came to lunges and the lifts, i felt like dying!

    My knees are not strong to begin with. So ever since I started 30DS, my knee joints seem to be making the cracking sound pretty often at night. I don't really wish to stop cause I saw before after pics of a lot of MFP members and I'm kinda motivated.
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    Day 5 done! Maybe getting a little easier??? I bought a measuring tape last night, so I am measuring today!
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    Just curious, how much weights do you use during the workout? Do you use different weights for different sets? I was recently using those PET 1.5litre bot as weights, I felt that certain moves like the chest fly and curls were pretty easy. but when it came to lunges and the lifts, i felt like dying!

    My knees are not strong to begin with. So ever since I started 30DS, my knee joints seem to be making the cracking sound pretty often at night. I don't really wish to stop cause I saw before after pics of a lot of MFP members and I'm kinda motivated.

    I use 3 lb weights, and that is PLENTY right now.
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    So, I'm not going do an official weigh in until July 1. 3 more days. I finished day 6 of the shred today, MAYBE it's getting a little easier. Maybe.
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    Day 7, uh huh!!!
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    Day 8 done, along with two miles of walking. Where did everyone go???
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    The 30 Days are soon coming to an end...How is everyone doing? Today was Day 7 Level 3 for me.

    I hope everyone is well and I know you must be stronger now. If you are at Level 3 yet...What do you think about those travelling pushups? Great...eh?
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